• expired

ALDImobile Starter Pack ($1) for 365 Days Access & $5 Credit (80% off) in-Store Only


Same deal as usual except 80% off (in-store)

So 365 days access to the Telstra 3G network for $1. $5 call credit as per normal

SKU Code 42267


SIM packs don't appear to have an expiry date, so you might be able to stretch it for years to come.


Might not be Marked on shelf but should scan at $1.

Comments suggest it's on again until 31/7/2015

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closed Comments

  • Nation wide? (except WA and wherever else), starting from today?

    • +1

      Official Printed Pricetag, not hand written, so assuming Nation Wide.

      Just said "Limited Time Only"

      Note sure when it started. "Trainee Manager" didn't know when it ends, or even that it was $1 for that matter.

      • +2

        Thanks, hope they don't run out tomorrow arvo, good to have one for back up, as these never expire just like the voda ones

        • Logged in and bought one for backup, put in my address in Perth-WA and seems OK with that.

        • @ablecookie:
          Isn't it an instore offer?

        • @nfr: Online, you need to pay $5 for sim with $5 credit.

        • @nfr: West ostrayans don't have a choice, yet

      • Thanks OP. I don't need it but bought one yesterday because its on OZBARGAIN ;)

  • Thnx

  • So it has started? Aldi is only a few minutes drive from house so will see if I can get 2 tomorrow

    • Yes.

      • thanks

      • so in-store near the counter just grab one and it should scan that the sim pack is $1?

        • Yep. Should have a $1 Tag on it. SKU 42267 $1

        • @Steptoe: didn't see any $1 tag at my store
          Hm… Should I still queue up to pay, long queue

        • @3ah3ah:

          Get them to scan?

        • @Steptoe: its $5 still at my store!!! Why?
          hm…will check the store near work when i head off to work,

        • @3ah3ah: Queue up, they are $1. I bought 10.

  • Over a year ago, i made the switch to Aldi, one of the best decisions I've ever made

    • better than telechoice?

      • +1

        Probably similar minus the contract term. I'm switching the wife once her contact expires. Contracts feel so dated.

        • +6

          isn't that a little excessive? Wouldn't it be easier to just organise a new service for her. Why would you blatantly boast about switching your wife? I sure hope you work out your differences.

      • $20 Value pack doesnt seem to be as good as Telechoice - TC has 1G B data, $500 worth of calls - better than this IMO.

      • Coz i dont use the phone a lot, so the flexibility works well for me, i have 2 phones 2 sims, one sim for calling on the cheapo nokia ($10 plan if i need to call a lot that month, otherwise i use about $5 credit) and a sim for 3G on the smartphone ($15 lasted me 5 months) so I'm averaging $12 or less per month.

        Again, it takes a bit of work to remember to top up, plan ahead, limit 3G use and knows the balances but that suits me perfectly given my work circumstances. Thats the beauty of it, flexibility allows you to make the plans work hard for you.

  • I've also made the switch and have been happy with the service so far. It's very reliable and good value. Also pleased they've recently added more value for some plans too.

  • +1

    Looks like they've changed to 25KB block data billing, much better than their old 1MB rule. Might change plans now.

  • Does this mean I can use the number for 365days without recharge?
    faq showing that "We only hold your number for 90 days"??

    • +4

      I think that means that they will only hold your number for 90 days once your credit has expired. Credit lasts 365 days.

      • What good does the credit do without a number?

        • Credit expires after 365, unless you top up. If you top up it rolls over.

      • So does it mean it will be useless after 90 days if u don't use it or recharge?

        • +2

          90 days after the 365 days have passed, yes.

        • @Steptoe: oh its after 365days sounds good

      • +3

        To clear things up, provided you dont recharge at all, credit last 365 days, number last 455 days. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I have left a sim (with some credit in it) for a year (for tourist friends visits) without issues.

    • +1

      Yes. Good way to park your number there for a whole year! (As long as you still have credit)

  • Good deal, but there are some things to watch out for if you have an old phone. Some areas won't have Telstra 2G or 2100 Mhz 3G.

  • +1

    Just a note for those that would want this for Telstra network access in remote places (ie. away from any towns). It seems to have much less coverage from side by side comparisons (no thorough tests done). Suggest researching first if you rely on that coverage.

    • +1

      Aldi only use the 3G part of the Telstra network, not the NextG part (850Mhz) that gives better coverage

      • From my understanding, Aldi ( and Telechoice/ex-Kogan etc ) use part of the 3G network that includes some of the 850 mHz towers but not all. The full Telstra NextG network as used by Telstra and Boost gives you the full 3G network called NextG and also used to be faster for internet too ( not sure if that is still the case now ).
        Have also been told from a informed JB staff member, that even the Telstra 3G mobile service is still superior to Boost as it switches quicker and smoother from 2G to 3G something to do with the exchange computer systems they prioritise in order from Telstra business contracts, then Telstra contracts, Telstra postpaid, Telstra prepaid, then Boost and all other Telstra re-sellers after that.

        To see how that really plays out with you, you would have to do some tests and experiments with your particular hardware in your area. In a lot of areas it might not make a big difference, more for people travelling on the move I think. But the speed difference was real when I used a speed check app comparing Aldi to Boost ( 2 years ago ).

  • -4

    Good for prank calls

  • Awesome, might grab this to put into my old phone as a backup. Shame you can't buy and use it with the 530..

    • Can you please explain why it cannot be used for 530?

      • +2

        What @KutchAu means is you have to unlock these Lumias before you can use Aldi Sims, even though Aldi is on telstra. I would hazard a guess telechoice and new Woolworths connect won't work either.

  • So WA residents can buy one online I guess?

    • Yes, but @ $5 as others have implied.

  • Can aldi plan use to call overseas ?

  • Anybody know the cost of data/mb (NOT with data pack) on the PAYG plan?

    NVM found it:


  • +1

    Can I use it toward to the google play purchase (similar to Telstra prepaid)?

    • No

  • Do people consider this about the best option out there for call value.
    Wife's birthday tomorrow and she wants a Samsung S6 64GB (I plan on going to buy it today)
    She does not make a lot of calls at all, quite infrequent, maybe average 5 calls a week max.
    Then I guess as we go overseas quite a bit - just swapping the sim out when we go over there would be the best option.
    This is my question :
    Is there anything in Australia other than Aldi that would be cheaper overall for very low volume users?

    • For $1 you can find out how long credit will last. This is better than the TPG $1 SIM I had before.

    • +1

      Aldi's pay as you go is a fusion of Telstra's Simplicity + Longlife on Telstra's network but 3 cents cheaper per minute with 365 days validity plus international calls starts from 10 cents per minute. I haven't heard anything cheaper than this till date for occasional use.

    • @ Seamonkey
      We don't make a lot of calls and found that the "as you go" plan with Amaysim (Optus network) is best for us. Flat rate of 12c / min call with no flagfall rip off @ 12c text works well for us.
      It is post paid, no contract, and if you have not used up $10 worth they defer the amount to the next month.
      Only rule is that you have to make one call per 3 months to keep your number/acct.

    • $1 at Burwood East, VIC.

    • $1 at Hurstville, NSW

  • +2

    $1 at Aldi Brookvale.
    Asked one guy to price check but he refused and insisted it's $5.
    Asked a lady to price check and found out its $1. Grabbed a few for myself.

    • +4

      You should have gone back to that 'one guy' and ask to return them. Instant profit.

      • Totally agree with you =)

  • +1

    $1 at Ballarat stores (Sebastopol at least), ticket was $1 and scanned at $1. Worked fine, grabbed one for my old phone.

    • so it is 1 dollar!

  • Can confirm for my local 2 aldi stores.

    • Thanks for that handy info.

  • +1

    What great timing! I'm planning to move our remaining telstra numbers to Aldi in October, plus I've got relatives moving here soon who will need sims too. I bought 7 at my nearest Aldi; the clerk said "I don't think so…" as she scanned them but much to our mutual surprise they were indeed a dollar each. Woohoo $28 saving!

    • Just bought 2 no id check

    • http://www.amta.org.au/articles/amta/FAQs.on.Prepaid.ID.Chec…

      No Limit. Different level of ID checking for 5+

      ALDI seems to check ID at activation.

      • Bought 10 at counter, no ID checks.

    • I have 3 numbers with Aldi, No ID check when I activate first 2 but need copy of photo ID upload to them when activate the third one.

  • +1

    Thanks OP for the tip. Anyone knows if it's possible to combine the $5 credit on 5 sims into the 1 sim?

    • +5

      Finely chop the 4 sims into a powder-like mixture and mix well together, then sprinkle over the remaining sim

    • Its Promotional.

  • This is statewide I believe, but its for a limited time only.

  • Bought 2 this afternoon for $2. Good enough for me to park my number at Aldi mobile for 2 years! Thanks OP

  • went to my local store in nsw and she told me five bucks!!!!!

    • get them to scan it!

  • She folder her arms and refuse to scan it. She said, "as indicated, FIVE BUCKS" as though I can't read. So embarrassing. So many people behind me in the queue. Ahhh, just bugger it and people starring at me like an idiot!!!!!!!!

    • +3

      Go ahead and buy them. If $1 then ask for an apology or ask to see the manager. If $5 then say sorry but I don't want them anymore, don't pay and walk away. You win either way.

      • you are PRO. :)

      • Not sure if alvian is really cold blooded or a keyboard hero lol those situation is tricky as hell

    • +1

      Ahhh, just bugger it

      I hope you take it up to head office.

      Not for you, but for everyone else who might end up in such a situation due to arrogant staff attitude.

  • Wrong Thread.

  • +1

    Bought one at Burwood Aldi, no issues.

  • A great new scam by Aldi to get you to provide credit card details. I just switched from Aldi after receiving the most disgusting customer service ever experienced.

    • Aldi never asked for my CC details ! ? ! ?
      Did you request them to set you up on auto recharge or something?

    • Can't speak for experience with the service but same as bonz, they haven't yet asked for any CC details (SIM is activated and everything). They did require address, phone no. (ironically) and license number though. Not too fussed about any of that.

    • You can purchase recharge vouchers in store, so i dont understand why they need your CC details. If you want to recharge online, you can update your CC details after logging in to your account, you do not give your CC to anybody.

  • +1

    Thanks, got six at Eastwood Aldi no problem. :) They had plenty left, though the $1 price wasn't being advertised.

  • +1

    It is advertised at the Canberra Civic store. I've uploaded to here if you want to use it: http://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/14905/31564/2015-06-26_…

  • Thanks OP, picked up few and checkout girl was shocked at the price!!

  • Price tag on shelf at North Sydney read $1 so no hassles at all. Plenty of stock.

  • Is this all stores? Saw these at Macquarie Centre but Eastwood still had them marked as $5….

    • Scans @ $1.

      Someone's too lazy to change the price tag!

      • All their price tags for this were marked as $5….. lost sales for them ;)

  • Is this the same ALDI that is the supermarket with terrible queues? Whose service do they resell?

    • Telstra.

    • access to the Telstra 3G network

    • Queues aren't too bad. Fun to watch people in front rushing to put items in trolley.

    • Also, have saved $3,400 by shopping at Aldi over last 12 months.

  • +2

    They're advertising this on their Newsletter, says ends 7th July. :) https://www.aldi.com.au/typo3temp/pics/ALC6924_EDM_AldiMobil…

    • SIM packs don't appear to have an expiry date, so you might be able to stretch it for years to come.

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