Residual Heat- Do You Utilise This?

Being a good OzBargainer, I thought I am pretty thrifty when come to minimising spending in my household, or maximising my dollar, another way of looking at it. How about you? Would love to hear from you.

One of them being using residual heat. When roasting in oven for example, I always turn off the oven for about 20 minutes before the desired time, and let the roast or whatever food sits in the oven for a while. Nobody in my family does this (I have hubby and relatives cooking in my kitchen from time to time). They remove the tray straight out of the oven after they turn it off.

The same applies to stove. I always turn it off between 5-10 minutes before the desired time, depending on what I am cooking. My favourite is boiling eggs. For upto four eggs, I set the stove to turn off at 7 minutes, and let it sit there for another 5. I thought my eggs are perfect that way.


  • +2

    That's exactly what I do. I also open the oven door after cooking and use it as a heater to warm up the kitchen. Turning your heater off 10-15 minutes before you leave the house ( or don't turn it on at all to save money!). Put your hands under your laptop to warm up!

    • Good to know someone is doing it too…

  • -3

    Put your hands under your laptop to warm up!

    That is taking it to far…

    • Yes Charlie. To you and I this is a no-brainer, and I cant understand why people are not doing it. Even worse, scoff at me when I suggested it! Well, I will just have to leave them alone. Glad to have this community which affirms me that I am not insane :-)

      Agree with you on Solar.

    • +2

      +1, I also coast, BUT I'd like to point out that sometimes, especially in heavy traffic, it is inappropriate and exacerbates congestion.

      • +1

        and road rage. I'd go around you.

        • I'm confused by this response.

        • +2

          @woolfenstein: I hate it when people coast the last km to the lights, while everyone lines up behind them.
          I swap into a lane that's moving, see my lane was clear except the one guy "saving fuel" (or checking directions or making a call or eating breakfast or checking out the accident across the road), so hop back in in front of them… and make it through the lights unlike the poor suckers still lining up behind him.

        • @SlickMick: LOL yeah, I can drive and don't FSU, that's why I posted the PSA about it sometimes being inappropriate.

  • +2

    Sure, it's the sensible thing to do.

    Another thing I do is stack up pots. For example I'll have a potato boiling in one pot and peas in a second pot above that, then the lid. The peas get done nicely. There is a fair amount of heat in the steam.

      • You got in before I could mention that French petits fours are little cakes done using the residual heat in the oven.

    • Yaas, boil potatoes, use steam from this to cook all of the things.

    • Oh yes, I also steam food on top of rice sometimes…

  • Who doesn't warm their fingers above the toaster when cold?

    • Me.. I dont like toaster/ toasted bread. They give me crumbs and I need to wipe the bench. Plus it's too dry it chokes me…. Strange huh?

  • +2

    I go visiting to all my friends houses in winter as I know that they would have the AC on or have a fire burning….LOL

  • +2

    If not for sitz, why made of warm.

    that's what my cat says all the time

  • +1

    I do most of these too. Re using saucepans, it is even cheaper to use the microwave, and is better for the nutrition.

  • We wanted to put in a slow combustion heater about 5 years ago as we have abundant firewood, and a bit of research led me to the Jindara cooker (Nectre also have one). It has an oven below the combustion heater so we hardly use the electric cooktop or oven during winter. We are on TOU power (50c/kWh weeknights) so the cooker would have paid for itself many times over by now. However if I was a 100% Ozb TA, I'd have a wet back on it and heat the water as well.

    • Hehe, or you can move here to the Sunshine State :-)

    • What sort of price are they affable? I didn't know such a thing existed, but it's a brilliant idea.

      Pumpkin_rrr, even in the sunshine state we still need to get warm from time to time.

  • Love it, I thought I was the only person who thought like this! I do it with the stove, oven and BBQ.
    I have a dishwasher and washing machine with delayed starts so I set them to run at 3am to take the pressure off the power grid.

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