Suggestions: Camera for the gf


Going in to the stores tonight to have a look at all the suggestions posted below, thanks for all the suggestions @jinxsphinx @Dacs

Will post back after.

Hey all

Need some insight on cameras.

Gf's camera recently got stolen - she was using an old Canon DSLR Kiss (think it's the x3).
I bought her a Nikon point and shoot (coolpix 9600) as a temporary replacement and she absolutely hates it.
She says there's just too much noise and the images aren't comparable to the camera her friend loaned her (Canon G5).

Her camera use is mostly for leisure - she shoots a combination of live (people) and still objects (desserts).
She then goes on the comp and tweaks it before uploading it on a blog.

I'm leaning towards a mirrorless because of the weight factor (so I can get her to carry it herself!) but wondering if the quality of the photos will be obvious.
Also I haven't had the best experience with Sony cameras, although granted my last camera was the Sony DSC T-5.

I haven't set a budget but I'm hoping for suggestions under $800.
Mates are also heading to HK/Japan soon so if the cam is cheaper there, will trade beers to get them to buy it back for me.

Thanks guys.


  • +1

    1st things first, does she have any Canon lenses already?

    • No lenses, the thief took her whole camera bag.

      Before the theft she was using the original twin lens that came with the kiss.

  • +1

    GoPro with a head mount

    • Haha, good suggestion although that wouldn't sit well with her I'm sure.

  • +1

    These are really really good value at the moment

    apsc sized sensor so low noise even with kit lens. (Lens is quite bulky tho but still way smaller than dslr)
    If you want more compact then Olympus em5 (mark 1) with 25mm 1.8 lens which if you shop around here should be within budget and capable of high iso (up to 3200) with low noise.

    Both are definitely comparable quality to dslr without the weight/bulk.

    • Thanks for the suggestions! The fuji x-m1 looks pretty slick.

      Do you have any opinions on Fuji vs Olympus?

      • Both make amazing cameras in my opinion. If I had to choose between EM5 or XM1 I would definitely choose EM5, as it's an enthusiast camera and XM1 more beginner. (Choosing one brand in itself over the other though, would be a much harder decision)

        The pros of EM5 are:
        Better controls
        Cheaper quality lenses
        More solid build
        Has viewfinder

        The pros of XM1 are:
        Has Wi-Fi
        Has built in flash
        Better kit lens

        If you have a quality prime lens on the Olympus then flash is not really needed although sometimes for backlit subjects I have missed having a pop up flash for its convenience. (The olympus flash is a bit fiddly to put on)

        It also comes down to style, sounds superficial but which one does she like the look of?

  • Sony A5100 ($700-$800 with kit zoom lens) (no viewfinder)
    Sony A6000 (around to $900 with kit zoom lens) (has viewfinder)
    FujiFilm X-A1 (almost identical to X-M1) $349 with kit zoom lens at Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse (no viewfinder)

    • She was really keen on the A6000 but we saw some reviews together and she's not sure now.

      Do you have either of those cams? What do you think of them?

      • I don't have any of them but have been researching a lot lately. The quality of all of those is good. Look at the image comparison tool on DPReview.
        An advantage of Sony over FujiFilm is that lenses (an probably other accessories) are much easier to find, especially if you want to pick up used equipment.

      • What in the reviews put you off?

  • Have you asked her which one she'd like?

    • Yes but as usual she can't give a definitive answer..

      • Make her choose, then if she doesn't like it then too bad too sad.

  • +1

    Man: Whoa! Is your…is your Glendale wife interested in…photography? Eh? Eh? Eh?

    Man with hat: Photography?

    Man: "Photographs, eh?" he asked him knowingly!

    Man with hat: Photography?

    Man: Snap, snap, grin, grin, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!

    Man with hat: Sort of…holiday snaps, eh?

    Man: They could be, they could be taken on holiday, you know! Swimming costumes, candid…you know, "candid" photography?

    Man with hat: No, we don't have a camera!

    Man: Ah. Still, whoahaah! Eh? Whoahaah! Eh? Whoahaah! Eh? Whoahaahaha! Huhuh!

    Man with hat: Look, are you insinuating something?

    Man: Oh, no, no, no…yes!

  • Hey guys

    Finally settled on a camera - got the Sony A6000 and she's lovin' it.
    (I still have to carry it though…)

    Thanks for all the responses!

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