iTunes $20 Gift Card for $10. Offer applies to iTunes $20 Gift Card only. Limit 5 per customer.
$20 iTunes Gift Card for 1/2 Price ($10) @ BigW - 2 Days Only (12-13 Dec 09)

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sounds good.. stocking stuffer to all my iphone owning mates.
That's a great bargain! Thanks!!!
very good deal!
Now that's what I'll call "Catch of the Day" :)
Oh snap!
Hahah just when i needed it.
Thanks for the deal, ill be there tommorow.
Wow this is a great deal! :)
Pretty good special on the 8GB iPod touch for $217 usually $268. Someone will probably post it too..
this is what i have been waiting for…
It's a shame there's a limit of 5 vouchers ($100 credit).. My whole family goes through that much in a fortnight.. I might see how many times I can go through different cash registers. It's not like they can run out of stock since they are printed electronically..
Takes some family members! And don't forget to milk the QFF points through Everyday Rewards and Fuel Discount vouchers (not available if you price match at Officeworks).
Will they do these as the proper cards? Or is it reciept style printout only?
Can you purchase from a regular checkout, or only at the sound/vision areas?
Also, The PS2 is a bargain in itself.
You can get them from any register. They print out as receipts, however they have those little cardboard envelope things that you can stick the receipt into if its for a gift.
wow thanks!
See you at BigW tomorrow morning. Half price Apps and music, woot!
Would Officeworks/WOW pricematch or Good Guys price guarantee count?
Officeworks have priced match past iTunes deals…but dam they're going to get screwed if they do with this one!
last time i went to Officeworks and the told me that they can not match the iTune cards :(
maybe it just the store i went to that will not match .
I often get Officeworks to price match Myer when they have specials. I was actually going to do it this afternoon but now that Big W have this special, I'll do that tomorrow. I get 5% off anyway with the staff discount so it's not worth the hassle at Officeworks.
I find it unlikely that they'll match the prices simply because it needs to be loaded into a promotional line on the POS systems — you can't just override the prices for epay products.
hot damn time to head up to my local BigW tomorrow!!
What can be bought with an iTunes card beside music and apps?
Wouldn't this lead to abuse?
A developer can buy his own app with a secondary account charged with $20 iTunes cards bought for 10 dollars.
The developer gets 70% of the sale price. ($14 if their app was 20 dollars)
That's 4 dollars profit.
Damn, now I've got to fight you all to the checkout ;)
will they run out of stock? or is it something that you can't run out of stock of?
You can't run out of stock of these. They're printed via epay.
Fantastic, now I don't need to stress about getting there at 8.30am! yawn
Not true. They CAN sell out. Each terminal has a daily limit (that I'm sure is for sales such as this).…
ePay also bulk buy vouchers from companies. IE ePay might buy 10000 $20 iTunes gift cards. Therefore, if there's high demand for the vouchers, ePay CAN actually run out of stock.
Awesome :)
So we can confirm the printed reciepts are provided with some sort of itunes cardboard cover that can be gifted? feels kind of lame giving a receipt to someone :P
No lamer or more impersonal than giving someone a regular giftcard.
what's stopping you from using the self check out?
exactly… seems a bit strange to me looks like you can get as much as you want? (and what's stopping you from coming back in for more?)
Short answer: the queues.
hog a self-serve if that's a problem :P
Don't know if it will work. The cashier had to call the supervisor to put through my sales. Only 3 cards per transaction was allowed at Eastgardens, so they had to process 2 transactions for my 5 cards.
Will definitely pick up two of these at some stage. Great deal - half price apps and games! :D
rang up officeworks bankstown and they said they couldn't see y they couldnt pricematch it, but is officeworks gonna drop their price tomoz and sunday?
and does anyone know if k-mart or target will price match this deal? cause i've got a coles/myer gc that i want to use before it expires in 3 months
Officeworks won't price match because they only sell Itunes vouchers, not Gift Cards.
Target "won't price match sale prices, only regular prices"!
if Jbhi match probably a good time to use up those 10% discounted gift cards i got from them last week.
Hopefully Kmart will price match this so I don't have to travel to Big W. I've had them match iTunes Credit sales before.
this might not be at all stores? I just left bigw they knew nothing about it :( scanned as normal price also, they thought i was crazy :p
should've brought the broucher
actually false alarm, i went back there and they had the vouchers. before 9am it wasn't in the system yet. weird. got the gift cards :)
I've just been to Big W in Auburn and walked away with 5 x $20 iTunes voucher. Had to do it at the audio/TV counter since the checkout counters can't scan the bar codes.
There was a guy infront of me getting the same thing and another guy behind me also getting the iTunes voucher.
damn that mean's u cant hog a self-checkout and multiply
haha i did it around 9am at the same place. I bet the a/v counter guy can whip them out quickly since he'd be used to it now. haha didnt even bother with the cardboard cards but had a stick there.
Just came back from Big W and the promotion is only on the $20 itunes voucher. The $20 cards are still $20.
Silly, I know.Not sure what you're saying here :/
He is saying not to pick up a $20 card thinking its the one on special. Gotta get the voucher.
I don't know what you guys are on about either… I got the gift card for $10 each
That is correct. Early this morning the cards were not scanning at 50% off, so they were either giving you a voucher (which scans at 50% off) or they were selling the cards and then refunding half of the sale price to the customer. Their system is fixed now.
Went in and picked up 20 this morning (took my kids with me, we each got 5) - you do get a physical gift card - in fact, the system has changed & now you cannot get them once those physical cards run out. The activation number is on the card, the card gets activated at the checkout. Once they sell out of physical cards it'll be game over for everyone.
Did they give you an activation receipt as well? I got 5 and don't know if the person activated them or not?
The cards get swiped through the eftpos machine to become active. If they gave you cards, then you need to scratch the back of the card to reveal the activation code.
Got my sister to pick me up 50 (yes 50) from her local BigW. She was the first customer and they had to give her receipts (vouchers). They were not limiting the number of cards. My mum went to her local BigW and got 20 in one transaction no problem, again in receipts not cards (she was first customer also). Glad I don't have to scratch the 70 cards to reveal codes. I feel sorry for my sister, she has to type the 70 codes in and email them to me. These are for my personal use and I have no intention of selling them.
These are for my personal use and I have no intention of selling them.
Are you sure? :)
I can see someone here selling them on eBay…
S/He also have some items previous listed on OzB!
+ SONY PlayTV for PS3
+ Belkin Slim Back Pack Laptop Bag @HTmost definitely is that scamming bastard.
I don't understand.
My partner and I went and got 1 lot of 5 gift cards each (actual cards).
When we went out, my lot had 5 separate small receipts with activation approved on them.
My better half (?) did not get these small separate receipts (and was not paying attention when buying them to see if the cashier just threw them away or something :P)… are these ones still good to go?
Don't stress — that extra slip of paper is merely an EFT authorization/approval slip. You might have an issue if you have a problem with the cards, but the gift cards don't actually rely on that.
There are evouchers which are also slipped into a "gift card" pouch, but they're a separate thing (which you don't need to worry about)
Ah, thanks mate, that has put me at ease :) but what kind of problem can one have with the gift cards?
Activation issues usually get picked up at the point of sale.. so should be no worries there.
I can vouch for at least one of my customers who's had redemption issues, and the only course of action is really to contact Apple directly. (I'd presume there's some sort of log to manually search for a voucher/card #, view when it was activated, how much, and when it's been used).
These are odd instances are definitely not the norm.
I picked up 5 today… all proper cards, but had some problems with one of them at the checkout. Apparently it can only handle a maximum of 3 cards per transaction - or at least that's what the BigW people were talking about.
Good deal though… am quite happy with it.
I bought four - and yep, the 4th one failed. It was a complete hassle. They are blaming Apples systems. I bought the actuals cards, not vouchers.
I bought five and went through the front counter. They were the actual plastic card ones. She had to manually enter in the code (scanning didn't work) and each one had to be done in a seperate transaction :3 I was there for like 10mins. The queue behind me wasn't very happy xD
I just bought 10 at Big-W, QV, Melbourne. They were pulling all the iTunes card off the shelf because there were problems with activation. I convinced the sales rep to just give me ten and they sold it to me. Now they are not activating even though I received an activation confirmation voucher.
It works now!! I'm going to buy MORE!
Even available in Perth! :) Picked up 6 "cards". Thanks!
I can confirm that stores can and do sell out of these. I would assume most stores have hit their daily limit for evouchers (from epay)and are now tearing through the physical gift cards.
I'm not sure how long epay replenishment occurs, but if you couldn't get any today, I'd give tomorrow morning a go with the evouchers. (i.e. the cardboard slip/purse)
Sold out at Westfield Eastgardens, Pagewood.
I picked up a couple today from BigW Macquarie Centre if anyone is interested. they still had a few of them for $10 each.
I will be heading to Big W tommorrow morning and try and get a whole bunch of them. So they wont be sold out if Iam there in the morning when the epay machine reboots for the daay?
I assume so.
I picked up 5 cards today at my local Big W. I just scratched off the codes for two of them, but when I went to redeem them it says that the codes I'm using have already been redeemed :( Anyone else have this problem, or can suggest what I can do?? Do I just return them tomorrow back to Big W?
i am having the exact same problem!! it comes up with all sorts of different errors on my iphone and in itunes ….its so ****** annoying :P
but i have had issue like this before when i brought some from myer …i think there is a delay in the cards becoming active …because the bigw person definitely made sure they were activating correctly as they put them through
i would try again tonight or tommorrow and they may work …in itunes it lets u type in the serial number after trying 3 times but then it says the serial number is wrong!!
If you read the activation slip that was printed out for each card (note: not the actual receipt), you'll notice that it does say they may take up to 24 hours to activate. If they're not good to go by Monday, return them then.
None of mine work either.
Ok, quick question, are itunes vouchers returnable? My friend grabbed some vouchers for me, and I forgot to mention that it was just the $20 vouchers that were half price, so they ended up paying full price… So are these vouchers returnable?
While there are provisions to refund a card in the system. Both the voucher policy and the store policy forbids it. However it cannot hurt to go and have a chat with the store.
Thanks for the response, will see if they can give it a shot
Epay will only issue a refund if the voucher printed incorrectly — there's no other way around it.
Question about Movies on itunes.
What quality are the movies in terms of resolution and what file format, that is can i buy the movie "the Hangover" on itunes, transfer it over to my PVR via USB and play it on my flat screen telly ?
Or are itunes movies a really small resolution that only good to watch on a ipod screen ?
iTunes movies come in SD (640 x 480) or HD (1280 X 720) and come in H.264 (.m4v) but even if you have hardware capable of playing this format because of the Apple DRM system you won't be able to play the file on your DVR and your only option is a Apple TV or a HTPC. If you have one of these SD movies are tolerable and the HD stuff is pretty good.
I know people have been getting Officeworks to pricematch but does David Jones do the same for this offer?
no I very much doubt david jones will price match it… what's the cost price on these? if $10 is below cost price, then I don't see them going out of their way to do it…
Officeworks will coz that's their policy!
Although i though that, I read DJs policy and it technically seems to clear it…wow, looks like you're in the clear!
If by chance you find the price for an identical item is cheaper elsewhere, we will match it. Simply notify the sales assistant, and after we have verified the lower price, we will reduce our price to match it.
That's our Price Promise. And that's why it costs no more to shop at David Jones.*
*Price matching only takes place where the product is identical and any offers made by David Jones in respect of the product are also identically available from our competitor at the competitor's price for a product in stock at an outlet within the same city or town. The David Jones Price Promise does not extend to online retailers, fire or liquidation sales, rack, clearance and warehouse outlets.
I would say you can then (but if upon getting rejected, have a print out of that page in handy to show them their own policy)
I can confirm that DJs do price match iTunes cards. Bought 5 from there, not the green ones, the big red rectangle ones. Wonder if the guy who served me ended up buying some himself? hehe, like what's there to think about? 50% off..
I don't know if they are telling a lie or not, but I asked a staff member if they sell itunes cards and they said no
Are you talking about david jones? Because they definitely do.
You weren't holding a bigw shopping bag were you? :P
@applebyte: no this was officeworks and I went there to ask about the itunes cards before I bought them at Big W at QV. Lag central, takes like 5 minutes per customer
I picked up 10 today in 2 separate transactions. I had the same experience as a few other people here. They couldn't scan them in at the normal checkout, so they had to key in the card number (19 digits) by hand, for each of the 5 cards. On my second visit I took the gift cards to the AV counter where they scanned in straight away.
i picked up 15 in a single purchase at Campsie Big W (NSW) at 8.15 this morning-the gift certificate ones. And still heaps left (i didn't want to deprive all you ozbargainers :)
I went directly to the AV counter, it was a problem free purchase.
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Shit thats good. Now lets wait for Lifehacker to leech the deal.