Moved to Forum: Original Link
For those who are unaware of Mwaves Must Go sales, they basically put up products one at a time and drop the prices until they are gone.
Currently there is a Garmin Vivofit which is constantly dropping in price, so keep checking back every now and then to find a bargain.
Previously i have scored a $300 flight simulator yoke setup for $60, so there are certainly some bargains to have, especially if it is a rather specific item that appeals to a minority of people.
Upcomming deals thanks to Coops1 :
Prices do not include shipping. Qty: 1 for each item i believe.
Deal has been posted before without issues, mods please remove if this is an issue this time.
Mod: Sorry 1 item deals not really appropriate for OzBargain as per our guidelines
Moved to forums though so discussion can continue. Thanks
1 unit(s) left