Multivitamins - Which One Do You Take?

As topic suggest, which multivitamins do you take? What difference did it make to your health?

For me, I used to take GNC Mega Man when I was on contract work in Singapore last year. It was $50-60 SGD per bottle of 100 tabs. Apart from the yellowish pee, I cant seem to pinpoint any particular "goodness" I felt ever since taking the multivitamin.

What I did felt about the changes to the body was when I was also taking GNC PREVENTIVE NUTRITION® COLON CARE (240 CAPSULES), the daily poo was black but consistent. A good thing since I always seem to have constipation.


  • +1

    It's better to take vitamin supplements in effervescent form than as tablets. The body can absorb upto 85% of the vitamins consumed as liquid form, whereas its 60% when taken as tablet.

    That being said, I started to take VOOST multivitamin effervescent, just 2 days ago. Just drop one in a glass of water, wait 2 minutes and you have a glass of orange juice (plus the vitamins!). Pee color is normal. You can get it from ColesWorth for ~4$ a bottle (10 effervescent tablet).

  • +3

    IMO, spend more time analysing and improving your diet than worrying about what supplements you could or should be taking.

    After all, they're just expensive band-aid solutions for potentially simple lifestyle changes you could make, right? Drink more water, increase fibre intake daily.. bye bye constipation (and if not - see your GP).

    I'm no doctor.. but unless you have known medical illnesses, are suffering from acute poor health and could use a 'boost' due to slacking off your usual diet or routine, or have already diagnosed deficiencies, I don't see why you (any of us) should take multivitamins. But each to their own! Placebos work, can't deny that :P

    I personally only take Berocca (well, the Aldi equivalent which is identical yet cheaper) when I'm sick or really run down, or magnesium supplements (Swisse effervescent tablets) when I get bouts of muscle cramps. TBH, I can't even really tell if the Berocca does anything lol.

    • I agree, I believe that proper hydration has not received the rock star status that it deserves. There are other solutions…$$$
      IMHO magnesium is important as muscles need it for proper contraction. I also take fish oil, C and multi.

  • I use Australian made supplements. Look at the contents they are all similar(At least stated).

  • Also, anyone got recommendations for greens powder/supplement? I was just doing a quick look around and came across 3 from supplement companies:……

    This one looks pretty hardcore

    • I'm always wondering where they source the vegetables/fruits etc for those powders.

      Highly, highly doubt they'd be Aussie grown. That'd make manufacturing costs far too expensive, surely. Imported ingredients = higher profit margins, right? So.. China, etc? Suddenly not so ideal for some..

  • +4

    Tried lots of different vitamins and other concoctions with no noticeable benefit apart from odd urine colours and less $'s in my wallet.

    Where I have achieved a difference… a big difference, is when I got serious about my eating and exercise habits.
    Make sure you have a good feed of quality vegetables a couple of times a week. Choose fruit for a snack whenever you can. Drink at least one litre of water per day.

    Don't overdo the fast food stuff.. it has almost no fibre (re your constipation problem) and generally it is nothing but slop in pretty packaging. If you must do takeaway try the regular hamburger joint (not maccas or HJ's etc) or even a subway with plenty of salad. Go easy with coke or similar.

    We must exercise,… preferably something that will get your cardio rate up and exercise your lungs and get that blood flowing . Work is not exercise… unless you ride a pushbike delivering mail every day lol.
    I found the bike to be the best for me and I try to do at least one 20k session a week and if things allow I do a lot more than that.

    Get good sleep. Keep stress levels low if possible, find ways to chill out or escape from the daily routine.
    Excessive stress causes maximum damage to our natural immune system and it is worth looking after as no prescription drug can compete with it.

    That's is pretty much all I do and all is firing well and I'm in my late 60's. I don't take any medications and have no "defects" that my Dr can detect. :-)

    Health is not in a pill, it is more a lifestyle thing.

  • +1

    I don't believe in Vitamins.

    as long as you eat a healthy diet, you should have all the essential nutrients that your body needs.

    coming from a scientific /medical background. it peeves me to no ends the claims they make on Vitamins/supplements.

    Unlike actual drugs/pharmaceuticals , they are not under the control of the TGA and thus can claim whatever they want under the sun in regards to what it can do for your body.

    for any 'real' medicine that claims this, they would be have been sued to no ends and force to change their labels.

    Vitamins to me is just clever marketing and the chinese are lapping it up as they are buying bucket loads whenever I go into my local pharmacies ( I am Chinese btw)

  • Berocca. Feel the difference… esp after a big night out.

  • Hair, skin and nails everyday and occasionally Berocca.

  • +1

    There is a growing body of evidence that suggests the use of multivitamins routinely is pretty useless.…

    There are certain cases where they are effective such as folic acid (prevention of neural tube defects in pregnancy) and iron for deficiencies.

  • I take a bit of everything… I usually buy them when they are 1/2 price at the Chemist Warehouse.

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