This was posted 9 years 8 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam Summer Sale - Day 4


Daily Deals (Daily deals last 48 hrs, new deals in 24 hrs)

Endless Legend 50% off - $17.49 US
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 66% off - $6.49 US
Grim Fandango Remastered 50% off - $7.49 US
Reign of Kings 40% off - $11.99 USEARLY ACCESS
H1Z1 50% off - $9.99 USEARLY ACCESS
Transistor 75% off - $4.99 US
Fable Anniversary 75% off - $8.74 US
Insurgency 75% off - $3.74 US
Left 4 Dead 2 80% off - $3.99 US
Game Dev Tycoon 50% off - $4.99 US
The Banner Saga 75% off - $4.99 US
Call of Duty Franchise

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition 51% off - $29.39 US
Call of Duty Definitive Collection 25% off - $299.99 US
Call of Duty: Ghosts 51% off - $29.39 US
Call of Duty: Black Ops II 51% off - $44.09 US
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 51% off - $19.59 US
Call of Duty: Black Ops 51% off - $19.59 US
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 51% off - $9.79 US
Call of Duty: World at War 51% off - $19.59 US
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 51% off - $24.49 US
Call of Duty: United Offensive 51% off - $9.79 US
Call of Duty 2 51% off - $9.79 US
Call of Duty 51% off - $9.79 US
Call of Duty World War II Bundle 51% off - $22.04 US
Call of Duty Warchest 51% off - $14.69 US
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Franchise Bundle 51% off - $68.59 US
Call of Duty: Black Ops Franchise Bundle 51% off - $78.39 US
Call of Duty Complete Zombies Experience 51% off - $88.19 US

Farcry Franchise

Far Cry Franchise Pack 2015 66% off - $57.76 US
Far Cry 4 50% off - $37.47 US
Far Cry 4 Season Pass 60% off - $13.98 US
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon 75% off - $4.48 US
Far Cry 3 75% off - $7.48 US
Far Cry 2 75% off - $4.99 US
Far Cry 75% off - $2.49 US

Sid Meier's Civilization Franchise

Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle 64% off - $39.59 US
Civilization: Beyond Earth 60% off - $35.99 US
Civilization V 75% off - $17.49 US
Civilization V: Complete 75% off - $19.99 US
Civilization IV: Colonization 75% off - $4.99 US
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword 75% off - $2.49 US
Civilization IV: Warlords 75% off - $1.24 US
Civilization IV 75% off - $4.99 US
Civilization IV: Complete 75% off - $7.49 US
Civilization III Complete 75% off - $1.24 US

Aliens Franchise

Alien: Isolation 75% off - $12.49 US
Alien: Isolation - Season Pass 75% off - $7.49 US
Aliens: Colonial Marines 75% off - $3.74 US
Aliens: Colonial Marines: Season Pass 50% off - $19.99 US
Aliens vs. Predator 50% off - $11.99 US
Aliens vs. Predator: Collection 50% off - $11.99 US

Flash Sale (Flash Deals last 12 hrs, new deals in 12 hrs)

How to Survive 95% off - $0.74 US
Town of Salem 50% off - $2.49 US
LUFTRAUSERS 75% off - $2.49 US
Thief (2014) 75% off - $7.49 US
Wargame: Red Dragon 75% off - $9.99 US
Defense Grid 2 70% off - $4.49 US
FaceRig 20% off - $7.99 USEARLY ACCESS
State of Decay: YOSE Day One Edition 70% off - $8.99 US
Red Faction Guerilla - Steam Edition 80% off - $3.99 US
Train Simulator 2015 - Standard Edition 80% off - $5.99 US
Bully: Scholarship Edition 80% off - $2.99 US
Murdered: Soul Suspect 80% off - $5.99 US
Super Meat Boy 90% off - $1.49 US
Gauntlet 75% off - $4.99 US
The Legend of Korra 76% off - $3.59 US
Apotheon 75% off - $3.74 US
Super Time Force Ultra 70% off - $4.49 US
Blackguards 2 85% off - $8.24 US
Road Redemption 60% off - $7.99 USEARLY ACCESS
RPG Maker VX Ace 85% off - $10.49 US
Bound by Flame 75% off - $7.49 US
Space Run 75% off - $3.74 US
Agarest: Generations of War 2 66% off - $6.79 US
Invisible Inc. 33% off - $13.32 US
In Verbis Virtus 75% off - $4.99 US
ORION: Prelude 51% off - $0.49 US
Mount Your Friends 60% off - $1.99 US
Natural Selection 2 30% off - $6.99 US
Warhammer Franchise

Dawn of War II: Retribution 50% off - $6.49 US
Dawn of War II: Retribution 66% off - $13.59 US
Dawn of War - Dark Crusade 50% off - $6.49 US
Dawn of War - GOTY Edition 66% off - $6.79 US
Dawn of War - Soulstorm 50% off - $6.49 US
Dawn of War II Chaos Rising 50% off - $9.99 US
Dawn of War - Winter Assault 66% off - $6.79 US
Dawn of War II 66% off - $6.79 US
Space Marine 66% off - $13.59 US
Kill Team 50% off - $4.99 US
Space Marine Collection 66% off - $20.39 US
Dawn of War II - Master Collection 66% off - $18.69 US
Dawn of War II - Grand Master Collection 66% off - $27.19 US
Dawn of War - Master Collection 66% off - $12.91 US
Relic Collection $54.99 US

Metal Slug Franchise

METAL SLUG DEFENSE - DLC Mega Pack 75% off - $7.49 US
METAL SLUG 20% off - $6.39 US
METAL SLUG X 75% off - $1.99 US
METAL SLUG 3 75% off - $1.99 US

Minigame Sales — New Deals in 24 Hrs

King's Bounty: Dark Side 80% off - $3.19 US
Prototype 2 76% off - $9.59 US
Lost Planet 3 75% off - $6.24 US
J.U.I.L.A.: Among the Stars 75% off - $4.99 US
Plants vs. Zombies - GOTY Edition 78% off - $1.09 US
Gas Guzzlers Extreme 80% off - $4.99 US
Survivalist 40% off - $2.99 US
SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition 50% off - $3.99 US
Evoland 75% off - $2.49 US

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closed Comments

  • +1

    those older call of duty versions are not worth it. Usually all hacked, or enough players for 1 team

    • +1

      Yeah, CoD 4 is especially filled with hackers. The older titles are good to play for the singleplayer but don't bother about multiplayer

    • Also don't get Advanced Warfare, the servers are a ghost town.

    • Only recommending people to get Black Ops 2…it has the largest number of players during peak of all the COD titles…

  • +2

    This sale is poo all indie games that are quite crap indie games or remasters and the rest are games that are on for a usual weekly sale price.

    • Defense Grid 2 is at an all-time low. I loved the first one, so might drop $4.49 on the sequel.

      • +1

        It was $3.75 on Gamersgate a little while ago.. Redeems on steam.. so, not an all time low..

        • Oh well. Not a deal then.

    • -1

      Agreed, I've spent $7 on games and $19 on trading cards which goes to show how crap the game deals must be if I'm wasting money on digital crap.

  • The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is actually $6.79 US not $6.49.

  • Everyone should give prototype a go, if just for the insane amount of carnage you can cause!

    • Prototype 2 is one of the worst, buggy PC ports I have ever played (don't know about the first one). I would recommend both games, but for the second one at least, go to cash converters and get it on console.

      • Ah, only played it on 360 so didn't know that!

  • Flash deals last 24 hours. New deals every 12.

  • +4

    Fark we get ripped off on the COD games. $9.99 in the US Steam store for COD4!

  • +1

    Still G2a is cheaper for some games, especially if you are looking to get black ops2.

    • Of course it's cheaper, they aren't an authorised reseller therefore they acquire their keys through multiple, mostly illegal means.

      • +2

        As long as i dont get my account being suspend "I dont care where they get it from".

  • -1

    I can't stand early release games.
    Usually by the time they come out in full the hype has died down and there is not as many multiplayer.

    • +1

      After DayZ Standalone, never again.

  • Looking for a strategy turn based game. Can anyone recommend Civilization V?

    • +3

      Can't go wrong with Civ V complete or Endless Legend or both!

    • +1

      Civ5 is one of best turn-based titles ever made.

      9/10 (70 critics)

      8.9/10 (49 critcs)…

      • +3

        On top of that, I would recommend getting the complete pack. The expansions add a lot to the game.

    • Or Civ IV complete if you prefer unit stacking

      • what does unit stacking mean? as in more than one unit can occupy the same spot?
        I do actually have all of them, only played Civ V its an amazing game but takes sooo much time.

        Just ONE more turn :/

        • How much time does 1 game take? LOL

        • +2


          Hours, I have never played a game that finished in less than 10 hours probably longer even. It depends on your settings and the game you want to play. There are people who have literally done over 2500 hours in this game.

        • +1

          That's right. Multiple units can occupy each tile.

        • @mattoo: I've just gotta finish this level…

    • +5

      For strategy turn-based games, I'd highly recommend XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Valkyria Chronicles. They are among the best games I have played (and I have played a lot of games).

      • +1 for XCOM - Enemy Unknown. That game sucks you in for hours. You will blink and 9 hours have passed.

        Just started Valkyria, its still pretty good but really like X-Com

      • +2 I nabbed Enemy Within a few weeks ago for $7 aud and i'm playing it through again.

        • Oh I hated those human traitors! Wanted to string them up so bad!

    • Easily!

    • Civ 5 is amazing, but if that's the kind of the game you like, it's going to take a lot of time away from you.

    • Is the game hard to get in to? It looks quite complicated.

      • Yes and no, until like Chieftan difficulty level (3rd lowest?), you can do whatever you want and even then you will still manage to win. So you can experiment and do whatevs. After Chieftan difficulty however, yeah, the game gets difficult. Though the game does explain the mechanics fairly well.

  • I have to admit, not entirely thrilled with this sale. The combination of poor exchange rate and the inflated prices for AU customers.

    But shouldn't really care though, like most people with a steam account, I have 130+ games that I have never played yet.

    • I thought an ozbargainers steam library should be much bigger, at least 500 games…

      • +2

        I only started purchasing last year. Used to be a PS3 gamer.

        I originally was a PC gamer but strayed from the master race for awhile.

        • I too used to be a PC gamer then I decided to merge with the peasants (to see how the other half live), alas, the lure of the new master race (PS4) was too great though :P

  • +1

    Why is Far Cry 4 still so expensive?

    • +1

      Still a new game and it's the newest of the Far Cry series. You'd probably be waiting until Christmas sales for a more significant price drop.

      I'd be content playing with FC3, (just mod it for more content)… apparently from reviews and vids FC4 really looks like more of the same gameplay, just with a few more interesting guns and vehicles to ride on.

  • +3

    Transistor is a steal for that price.

  • +1

    How to Survive is an amazing game for that price. I wouldn't call it a horror game (Zombies die so easily after awhile) but that being said, it has survival elements and crafting elements that work very well (though it does get slightly repetitive at the end, for it's price, I cannot complain too much about it).

  • Is Alien Isolation a good price? I've been wanting that game for a while now (either on PC, 360 or PS4)

    • +1

      Considering I paid $69 on release and genuinely thought it was worth that, yes, it very much is a good price. However, you'll likely think what most people think, in that the game is longer than it needs to be at 18 hours of sneaking away from 1 single enemy. Amazingly atmospheric and tense the whole time though.

    • +1

      It's a great price, the game is fantastic and eerie.

  • Hi Guys,

    Need advices on game that I should grab from this sale. I enjoy playing games like Shadowrun (owned both Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall) as well as X-com (completed pack). Anything that similar to those already been up for grab at good price?

    Thanks in advance ;-)

    • Give Valkyria Chronicles a go.

      • Thanks. It looks interesting from checking the steam game page. The artwork look quite unique though. Too bad, I think I missed when it was lower than current price based on info from (now only 50% off).

        Probably might wait until last day of this sale. That special discount might be back :-D

        • In the last sale day, it should be cheap again. Grab it then!

  • Is far cry 3 blood dragondragon standalone or do I need farcry too?

    • +1

      FC Blood Dragon is standalone and has it's own game assets. It has nothing to do with Far Cry 3.

      Short game though, but pretty enjoyable.

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