Editing Website/Software

I need to remove the background of a picture so i can use the person in the picture to place behind a custom background, if that makes sense, anyone know a website or software that can do this ? free of course


  • +3

    GIMP. Use the lassoo tool. http://www.gimp.org/


    Difficulty — Easy.

    • Program keeps crashing, any other suggestions?

      • +3

        Almost ANY image-manipulation package produced after about the year 2000 can be used to do this, including the ones that came free on discs accompanying most of the digital cameras sold over the last 10 years or so. What level of precision do you need? As long as you don't need it absolutely perfect (i.e. if it's just for a web-page; not to be 'blown up' to a huge size/printed as a poster, post-superimposition) I'd be happy to just do it for ya; it will take about 5 minutes. PM me if you like, and I'll let you know an email address to send your images/instructions to.

        • Actually, I need it to be perfect as it will be blown up and printed for a custom banner. Thanks for the offer though.

      • +1

        Program keeps crashing, any other suggestions?

        strange. gimp is very mature, stable, open-source editing software

  • Photoshop

    • inkscape is good but it is vector-based, so probably not ideal if the OP is concerned with editing images

  • +1

    Or just use http://pixlr.com/editor/ - online editor, no need for download

  • Since you mention needing to blow up the pic for a custom printed banner - I'd definitely recommend Photoshop (which unfortunately is not free - however, you get a Free Trial!). Also, I'd recommend some expert help (unless your printing place will help you on this), eg the best DPI, the best colour mode, the bleed/margins on the page etc. There are extra considerations for print media at that size.

    You could post up a task on AirTasker and get someone to do it for you, probably <$20 or so. Specify you want a graphics designer familiar with print (not just digital).

    Good luck!

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