Looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner (under $300) , I have hard wood floor and tiles , no carpet. Can anyone recommend one.
Robotic vacuum cleaner

sambear on 17/06/2015 - 10:57
agree with misterpotatomato comments above… I've used both….. although the falling $AUD is going to make it hard (even with an Amazon sale) to get under the $AUD300 mark (e.g. like this refurb )
Yep, got my SNES lookalike Neato XV21. Got it for around $300 from Amazon and it is brilliant.
Had it hearly 2 years and it has the same batteries and cleans 3 times a week. Love it.
Aldi may still have some of the Sterling ones for $179. I got one two weeks ago and have been happy with it so far.
I've got a Neato Signature Pro. Its awesome. The XV-21 is the same deal, my advice, wait till Amazon has a sale and buy one there.
The other cheapy ones lack logic to get around, and actually clean. So its worth spending the money.