Brand new promo starting 30/06/2015. Thought I'd share with all!
You can finally get chicken hunger tamers!
Brand new promo starting 30/06/2015. Thought I'd share with all!
You can finally get chicken hunger tamers!
Why are these bargains? looks like the normal price for them…
Looks like Hungry's
Only 30kJ for the chicken meals! ;)
It took me longer than it should have to get this one. Monday morning.
Those chicken boxes are too sexy for me.
It's probably a numeric overflow…
These have the entire daily calorie intake for an adult in one meal, and Id suspect 10x your amount of fat and salt a day.
Err yep, just checked, my bad, its 8700 not 6700
still far too much food for one meal.
Sorry but how is this a bargain?
I posted this to let people know of a new promo they are about to start, and all that food for $12. Gotta be a bargain right? :P
If there is no savings, it's no deal
You are saving as previously you would have to order the items separately now you have the choice of the box making it a better deal than before
This is the standard pricing for the meal regardless of what meat you wish to eat
Be a good idea to mention the retailer and retailers web site. I have no idea who is selling this.