75cents a cone!
Time to stock up and enjoy it!
Thats 10 words!
75cents a cone!
Time to stock up and enjoy it!
Thats 10 words!
Skinny coz he's been waiting out for a 24 pack Drumstick deal!
He'll have to create a new account on Thursday…
On a serious note, this looks cheaper than I've seen in a long time. Good find.
EDIT: Just did a little OB search, it's been 75c before (same IGA deal) and 82, 83 and 86c but never under 75c from what I could find, so this is a true bargain for the sweet tooth's among us.
It was $2.80 for a 4-pack or 70c each before when they were 50% off @ $4 at Woolies + a further 40% off frozen food code a few months ago :)
Bah! I forgot about that woolies frozen food code, even worse I didn't find them and bought Maxibons instead (way too sweet for me)
Well spotted :)
@coolMJ Here is a clue: If you are Cool then I am skinny!
Thanks OP, good find!
Stock the deep freezer up with these, sweet.
Which state ?
IGA is not always country wide like coles/woolies.
Seen deals like this before but available in SA.
This is from VIC catalogue
These cones will go well with cones.
Ahhh you're buying 2 boxes, I get it .…
would you like some cones with your cones sir?
Good price - They are often at this price at my local IGA though.
really? I only had it like 90-95c each. You should post it next time!
Not a regular everyday price but often on sale for $17.99 But I'd say it is my store specific because i never see it in their catelogues.
Love a cone
I'd prefer a bowl but each to their own! lol ;)
hmm..the only problem is my fridge runs out of space :(
hurry up ebay 20% offer is still on!
Thanks! But I think I need a better job ;)
You've been listening to Mr Hockey haven't you.. Forget the fridge, you'll be able to buy a house with your better job! ;)
I look at the deal then your username and wonder if it's true :p
Thanks OP!