Hi all
For anyone in the 2570.
Plenty of stock of these eneloop packs. Contains 4 AA and 4 AAA batteries.
$15, was $29.95.
Check online to see if your local has it on clearance as well :)
(Thanks @smol84)
Hi all
For anyone in the 2570.
Plenty of stock of these eneloop packs. Contains 4 AA and 4 AAA batteries.
$15, was $29.95.
Check online to see if your local has it on clearance as well :)
(Thanks @smol84)
bad pack in the pic. that photo just had the clearest tag details.
Yeah, all good. Nice deal BTW.
Just checked, also avail online:
If only there was a Masters close by, says delivery unavailable for me… guess I will wait for the next dick smith sale
Well spotted :)
Didn't think to check online as well.
Lists as $24.95 in Perth.
No eneloops for me :(
Still up at $24.95 (save $5) for Brisbane based stores :(
Im in melbourne, and it says 25$ pickup..
$25 at Hawthorn, but $19.00 at Box Hill!
Also $19 at Knoxfield.
Boxhill & Knox are the "clearance" Masters stores in Melbourne
I'm in Sydney and Chullora came up as the closest store for me at $15
Adelaide is still $25 on line
I've been seeing Energizer and Duracell rechargeables made in Japan sold at places like Woolworths for decent prices on discount days. Would be interested to see how these compare to Eneloops.
I used to use energizer rechargeables, they're not lsd so not comparable over long term. Most of my energizers have oozed out their electrolytes, maybe because I used the energizer charger it came with.
Enerloops were popularised due to the low internal resistances of the sanyo batteries. This made them good for high power appications like camera flashes. If you're in a budget and just need to fill remote batteries, just go for Turnigy. These are widely used by the RC community.
Some of the duracells are rebranded eneloops. If you find precharged ones with a white top and it's made in japan, then that's a sanyo inside.
Is it a case of anything Eneloop related will automatically hit the front page?
Used to. Not anymore. I think most of us have a liftime supply by now ;)
It's more that DSE started to screw people around. Advertising them for $15 but then charging $8 for delivery (instead of before if there was no C&C, it was $5 postage).
Plus the fact they're all the Chinese made ones now, people have gone off the deals posted unless they're really something special.
I think $15 is a average price for discount eneloop.
I've got a few 10% off Masters dockets that need using!
Braybrook $24.95.
What is Masters price match within their own stores like? I am sure if this was Bunnings they would not blink and do it!!
can't imagine it. They won't give you a price online until you choose a store.
This is a pretty big price difference between stores - how do they justify that??
For a first time eneloop buyer (long time reader), what's the go to charger for them?
EDIT: Can be from local/internet, care about the best price, not delivery time. :)
Maha chargers. No point buying high cycle batteries when you'll just destroy it with a crap charger.
Thanks, after some research, I'll track down a MH-C9000 asap then.
Check with Protog they were (most likely still are) the Maha importer/distributor
Made in China?
Yes, made in China.
Unless there is old stock the Aus supply for these is now China. Deal with it or find another brand to buy. Unfortunate.
Even if you are able to get the old stock
They will probably be 3 years old now (2012 made)
And the lifespan of these batteries might not be as good as the brand new 2015 China made batteries
For reference only (Japan made vs China made eneloop):
They are quite the same in the first 400 cycles, but China made ones deteriorate badly after 400 cycles
(Although I might have bought new eneloop batteries already or lose them even before 400 cycles used)
So just factor in that they live for half as long….so they're worth about half as much, but cost the same.
You might want to look at the graph again. The Chinese eneloops died after 400 cycles, they started to deteriorate rapidly at around 250 cycles.
What the hell are they doing with the batteries in the Chnese factories that cause them to be so much worse than those produced in the Japanese factories?
Panasonic branded = Chinese made = no thank you, not a deal for me. will give the op a + because it's not from DS
bought from Chullora online —> and cashrewards - 2% back too!
Seriously, what's so popular about these? They are just only batteries…
I'd like to know this too, I see deals on these a lot and people seem to love them, what's so good about these ones in particular? Pleading ignorance here.
Awesome, thanks for the reply mate, greatly appreciated!
Mine date back to 2008…and are still going strong..looked after with a Maha C9000
That's not strictly true as the useful life of these cells depends quite a bit on how they are used, and cared for. See the following test for some additional perspective on this: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?400916-En…
In fact as some of the comments suggest, with less extreme charge/discharge scenarios (such as those that most people would typically subject their batteries to) and an occasional refresh cycle in a good smart charger, the Chinese Eneloops are still likely to provide the average person with many years of decent performance.
There is no question that the Japanese Eneloops are superior, but as far as NiMH cells go the Chinese-made ones are still a very decent battery.
They have a long shelf life plus they seem to hold their strength better than others even after many charge/discharge cycles. All-in-all these offer the performance you expect when buying rechargeable batteries instead of the lower grade versions you'll probably throw out sooner.
These are popularised by a subset of OzB who think that keeping several dozen to over a hundred of these batteries in an unused condition is not as damaging to the planet as disposable ones. (tic)
You are partly correct. While I have no doubt that some people essentially "collect" these things (and Sanyo/Panasonic are jointly responsible because of all the fancy "limited edition" colours and whatnot) I'm sure there must be many people like me who have a large collection that are being properly utilized in applications that would otherwise burn through disposables at an alarming rate.
Every now and then I retire some, or give some away, and subsequently pick up a few more next time they are on special. I never have to wait long of course.
Anyway, I can proudly say that even though I have a lot of Eneloops I don't own a single unopened pack.
Yay..Eneloop deal, now I can build an electric car.
Still $25 here in sunny Canberra. Meh.
Just saw the latest catalogue. Listed at $24.95 save $5. Why can't these guys make it uniform pricing?
For the LSD battery experts out there, how do the Turnigy Batteries from Hobbyking compare to the Eneloops? Given the Eneloops quality are (now) pretty ordinary, is there a better LSD battery out there at a decent price?
As an example, the Turnigy ones seem to be a decent price, they are priced at only about 8 / 5 AUD for a pack of 4 AA and AAA respectively, excluding shipping.
I had a quick play with the checkout and the shipping kills it (ridiculously so it seems) but it also looks like if you order enough of them you get free shipping anyway.
Are there any other vendors out there that have comparable batteries of similar quality to the old eneloops?
Where can you get turnigy at a local store?
Hobbyking has an Aus warehouse but are frequently sold out and more expensive. Shipping from o/s is expensive but if you're already buying hobby stuff it can be cost effective to throw in some batteries up to max weight for that shipping type. You habe to wait though and Hobbyking isn't always reliable or quick.
I love all the frequent half price sales on eneloops. I just wish someplace would put the fast chargers on half price sale too.
So I've got $19 for sanyo x4 or $25 for Panasonic x8. What's the better deal?
Panasonic effectively killed all good products from Sanyo. From microwaves, TV's eneloops….hummm
My favourite dual alarm clock is a Sanyo. Had 2 or 3 over the last couple of decades. I think they'd stopped making them before Panasonic took over though.
I had a microwave with a unique feature that returned the turntable to where it started from regardless of the duration. Recently I thought it has been working for 15 years time to upgrade which turned out to be a big downgrade. There are no microwaves in the market with this feature. Sales people look like you are talking non-sense and have never seen or heard of such a feature. And the microwave in 1999 cost me a grand total of AUD99 from Target. Should have looked to upgrade a few years ago when they were still in business.
The Panasonic below is similar to the model we have at work:
Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to use a touch sensitive digital dial that has the sensitivity of a 1st gen TomTom GPS? But it doesn't matter anyway because you can only set increments of 15 seconds increasing to 30 seconds above about 2 minutes. There is also a "quick minute" button that adds 1 minute but you can't mix input from the two. Blind monkeys could have come up with a better interface.
Whats the big deal with eneloops? I see a post on them every second day.
Is this site full of semi pro battery powered remote control sail boat drivers?
Vibrators last longer powered by eneloop's.
So do tasers and they can be used in the same way too :|
Lets hope the rest of the packs aren't already ripped open like the one in the pic ;)