• expired

Further 10% off uberX Prices for Sydney & Brisbane (Now up to 50% Cheaper than a Regular Taxi)


uberX is now 10% cheaper

The reduction is for Sydney and Brisbane as far as i can tell

Today, uberX prices are dropping by a further 10%.

We're committed to making Uber the safest, most reliable and affordable ride on the road. This means you could be paying up to 50% less than a taxi.*

These prices are seasonal, and will be in effect until August 2

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (213)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (220)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    waits for jv's "uber is illegal" comment

    • Uber and uberx are different? One uses taxi and one uses everyday joe blow's car? Cant remember which is which.

      • +1

        I don't know much about either of the services. What is the likelihood of being kidnapped and kept in some sort of dungeon?

        • +6

          What is the likelihood of being kidnapped and kept in some sort of dungeon?

          depends on how many times you've watched Taken

        • +11

          uber high

        • +4

          Pretty low as the apps GPS track both driver and passenger. Plus passenger is sent name, photo, car model and rego of driver before pickup.

        • +1

          @hen dawg:

          Have you watched the episode of CSI:Cyber when an Ride Sharing App is hacked

        • @easternculture: James Van De Beek will protect us

        • +1

          low. though there has been a case in the USA of a driver going back to the place of residence to break in and rob it (the travellers went to the airport). He got caught because there were still housemates still in the home

        • @argamond: normal taxi driver could do that too, with less of an trail

      • UberX is the everyday guys using their own cars. Although they do get safety inspected before coming on board not sure what happens afterwards or if their are any check ups.

        • +2

          Seems like the taxi industry does not do this. I went in a taxi from Melbourne airport last night and only one headlight worked and the other could barely cope. On a road with no street lights it was very dangerous.

      • Uber and uberx are different? One uses taxi and one uses everyday joe blow's car? Cant remember which is which.

        https://www.uber.com/cities/sydney :)

    • Think jv is on holidays.

    • UBer is illegal but so much better service then a TAXI. cost is so much cheaper than one. once you know driver like my mate dose. What big deal. TAXI company just need to pick up their Game.

      • -1

        UBer is illegal but so much better service then a TAXI. cost is so much cheaper than one

        If I could illegally make my own alcohol, say vodka and gin etc., and sell it illegally without having to get any liquor licence, I could sell it cheaper than any licenced liquor retailer. I could also afford to offer better service. Such as opening 24 hours 7 days and offer free delivery with no age checks. Perhaps I could also profit shift overseas and pay little or no Australian taxes.

        once you know driver like my mate dose (sic). What big deal. TAXI company just need to pick up their Game.

        My competition, those legally licenced liquor retailers selling legal taxed alcohol would then really need to "pick up their Game".

        • Uber should be Taxed cabcharge as company should be killed. TAXI company real should look at business why are people take Uber over it.

        • @nikey2k27:

          Uber should be Taxed cabcharge as company should be killed. TAXI company real should look at business why are people take Uber over it.

          I agree that Uber should pay taxes. Such as company and income taxes etc. I am not so sure are about GST for the drivers.

          Drivers should be treated as employees and not contractors.

          CabCharge WILL die out or be closed down. Taxi companies are taking notice of the service Uber offers passengers. A 'real' taxi driver, with 30 years in the business, told me last night that Sydney Taxis is developing their own SmartPhone App to compete with the features that are offered via the Uber App.

          Strangely he did not know of similar Apps/services such as goCatch.

          He said that he pays over $6000 a year for rego/insurance. He also (due to his age) has to pay for a medical examination and certificate each year to retain his taxi licence. He said Uber (uberX) divers dont have to have any medical tests.

        • @A3Australia: I been told taxi licence cost $300,000 for state wide one. $160,000. I taxi company real look at uber. my friend it little thing like have the same drive most of the time bottle of water free and mints. pen paper he love say to his uber driver i be done from my meeting in 2hours come pick me. it like been rich man with own personal driver on staff.

  • +1

    Does this have something to do with the planned enforcement of GST?

    • Wouldn't they have to increase fares by 10% if that was the case

      • Well the driver is going to have to remit the GST. I'm wondering if Uber are reducing to mean the end price for customer will be unchanged. Just guessing

    • +1

      good point. So the fare goes up 10% (GST), but they discount it for 1 month so people dont know the difference.

      • has it been enforced yet. I thought it was only drivers that have to comply by 1st August

        • +6

          @uccoffee: Not getting into the whole illegal thing as that's been done to death but your comment is a touch hypocritical.

          You say its illegal and best to avoid…….unless you have a free ride.

          So if you can use it for free then suddenly its ok and presumably not illegal. Or if its free you don't care about your view of illegality.

        • @jollster101:

          So if you can use it for free then suddenly its ok and presumably not illegal.

          Derr. Didn't you know if your dealer gives you a freebie it's legal?

        • @johnno07:

          Derr. Didn't you know if your dealer gives you a freebie it's legal?

          As long as its for personal use

        • +1


          I hope others know you're joking. Illegal is illegal.

  • +18

    Took a normal cab from North Sydney station to Cammeray last Friday : $16.50

    UberX: $9.10


  • +7

    Surry Hills to Lidcombe at 3am: $40.00 with UberX, split 4 ways $10pp. Could pay with my CC with no surcharge and earn points on my citibank signature. #HappyUberStories

  • +1

    Quick question about UberX if I may:

    Has anyone had a UberX pickup from Melbourne airport? I'm keen to do so and unsure of the logistics. When to order, pickup point etc..


    • -3

      You basically order when you arrive and it shows an ETA. As far as I am aware you can't pre order them, first in first served.

      Since you're getting picked up at an airport, I would go for it as there will be enough drivers around. You can either use the GPS to locate you or select a location if you're inside a building/GPS is crappy.

      Use the coupon PPAU20 if it's your first time (use PayPal to get the discount) and you get $20 off the first trip.

    • +10

      It's geoblocked at melbourne airport. Only uber black will appear if you select your destination with a radius of the airport. If you move the pin to the other side of McDonalds or a road close by it will show the UberX drivers. Just do that then call them to get around it. As many people don't know this, there won't be many UberX drivers hanging around.

      • correct, did exactly this last weekend

        • +1

          I was in the same situation in Sydney Domestic airport - looking for UberX but only black available. I didnt know this trick to move pin to the near location. will try it next.

      • +1

        Have also done this and been picked up outside the Parkroyal hotel just outside arrivals. No issues at all.

        Screw 13Cabs, Silvertop and the Taxi Services Commission, I hope they all go out of business.

    • +4

      YES - Drop the PIN as close to the airport as possible (you'll see UberX appear as an option on the app).

      Once confirmed, call the driver and ask them to pick you up from wherever you ACTUALLY are. My tip - Walk to the hotel nextdoor (holiday inn I think) or maccas and get them to pick you up from the carpark. I know some even pick you up from the arrival and/or departure areas but that's somewhat illegal and I don't really recommend it. I do the same in Sydney as well. Krispee Cream carpark.

      I know there's a little bit of walking involved but (for me) it justifies the savings.

      edit: what nikky said

    • -4

      UberX not available from melbourne airport
      only uber black

  • +17

    Rate your driver five stars out of five unless they really do a bad job. They risk suspension at less than 4.6 stars. The driver can not help surge pricing and other company policies and can't change traffic conditions. There are enough people that will give them four or fewer so try to give them give stars if they were adequate.

    • Would it help the drivers if they told the passengers this?

      "Look, no one was injured and my car and driving was relatively OK. Please give me 5 stars, cuz anything less than 4.6 will lead to suspension…"

    • +4

      What's that I can hear? Slow violin music?

    • Reference on suspension for less than 4.6?

      I had a driver pick me up that was rated 3.6 this week and I can see why…

      • +1

        I know someone who has begun driving for Uber. The rating system and the 4.6 cutoff began because they apparently started with UberBlack and they only wanted drivers that knocked people's socks off with service. Normally I would not rate anything 5 out of 5 unless it was truly divine but you just shouldn't expect that sort of red carpet service with UberX. You might get it, someone opening your door and offering refreshments, etc, but for heaven's sake if you are paying $9 and saving off of a $16 taxi fare and you know that there is this high standard, why would you rate less than a 5? Unless something was wrong. If you get good service and the car is clean, you should just give them a 5. If you know that these drivers are going to be penalised then you are a bit of a dick if you give them less than a five, unless something was actually wrong.

        I have goggled all of this and the drivers do get stressed about it. These guys make about $30 an hour and the petrol and the like comes out of that $30.

        In regards to the surge pricing that is in place because Uber wants cars to be available very quickly. If there is peak demand then what they are doing is effectively pricing people out of the market in order to give cars to people willing to pay the peak rates. The company feels that there would be untenable waits if there were no surge pricing and that is correct. If you don't like the surge pricing, just wait a little while and the will likely normalise. With taxis you don't really have the option (normally) to pay more for quick pickup in peak times, so I suppose that is a point of difference. People who don't want to pay extra hate the surge pricing. People who place a premium on quick service think it is the ants pants.

  • Is it possible to use uberx at 6am from surry hills to international airport? I'm planning to use uber credit plus money. What is approximately cost? Never been used uber.

    • +1


      can use it anytime if there is a driver around.

      • Doesn't the Uber app give you a pretty good estimate?

        • yeah the app gives you an estimate, unless you use ubertaxi, then its the normal rates + a booking fee..

    • I got one from Ultimo at 5am to domestic for $19 within the last fortnight. There were a few around so assume you would get one at 6am.

  • +1

    Of course the joke is Uber doesn't have fixed pricing. You've been had OzBargain.

    • +3

      You can ride in a nice clean car or a smelly taxi

        • Are u a taxi driver jv?

          That would explain your hate to uber ;)

        • -5


          Are u a taxi driver jv?

          As far as I know, she is not a taxi driver.

          That would explain your hate to uber

          I do not see any hate. Only facts that others choose to ignore.

        • +1

          LOL smelly UBER. I have taken 30+ UBER rides and NO SMELL. In comparison 1 out of 3 normal taxis I've been on has either been dirty or smelly.

    • true, no more fixed-priced trips unlike hire cars/limos and public transport, but fixed rates/tariffs like taxis, with notification of any surge pricing before booking :)

  • Another awesome thing about uber is that if the driver mucks around by taking a deliberately non-direct route, you can dispute the fare and uber will refund the difference (not sure exactly how they calculate it, perhaps between estimate and actual).

    • -1

      Pretty sure there's a suggested route calculated by GPS…

      • Have you even used uber before? Drivers often deviate from the suggested route.

        • Many times. Hasn't happened to me.

          'Pretty sure' was me being polite. There's a suggested GPS route. If you let the driver deviate from that, that's on you - same as a taxi.

          But yes, it's good you can challenge it with Uber.

        • @herzy:

          No, it isn't up to the passenger to ensure the driver sticks to a route. It's up to the driver to take the most efficient route to your destination. Same as a taxi.

          Not everyone rides with the GPS open on their phone watching the driver's every move.

        • @Dominic: Obviously, in an ideal world. If you want to make sure you don't get ripped off, you need to be proactive. That's life. Doesn't matter if it's taxi, uber or whatever.

        • +1

          Which is why I originally commented how great it was that uber has these safeguards. You don't have to worry about getting ripped off. The dispute process is very straightforward btw. Used it recently in Jakarta.

  • +1

    It is not unlawful (in NSW) for a member of the public to use Uber.

    It is unlawful (in NSW) for an Uber driver to carry passengers for hire (that is to be paid to carry members of the public in the driver's private vehicle).

    There is a risk involved for passengers. The admittedly small chance of being injured through a traffic accident.

    I would not, and have not used Uber and similar services. However, a family member (my son) has used, and does continue to use, Uber and Lyft etc. in Australia and the USA, without any problems.

    Just as with importing mobile phones, one has to weight up the risk(s) against the savings. Then make ones own decision.

    BTW - This bargain is only for Sydney and Brisbane, and only for the UberX service.

    • -1

      It is unlawful (in NSW) for an Uber driver to carry passengers for hire (that is to be paid to carry members of the public in the driver's private vehicle).


      possibly for uberx, definitely not for other uber options :)


      • -1

        possibly for uberx, definitely not for other uber options

        This bargain post is only for uberX.

        I was very clear in my comment that I was describing an uber driver carrying members of the public in the driver's private vehicle.

        "It is unlawful (in NSW) for an Uber driver to carry passengers for hire (that is to be paid to carry members of the public in the driver's private vehicle)."

  • How can I order a Uber for 5 people? do they have option for that?

  • Does this mean that the driver is getting screwed or is Uber taking the hit?

    • +1

      Uber takes a consistent 20% commission so both will take a hit. The theory Uber provide is that lower costs will lead to increased use of the Uber product and the end result will be more work for the drivers and therefore more money for both driver and Uber in the end.

      • This assumes drivers are after more trips.

  • Has anyone had a UberX pickup from Sydney airport?

    • +1

      You can only use Uber Black in Airports. UberX's aren't allowed.
      However, you can be abit "sneaky" and still use UberX. See here

      • Thanks, I may try that trick.

  • Prefer Uberblack as they are actually taxi licensed, the cars are always polished and in really good condition and the drivers are professionals not just your regular Joes.

    I think it warrants the premium.

    • I don't think it does but each to their own. This is Ozbargain after all.

      I'm genuinely interested in what additional driving credentials do 'professional' drivers have over another licensed driver.

      • They're more business like, most of the time i get uber black i get picked up by a driver in a suit and driving a shiny black 2014 holden calais

        So more consistency

    • are uber taxis better than non-uber taxis?

    • You sometimes get really nice brand new cars as UberX too - Not worth the premium I think ($8 vs. $25 for a short trip)

  • has anyone try order uber from Sydney international airport?

    • i dont think you can, unless you get picked up from the passenger pick up area.

      cabbies need to link up at the taxi rank. might even have a fee attached to it too.

    • Asked and answered 3 times in this thread

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