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Nintendo Wii U Splatoon Console + Nintendo Land + Super Mario 3D World $399 at EB Games


This is a pretty good bundle in my opinion. Only ~$80 more than the one in Big W, comes with 2 more games

Bundle contains:

Nintendo Wii Splatoon Console
Nintendo Land
Super Mario 3D World

Nintendo Wii Splatoon Console

Wii U Splatoon includes:
Black Wii U console with 32GB of storage
Black Wii U GamePad controller

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

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  • I thought Nintendo land was provided with all premium wii u?

  • +2

    I'm not sure how a WiiU at $400 is considered a bargain? Nintendo are winding down support whether they admit it yet or not. Pick one up on the cheap or wait for their new NX console.

    • +2

      I'm not sure how a WiiU at $400 is considered a bargain?

      Eh, it's better than the Mario Kart 8 bundle, going for $429.

      • +1

        When I checked a couple of days ago, that MK8 bundle could be found on eBay at 20% off though (down to $343.20)

        • Splatoon is the new draw though. If you bought that separately it'd still be more expensive. However I think the whole platform is flawed so I'm not buying in.

        • Any links to these deals for MK8 bundle by any chance?

    • True. When you can easily grab a PS4/X1 at $400, Wii U is not worth the value at $400. $300 is more like it but you can also argue Wii U parts are more likely to cost more with the gamepad and stuff. I guess Nintendo can't really afford to drop the price on it like Wii.

      • +2

        When you can easily grab a PS4/X1 at $400

        apples and oranges

        • +3

          That's what every nintendo fan says but unfortunately no way to run from the fact. Yes Wii U cater to different audience, hence previous generation Wii was priced considerably cheaper than Xbox 360 and PS3 due to the weaker hardware and more accessibility to the audience.

          It is like buying a PC or a Mac, even when Macs are overpriced, people still buy them because they are Apple branded. Same goes to Wii U. Don't get me wrong I bought all the consoles on launch so I paid even more but given the choice to the public. They would most likely pick a PS4/X1 before grabbing a Wii U.

        • @Letrico:

          Nintendo lost their audience. They threw it away with the garbage new controllers and lack of innovation. About the only thing they got right this generation is that they finally fixed the security holes that made the Wii so hackable…thereby further limiting it's usefulness. (Yes I'm aware Wii mode can still be homebrew hacked but new content can't).

          People were doing all sorts of innovative things with the Wii controller and nunchuck…even the balance board. Instead of improving on that the direction they took has left many previous fans having no idea what the Wii U is and refusing to buy it when they find out. A real pity.

        • @Letrico:
          The comparisons are a bit off imo. Because xbone and ps4 are hardly direct substitutes for wii u. With Macs, I see plenty of users main os is still Windows. And you can make hackintoshes from parts. Comparison would be more in lined with Macs vs pcs back when Macs were still on powerPC architecture

        • @syousef: Not really. The only thing I feel bad for Nintendo is how 3rd party ditched them completely. Do you really think a company as big as Nintendo refused 3rd party to create game on their platform? Do you think they don't want to try to make it work?

          Nintendo had an idea, but it was up to 3rd party and other people to get creative with it, that was their gamble but it failed. 3rd party gave up too early making Wii U where it is right now.

        • @Letrico:
          Agreed and now that they are talking about NX there's even less chance of third party (other than the ones they pay through the nose for such as Monster Hunter and Bayonetta) bothering with them.

        • +2

          @Letrico: cute essay, but it's not like Nintendo's first party games are on any other platforms …

        • @Tal_Shiar: If their first party games go to other platform. What is left of Nintendo?


          Actually since when does 1st party games from any console go to other platform? Besides Xbox and PC of course, both are by Microsoft.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: You know what is the sad things? People was like dying for monster hunter for Wii U but when it was released, no one bothered to pick up the console. Then people was dying for Bayonetta sequel but when it is out on Wii U no one cares either? The only thing that got picked up recently was Smash Bros but seems like no one gives a shit as well?

          Then comes Amiibo, when it was rare people were bashing it, when it become common people were bashing it saying they wanna boycott Nintendo. Like wtf?

          I'm not even sure what people wants from Nintendo anymore except bashing it for any reason they can think of.

        • +1


          No one owes Nintendo a thing.
          3rd party developers don't owe them games.
          Video gamers don't owe them sales.

          The original Wii succeeded because it offered value, and was fun for casual gamers, and was highly hackable despite Nintendo's attempts to stop that. People used the Wii Remote to create cheap smartboards. The Wii fit board was used for medical research. It was the cheapest console and the easiest for young children to control. People used it as a games emulator, a media fully featured player (pity it doesn't have the power or output for hidef). People were social with it - they created and shared Mii characters for free and then got to use them in game.

          What does the new console have? A badly tied in oversized controller that takes forever to recharge and is a bear to hold for a long time…but hey it's expected to sell because it has a screen and acts a bit like a little tablet, and reminds people of hand held consoles? It's got a bad also ran copy of Skylanders/Disney Infinity characters, and it's got nostalgia from the characters that are Nintendo specific and the lack of power compared to other consoles of the same generation. They finally got a couple of decent exclusives up years after launch.

          …and you want to blame 3rd parties and users? Well they gave up because it got too hard!!! http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/01/11/an-inside-…?

          …and you want to blame users because there's only a handful of games worth buying, they're expensive and the console doesn't make for good value? It's easier to find more variety and bargains for Xbox One, and certainly for Xbox 360 than Wii U.

        • -1

          @syousef: When did I say anyone owe Nintendo anything. No one is blaming anyone or anything. I am merely stating facts on based on the sales of the game with the "demand" that people have been claiming to exist.

          You know based on what you describe Wii and Wii U, Wii U is exactly similar except the lack of games. Not sure if you realised what you just said.

          What makes Wii great? Wimote, sensor and balance board? Nope. It is the 3rd party developers getting creative with the hardware. No more heroes, Cooking mama, Fatal Frame, Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Xenoblade, The Last Story, Rhythm Heaven. Notice how there are a mix of 3rd party and 1st party titles? In fact, 3rd party are the reason any console is successful.

          The article that you linked just proved my point. As if PSN/Xbox live is a major factor in Wii U games, weak CPU GPU? Been there done that and still going strong. Those are just excuses that 3rd party spew out to defend their decision in ditching Nintendo.

          As I said above, the issue is with Wii U price. $400 compare to the PS4/X1 is hard sale, $300 is a better price point. Why do you think you can get more on Xbox 360 than Wii U? Do note that the 360 is weaker hardware than Wii U, why do you think dev continued to support Xbox 360 and not the Wii U when Wii U joined in at the end of the last 2-3 years of the previous console generation? Because nintendo hates money? And back to my main question, why do you think Wii U lack games? Because Nintendo hates 3rd party?

        • @Letrico:

          No it's not excuses. The developers have said it's much more difficult to work with the WiiU. Those are the same developers that embraced the Wii. Refusing to believe the developers when they say it's a difficult platform just doesn't make sense.

          And yes it absolutely was the innovative platform that drew developers in with the Wii and put them off with the Wii U. I already explained the innovative ways the Wiimote was used. But again you don't want to hear it.

      • Problem is, Nintendo's always sold their consoles at break-even/slight profit. I think for this gen, they said that as long as they sold 1 game with the console, they make a profit.

        MS and Sony have long made losses on consoles. Usually they only start turning a profit a few years into the console's life, when the R&D have been paid for and production costs drop. That's why they can sell a console for almost the same price. They sell the "razor" cheap to make money on the "blades".
        (That's also why the PS3 was cheaper as a gaming console + bluray player, than most stand-alone bluray players!!)

    • +4

      NX is years away, it's still at concept.
      They definitely aren't winding down support for it either, they will be pushing out top franchise stuff in 2016.. Zelda, Starfox etc.
      Sub $300 with a game would be a decent deal. Especially given the portability of it with included screen.
      I don't think this is a deal as Splat bundle is $328 at BIG W at the moment and Nintendoland and MarioWorld prob worth about $50 combined if you want them.
      $299 Splatoon bundle would be a hot seller I think.

      • +2

        General consensus from Ninty fans after their E3 show is that NX is closer than they admit.

        • -1

          Lol biggest dream ever. We won't see NX until 2018 maybe.

        • +1

          @Letrico: I disagree, the userbase simply isn't there for WiiU, Ninty aren't going to keep this thing on life support for 3 more years. I reckon that the NX will be here early 2017 at the latest.

          Also didn't SMS say that they are shifting their efforts for PCars over to NX tech?

        • Nintendo fanboys will always have you believing they have the inside scoop…

      • +4

        I'm not quite sure if that's the price for a new copy of the game. A quick search on comparegames shows me the price for 3D World is still around $70 ish. I think it's still a pretty good deal for someone who wants to pay a bit more to get some decent party games to play with their family

    • xc

    • couldn't agree with you more Where's_That_Cake.
      I'd honestly rather buy a ps4/xbone than a console which has pathetic third party support and not only a niche game library but niche community.

      To each their own I guess but Wii U is on the way out.

  • +1

    Splatoon is a great game,wish i could get it on the PC

    • +1

      Yeah, I'll be keeping out an eye for a clone .. someone will take the idea and run with it I'm sure (adding in better team play, server control and comms along the way)

  • +2

    Wow! All these "facts". When did Michael Pachter join ozbargain?

  • Wii U console + Splatoon = $328 at Big W.
    Super Mario 3D World = $64 (cheapest current price - $57 probably cheapest historically).
    This post gives you Nintendo Land for $7.
    So not bad if you want Nintendo Land, plus you're more likely to find stock at EB Games.

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