I've searched through previous posts and not found the answer to the circumstances I'm looking at, so any help here appreciated. I'm new to the concept of PHI.
I'm planning to take out PHI long term to avoid lifetime loading but initially I'm looking to get the best deal for the things i need covered now. Being, root canal treatment, osteopath/physio assessment (and probably around 4 additional sessions for pelvis aliment which has caused knee pain when cycling) and could do with new glasses. I also have about 12 mercury filling which over the next year or two would like to replace with white composites.
As most seem to have specials on and waive the usual 2 and 6 months waiting time at the moment. Could I take out basic hospital and a higher extras covers and then once the above are addressed lower the extras to a more suited policy?
I see 'all' policies have a waiting list for major dental of 12 months which rules out full cover for the RCT but my dentist mentioned some of the cost could be covered - i don't understand how and now wish i had asked more questions. Could she have meant x-rays and some items could be claimed for the RCT but not the RCT itself? Is that normal practice?
Ask the dentist for a full quote with the item number of each procedure. You then call the Health Insurer and ask what will be covered under the policy you are taking out.
There might be certain item codes that will be covered under basic dentistry which you can get after the 2 months waiting period.