This was posted 9 years 8 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Monopoly 80th Anniversary Edition 1935 - 2015 for $25 @ Target


Monopoly 80th Anniversary Edition 1935 - 2015, Now $25 (Next cheapest I found is from Myer $35.96).
Can purchase online and click + collect (orders over $40) or home delivery (orders over $75).
I suggest just walk into store and purchase it.

Product Features:

Ages: 8+ years
Players: 2 - 4
Includes gameboard, 8 tokens, 28 title deed cards, 16 Chance cards, 16 Community Chest cards, 32 houses, 12 hotels, 2 dice, 1 pack of Monopoly money, 2 dice and game guide
Monopoly game commemorates the 80th anniversary of the fast-trading property game
Includes tokens from the 1930s through the 2000s
You’ll buy, sell and trade to win
Build houses and hotels on your properties
Chance and Community Chest cards can change your fortunes

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +31

    I will wait for Abbott and Hockey edition instead

    • nice meme

    • +35

      Sorry when the idea was put forward they paid to turn it back.

      • +11

        It wouldn't be OzBargain without cheap laughs.

    • +1

      but then you'll have to pay tax for every investment property you purchase or every square you land on lol

      • +11

        I think you mean get tax breaks on every investment property, which increased the demand for the other property on the board to unsistainable levels which means the poor sod who was rolling badly on the first rotation will have to take out a half million dollar mortgage and work two jobs to buy Old Kent Road. but I digress…

        • well i guess it'd be best to stay in jail for the whole game

        • +2

          That's why you should always choose the baby boomer token! :P

    • +4

      I hear in their version to buy houses for the properties you just need to get a good job, but there are no jobs in Monopoly.

      • +1

        also, you have to pay $200 every time you pass go

  • I'll wait for the 100th anniversary one. My 15 year old one is still going strong. The property cards have been through hell, though. Stupid people keep spilling their drinks and bending the cards.

    • +5

      When we first got Monopoly about 10+ years ago my dad laminated the money and property cards.. Best decision!

      • +1

        yikes..that must have taken a long time. I think I should have laminated the property cards. The money I am not worried about, because you can buy extra money for quite cheap on ebay and in department stores.

        • it was a family activity cutting each laminate sheets so didn't take too long. ;)

          Hmm didn't even know you could do that, cheers!

      • +1

        what's your dad's name on here?

  • +16

    I keep my 'get out of jail, free' cards in my wallet. Still looking good after over 10 years.

    • +2

      next to the condom?

      • People have a circle ring mark on their wallets, I have a rectangular one (not implying my thing is rectangular btw LOL).

    • I also have one in my wallet. Was given to me for my 21st by a mate who was present during one of me less stellar moments in life. Still going strong 5 years later.

  • -2

    lol @ the 00s
    somehow just not the same to say "the oohs"
    and not the same for 000s to say "the thousands"
    gosh we're all getting old :P

  • +29

    Monopoly is terrible. There's been plenty of better games that have come along in the past 80 years, particularly in the past 20.

    Board games better than Monopoly include:…

    And, out of those, lighter-weight family board games:…

    I'll recommend 7 Wonders, Ticket To Ride and Carcassonne to begin with. Other ideas are Catan, Sushi Go! (it's Australian!) and Love Letter. The next steps up might be Dominion, Castles of Burgundy or even Twilight Struggle, but there's a whole universe.

    Here's a quick price comparison across different stores in Australia. I recommend Milsims, Games Empire and Amazon, but stay away from Games Paradise:

    Even if you have to pay twice as much for a good board game, it's some of the best time you'll spend with family or friends, and that's worth every cent.

    Monopoly, with it's player elimination, nobody using auctions and how it always overstays its welcome by the end, isn't.

    Get yourself something good, guys.

    Videos: 1, 2, 3.

    • +1


    • +4

      Tic tac toe isbetter than the games you mentioned. Even more lighter weight and cheaper

      • +4

        Yeah, I was gonna suggest Rock, Paper, Scissors but that has player elimination too, which as we all know is the tool of the devil…lol. :)

        • +1

          Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is better ;)

    • +6

      I still remember a game of monopoly absolutely ruining my 18th birthday. I'm 40.

      • +2

        This warrants a story!

        • Not much of a story. A mother and a first girlfriend that did not at all get a long. Mostly the girlfriend's fault. She was behaving like a childish spoilt brat and just being plain nasty playing, embarassing me in front of my other friends. I was young and stupid so was trying to please everyone whereas I should have just walked the hell out.

        • @syousef:
          was she worth it?

        • @banzini:

          No woman that behaves like that is ever worth it. But no. She absolutely broke my heart. What do you expect at 18 though? I knew nothing. Very few are lucky enough to find the right person so early.

        • +1

          @syousef: you are a wise man

    • +2

      thanks for sharing the links - good effort!

    • You know what. I agree.

    • +1

      Time to fess up guys, how many of you people played as "the banker" and slipped an extra note or two for yourself?

      I remember everytime I passed go I'd take an extra $100 note lol

      • +1

        Is that you Joe?

    • Obviously you were never good at monopoly. I think it is probably one of the best board games of all time since it has been around since 1935 - pretty good since most board games these days dont last long or sell as well.

      My favourite is Risk.

    • Good post. A friend introduced me to Pandemic and Dominion last night. Loved Pandemic but found Dominion boring as batshit :)

      Any other recommendations? what about Eldritch Horror??

      • Not Quick but I've played both Arkham Horror and Eldritch Horror. They are fun but can be long and hard to beat.

        I'd recommend Dead Of Winter. It's a great co-op game with a betrayer aspect and secret objectives set in a zombie Apocalypse. It gets pretty intense and has a reasonable playtime.

        If you haven't got a copy it might be worth waiting. It's sold out everywhere so people list new copies at a premium but a 2nd reprint is coming within the month.

    • +1

      Quink speaks the truth. Monopoly is like pong to modern day video games.

      I'm an avid board gamer and so many people are jaded on table top games because of those long boring sessions of Monopoly. It just takes a couple of rounds of Resistance, Dead of Winter or Twilight Struggle to get them reared up.

      I know this is cheap but it's cheap for a reason. Save up your money, head over to board game geek nd find something that tickle your fancy. And when you decide to buy I'll second staying away from Games paradise, they're the EB Games of table top gaming. Over priced, provide pretty mediocre service (with the rare gem) and will often list items as in stock online when they're not.

      I'd personally recommend Games Empire. I make the trek there once a month from the eastern suburbs to load up. They have great prices, exceptional service and keep a wide range of games.

    • +5

      While I agree with the sentiment that there are plenty of great unknown or non-mainstream board games out there that people really should take a look at — your complaints about 'nobody using auctions' is simply the result of players not following the rules.

      The rules of Monopoly say if you land on a property, and don't buy it, it must go to auction.

      Play the game properly, and all of a sudden it's a much better game.

      It no longer takes an entire day to play, because all the property is snatched up in a few revolutions around the board, there's skill and strategy in auction wars, and generally much greater interaction between players. Same with the cash reward on Free Parking — all it does is prolong the game.
      No wonder it 'overstays its welcome'.

      I wonder how many of those 'better' games would fare once you selectively throw out the rulebook to appease your 8 year old child or prevent a family argument like people seem to have done with Monopoly over the last 80 years.

      • This is true. House rules have killed monopoly for many players

    • Appreciate your advice on board games, but in terms of buying, I wouldn't discount Games Paradise. Try their eBay page, they often offer free shipping there and I picked up Catan cheaper there than anywhere else a few months ago (and I searched, a lot, like a true Ozbargainer). Also, that table is helpful but it seems to be a couple of years out of date.

    • +3

      Play the australian version of Monopoly - Squatter

    • Sushi Go! (it's Australian!)… :)

      Even if you have to pay twice as much for a good board game, it's some of the best time you'll spend with family or friends, and that's worth every cent.


      Why Play, Toys, and Games are Important


  • +6

    I love the way you have included…'oh by the way some discounts on vacuum cleaners'…

    That is like the mortal enemy of a game board. Do you know how many Dysons of the world have consumed dice, board pieces and money…

    • +5

      Monopoly should sue Dyson!

      @Quink what's your views on vacuums and board games? Have they consumed any of your 'better games'?

      • +1

        That's the domain of toddlers and spilled drinks. Some of the cars in Ticket to Ride got a ticket down the toilet, but it comes with enough spares :)

        • Spare tickets or toilets? If it's spare toilets, I'll definitely be playing that game

  • Dibs on the horse!

  • +2

    Looking for a deal on some other board or other family games like :

    Blokus or Triominoes

    Any suggestions on where to find good deals on traditional board games.

  • +1

    I hate this game. It always ends up in a fist fight.

    • -2

      I believe that Rosie Batty intends to launch a 20 point plan today to combat this very problem…

    • I love this game. It lets me feel justified in starting fist fights because I am an insecure jerk

  • +1

    Sold out online.

  • So many OzComments.

  • +1

    Try monopoly deal, fun game!

  • +1

    I have tried Brisbane CBD store but no luck, any info on where I can get one in Brisbane - preferably south side?

  • any left in SA?

  • This is one of Targets free delivery items, so it is $25 delivered. Ebay store says out of stock ATM.

  • +2

    None at Hoppers Crossing VIC

  • OzBargined.

  • Thanks got the last one at my local store

  • None at Doncaster Westfield :(

  • None @ Mt Druitt

  • None at fountain gate vic

  • If there were any impulse buys- I'm very keen for a Monopoly. I'm in Sydney. Will pay $30 OZB style

    • In monopoly money?

      • Ha - I assure you it will be in AUD. Any takers?

  • +1

    Couldn't find one at my local store Ringwood VIC.
    But managed to get one from Templestowe VIC.
    There is one more left at Templestowe.

  • Buy and never play , kinda like steam

  • Tks op, manage to reverse 1 yesterday when I saw this deal from Templestowe VIC and picked it up today.
    However I believe the wooden box 60th anniversary edition still one of the best!

  • Went to Big W today, should have visit Target as well!

  • Hopefully OzB would still be around in 20 years time to notify me about its 100th Anniversary Edition.

  • picked one up instore from the bigw toy sale starting today. Target seems sold out.…

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