How to Upload The Webpage and Hide The Email Address Displayed on OzBargain?

I received a coupon from TGI Friday and would like to upload it to Ozbargan via a webpage.
At the bottom of the coupon displays this message: This email was sent to (my email address). How do I hide it?


  • Maybe take a screen capture of the screen (via print screen), copy that into Paint, get a white rectangle to cover the email address (which you can then upload onto the site) or just capture the coupon bit & upload it via the OzBargain Upload Tool

    • That's the voucher I received from TGI Friday.

  • what jeff said, Save the picture. Open it in paint, then edit out the name, save it, then upload to ozbargain.

    Also, check the link, because sometimes the email addy is included in there.

  • Sometimes I found if I modify the ID in the URL (usually just change randomly the last few digits), it will either showing the same web page with a blank name/email, or sometimes someone else's name/email :P

    Post that URL on OzBargain instead.

    • You might be able to do the following:
      - right click on the centre of the advert
      - select copy image location

      then you can paste that in and it won't have your address.

      Note: That works for some vouchers, but not all :)

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