• expired

Amaysim Unlimited 5GB Plan: $44.90/Month for $1 (First Month & New Customers)


"Hurry, this offer's only available to the first 2,000 new customers who order an amaysim SIM Card online and use code: 1DOLLAR. Ends 5pm, Friday 26 June, unless sold out prior."

Update: Note that $10 credit via referral links don't work with the $1 offers. (thanks easternculture)

Update2: Seems like it works with referral! Just bought one for a friend and forgot i had clicked on the referral link. Paid 1$ and "Looks like a friend referred you to amaysim - awesome!"…

Referral Links

Referral: random (392)

$10 credit to both the referrers on Unlimited Plans and referees. Referee needs to provide referrer with their email address.

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closed Comments

  • Is it for prepaid or postpaid?
    Unlike the last $0 offer, I can't select prepaid/postpaid this time.

    • +2

      You can choose on the third screen. I like postpaid because I like getting screwed with hidden fees and overuse charges ;)

  • Can I use this sim in one of those portable mobile internet router/modems?

    • +1


  • -2

    I have a existing amaysim card never been activated or used will this offer still work

  • Getting error message
    Whoops! We're really sorry about this, but it looks like something went wrong.The following error has occurred:
    If you've had this page open for 10 minutes or more, your page has timed out. Please go back to the payment page and provide your details again.For all other enquiries, give us a call on 1300 808 300 and we'll process your transaction over the phone. Our operating hours are Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat-Sun 10am-6pm and Public holidays 10am - 6pm (all AEST).Contact us so we can get things sorted out for you.

    • I was getting the same error. I was using Safari, and I was also having trouble choosing a new number.

      I was able to order the sim when using Chrome instead, maybe that will help you too?

  • -1

    can i use this simcard in my iPad?

  • I registered for the free sim last time with a $0 prepaid visa, then I changed my payment with amay to Bpay, now get this sim and it just went straight through without asking for any payment. Now I'm wondring how will they collect the money from me….

    • +1

      You'll need to bpay.

  • How do you opt out of the monthly renewal? Is that part of the ordering process or post?

    • +1

      You change your monthly payment method to BPAY from direct debit or credit card.

  • I am trying to get this deal with a new number but when I click 'payment', only the credit card payment option pops up. Can someone please tell me how do I change it to BPay?

    • +2

      I guess you are first time customer. So you'll need to pay using your card. Once you get sim card, log in to your amaysim account and change payment method to BPAY.

      • Yes, I am a new customer. Thanks for your help :)

  • Is that correct that i can change from credit card to BPay once I got my new sim and created an amaysim account? Then when it's up for renewal after 30 days, i can just ignore it and that's it?

    If that's the case, can i get a few sims to use it for a few months?

  • I have tried to order a couple for data and hope they are not preactivated. Pls note any new number you add will inherit the payment details from your existing account. So will be wise to remove the credit card details once you have ordered to avoid being billed later.

    • It'd be great if that works!

      • Please read the thread so we don't get the same questions and answers over & over.

  • Anyone know if there is an expiry date on activating these sims?

  • they said it would arrive today but I haven't received anything, weird

    • Yeah same. Receive mine today.

  • Great Deal. I've just joined for $1.

    But, I gave my credit card details when joining, and now I've changed it to BPay in the account. So will my CC get billed for $1 or do I need to Bpay the $1?

  • Bought, haven't received my sim and yet already been activated today. Is that normal?

    • +1

      Don't know. Received mine today an had to activate it.

      • haven't received anything, it's been 2 days

        • I purchased one for me a few days ago, and haven't received it yet.

          A friend purchased early yesterday, and got an email saying they will get it tomorrow.

          A relative purchased late last night, and got it this morning.

          From my limited sample, it seems they are working backwards through the orders :p

        • I guess go to their live chat and request re-sent again, otherwise i think you have to pay $2 at brick and mortar shops to get it activated, which is 2 times more expensive than the plan :P…..

          I will be at their live chat and see how.

  • looks like it doesn't work anymore. it just gets stuck at the loading screen when the code is applied.

    edit: it looks like it doesn't work with existing account but works with a new email?

  • Just missed out on the deal by a matter of seconds or minutes.

    I went into checkout. code was working. Cart said $1. double checked it said $1. All good. went to get my credit card. came back 2-3 minutes later. entered my card and it kept giving me an error saying my payment won't process. I checked my online credit statement and everything looked fine. no money has been debited. looked like error on amaysims website so i close the screen and re-did everything. this time when i entered the code. it said code had expired. :( cleared cookies and cache. entered fresh details with a fresh email and code still said it's expired. looks like the last person beat me to the deal within minutes. :(

  • Still haven't received mine.

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