BRAND NEW Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Power Edition Quadricopter @eBay $359 Delivery
or $349 Pickup from our Burwood NSW Shop. Address and google map include in the listing.
Only 40pcs left.
BRAND NEW Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Power Edition Quadricopter @eBay $359 Delivery
or $349 Pickup from our Burwood NSW Shop. Address and google map include in the listing.
Only 40pcs left.
Why not find out for yourself before accusing him?
Why not find out for yourself
OP is responsible for stating why this is a bargain. Read the posting rules…
how much cargo can these carry ?
How much does she weigh ?
This is an exceptionally good deal.
You're saving $200 in some cases.
Great price, paid this much for a second hand model not too long ago.
Tempted to buy one.
For those that have one, where are you flying them?
I'm wondering with this strong Melbourne wind, would it still be able to fly reasonably stable..
It has good stability (has a camera facing downwards which allows it to fix on an object below and hover in the same place) but best not to use it in windy conditions as it will be difficult to control.
can i mount a gopro to this?
i'd like to know that too…
Yes you can.
wonder how long will last the motors, $40 each https://ebgames.com.au/loot-157443-ARDrone-20-Motor-Loot
This is a good deal mate. PM the price for buying 3 and pick up from your shop. Thanks.
Does that one allows (after modification?) for live view on some (pseudo) VR googles or sth?
It has built in live view via your smartphone or tablet (which also acts as the controller).
Cool. But this implies a limited range, true?
Yes, range through wi-fi is stated as 50m. If you feel adventurous, you can mod it to use an RC transmitter.
Would NOT recommend this as they regularly crash…MONEY PIT !!!
Main Cross breaks regularly ($50 each and total rebuild required)…
Will NOT hold much weight (added bigger battery and barely fly's)…
Can NOT fly in winds (even light winds throw this around)…
Run's for less than 10 min on standard battery…
It is fun when it works, but that will not be for very long :(
Whats normal price of this?
This looks like using OZB as advertising platform.