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TP-Link Archer D9 $229 Bonus $50 eBay Voucher - One Day Only + Exclusive One Day Bundle Deals @ Wireless 1


Hello everyone,

We've created some eBay exclusive ONE DAY ONLY bundle deals to match the ONE DAY ONLY deal on $50 eBay Vouchers, which includes our store.

Due to popular demand we’ve been trying our best to get a deal to you guys for the TP-Link Archer D9 Modem Router at $199, so we've reduced our prices to get it closer to the price that many of you are after, when you consider the Voucher! Click here for the Hugely Popular TP-Link Archer D9 Modem Router :)(ebay.com.au)

For anybody else looking to take advantage of this one day offer, we’ve created EXCLUSIVE ONE DAY bundle deals:
Asus Nexus 7 32GB WiFi Tablet + Rapoo H6020 Bluetooth Headset $200.00(ebay.com.au)
Asus Nexus 7 32GB WiFi Tablet + 64GB Kingston OTG USB $200.00(ebay.com.au)
Asus Nexus 7 32GB WiFi Tablet + Lenmar Wave Powerbank 7000mAh $200.00(ebay.com.au)
Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus Black TWO UNITS $200.00(ebay.com.au)

And some of our EOFY specially priced items:
Intel Compute Stick Quad Core 32GB Windows 8 (Turn your TV into a PC!) $210(ebay.com.au)
Asus F453MA Celeron Laptop $299(ebay.com.au)
Audio-Technica ANC9 Active Noise-Cancelling Headphones $229(ebay.com.au)

Also, for further networking suggestions that will land you the $50 eBay Voucher:

Netgear R7000 Nighthawk AC1900 Router $209(ebay.com.au)
Netgear EX7000 Nighthawk AC1900 Range Extender $249(ebay.com.au)
D-Link DSL-2900AL VIPER AC1900 Modem Router $279 BONUS 32GB SANDISK ORBIT USB and D-Link Android TV tuner via redemption(ebay.com.au)
Asus RT-AC3200 Router $329(ebay.com.au)
D-Link DIR-890L AC3200 Router $329 BONUS 32GB SANDISK ORBIT USB(ebay.com.au)
Netgear ReadyNAS RN10400 4-Bay NAS $246(ebay.com.au)
Netgear Business Grade RN31200 2-Bay NAS $295(ebay.com.au)

As always, stock is limited and bundles and prices are subject to change at any moment! Strike while the iron is hot, lads!

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closed Comments

  • Any deals on the ATH-M50x?

  • Does the $50 vouches include any purchase on ebay or just a select list of stores?

  • +7

    But you've only dropped the price $10. The $50 Ebay voucher shouldn't suddenly make yours an amazing deal.

  • +1

    $199 delivered is cheap for D9, bought it last week during 20% off ebay code, ending up paying a bit more (almost $207). Nevertheless it is a very good modem router wireless.

  • I am confused. This store isn't listed as a participating store for the $50 voucher when you spend $200

    • +1

      nevermind, I hadnt seen the one day only deal.

  • +3

    Can you drop the price of the Asus RT-AC68U to match your online store's price? :)

    • ^^^^^^^^^^

  • What's a good modem router for nbn fttn?

    • +1

      TP-link Archer D7 (1750mbps) or D9 (1900 mbps with beamforming)

      • I thought you only needed a router for NBN - ie TPLink Archer C7 or C9?

        • You could go either way but I prefer Modem router all-in-one solution. And the guy above wants modem router too.

  • So the $50 voucher with any item (>$200) from entire Wireless1 ebay?
    Also, does this sale start from midnight or is it live now? Coz the d9 is $249 as of now.

  • +4

    Been waiting for a deal on this modem/router, but unfortunately will keep waiting…having to use the $50 voucher in July is something I'm unlikely to do.

  • +2

    I would definitely buy if D9 for $199/ D7 for $139 (without voucher). already bought other items for $50 voucher, so skip this time.

    • +1

      I've been waiting for D7 deal too.

  • +14

    $249 isn't a discount. Other stores are selling at $229.

    What you're saying is you're prepared to reduce ebay's voucher from $50 to $30. How kind of you. Negged.

    • +5

      I hear you guys and we're doing our best to bring the prices down. We want to provide the best deal we can, so we're now offering $229 free delivery.

      • Could you do deal on Archer D7 please?

      • +1

        Thanks - you listened to feedback. Neg revoked.

  • +1

    The D9 should work on nbn FTTN?

  • +1

    As per above, this is just a $10 discount and trying to pass it off as a $50 discount.

  • +2

    Any chance of listing the asus rt-ac68u for the same price as your store?

  • +3

    I call this no deal! I've been waiting for the D9 to be $199 you've had it on sale a few times previously at that price you currently have it priced at $249 that's not a deal.

    • Agree.

      I bought mine elsewhere at $199 delivered months ago, so this is not even close to a deal.

      • Where? Netplus is in my region they have it at $239 I've not seen it any where at $199 I need to pull the trigger soon our old one is driving us crazy.

    • +1

      Hi guys, I know that it's been done at those prices before, but the markets changed and we're trying our best to get the deals closer for you!

      • +4

        Ok, I appreciate the effort. Let me make it easy.
        If you can bring it down to $209 delivered I will pull the trigger.
        That way the price is reasonably close to previous deals and still gets over the voucher threshold.

  • +1

    hi acek47 any deal on Archer D7??

  • +12

    Can we stop negging now that the rep has actually lowered the price after feedback from the community? I'm giving you a + for communicating with the community instead of just posting your deal and never coming back.

    • Thanks Dagmar :)

  • +2

    FutuOnline will be selling D9 for $220 and D7 for $148.
    (If the previous 20% of ebay deal gets confirmed)

    • True. Rather spend $9 more now and get $50 voucher to spend later. :)

      • +1

        Yeah this deal is better for D9 and futu for d7

  • Good modem for long phone lines, I have one myself. Not the best choice if close to exchange or if you need feature rich experience - the Archer D9 is somewhat slim on features but for me it does the job well.

    • I'm close to the exchange and it works perfect.

      • +1

        It'll work fine, all I meant is the TPLINK is powered by a Broadcom chip which is awesome for long distance (high attenuation) lines, where as something like the ASUS DSL-AC68U (often compared with the TPLINK Archer D9) is a different chipset which makes better use of low attenuation lines. On lines close to the exchange the ASUS will sync higher almost always.

        Not to say the Archer D9 isn't good, just that it has its strengths and weaknesses.

        • How much real world difference does it make?

        • @Ronnnie:

          Couldn't tell you, I remember reading a lengthy thread over on Whirlpool about the differences. From memory where the broadcom chip (TP-LINK) is giving you say 15Mbit, you might 17-18Mbit from the Asus using whichever chipset it uses (i forget which). Around 12Mbit it's probably even and below that the TP-Link would most likely hold the advantage.

          Take with a grain of sand though, best do some googling if you want to know for sure "tp-link archer d9 vs asus ac68u"

          I wanted the Asus despite it costing more, until I found out it'll run poorer on long distance lines which I'm sadly on.

  • When does deal start and end, anyone???

    • +1

      The $50 voucher only applies for purchases today.

      As for the price of the modem, that's only something the OP can answer.

      • Thanks. I hope they don't up the price coz I will be making the purchase at 9pm tonight.

        • +1

          Hi Harry, we'll be running our deals until midnight tonight, which is when the voucher deals ends also :)

        • alright thanks for that.

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