Those are my thoughts. What's everyone else's?
Spoilers, You have been warned! ;)
Those are my thoughts. What's everyone else's?
Spoilers, You have been warned! ;)
Well those who have seen it will discuss it…
And those who hasn't seen it will click on it. Human curiosity.
Just like i took the risk, others will too.
Well I have made prominent the obvious fact that there are spoilers in this thread.
P.S. I didn't neg you. :)
At least they followed the books at the very end….Was a bit surprising, but i thought i would get more out of it!
Spoilers incoming
Although i didnt read the books, i always had a sneaky feeling Ollie would be the downfall of john in the end. Like they were alluding to this end ever since he started questioning everyone about the morality of johns alliance with the wildlings….i didnt expect alliser to be in on it as well sadly..
John should have seen it coming and had the boy sent away on a mission, or just had him disappear quietly in the night. A shame he was one of my favourite characters.
Alliser as always indicated his hate towards Jon. I knew that he was preparing to do something to dethrone him from Chief Commander ever since the election.
But it did leave me saying "Is he really dead?".
He will rise as one of the white walkers
I think his uncle is a white walker too even though its not confirmed
i believe the witch will resurrect him. He has signed on for another 2 seasons to the show which is a dead give away lol
This, if you're familiar with Lady Stoneheart from the books - I think that's a good indication as to what may happen considering her timely reappearance at Castle Black, guess that really drives home why she was so interested in him before she left last time.
"I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow.
My SOB sister said to me when I got in ' Have you seen GOT?' and I was like, no, of course not. Then she said 'Well this happens' and spoiled the episode for me. Advice on how to get her back would be much appreciated.
Haven't read the books. This season left me a bit cold - lots of nastiness. Aria is still my favourite character - she was outstanding stabbing out the guy's eyes and then slitting his throat. Stannis got what was coming - asshole. I kept on hoping that someone would kill Cersei on her walk of shame. Poor Jaime - that was a shocker for me - from ultimate high to ultimate low in the course of a couple of minutes.
As an aside, episode 8 (in my head I refer to it as the zombie episode) was far and away my favourite of this season. The only episode I uncategorically enjoyed.
Episode 10 was more full of horror, disbelief, and soul hurting.
Cersei does do bad things, but haven't all the other bad guys done that too? I just thought that her pre-trial punishment was way too harsh, it was really hard to watch.
I think what they did to Cersai is only going to make her mad. I'm guessing that the retribution on the priesthood will start a civil war within Kings Landing.
Cant believe the show is over. Time to pick up the books?
I still believe Jon will return in Season 7….
I believed Ned Stark was gonna come back alive, been 5 seasons and his heads still on a stick….
Snow = Ghost…that is one of the theories…
You should keep it for some other times. Many of us still stuck at work.