WCS group failed in suing Whirlpool over posts against their business.
Whirlpool Wins against WCS Group Legal Battle
Last edited 13/06/2015 - 09:15
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Great to hear.
Why didn't they learn from 2Clix?? That company is now dead and buried because of what they tried to do!
After a lengthy period of correspondence, legal argument and WCS accusing various financial service providers of being homemadecook, WCS eventually did as Whirlpool initially suggested and subpoenaed Optus to obtain information about the user’s possible identity. Although this information did not definitely establish who was responsible for posting under that username, it did suggest a connection to a WCS ex-contractor. This person denied making the posts, however Whirlpool took the precautionary step of removing them from public view until the matter could be more definitively resolved.
Kind of amazing it got to that sort of level. However I guess even if that account was used to access Whirlpool, there is always the possibility that someone hacked his/her wifi, or they had a guest over who was allowed onto the wifi. Too damn hard to prove that it was him/her at the keyboard typing what they did.
Common sense has prevailed. Everyone should be able to go on to a public forum and discuss your experiences with a company and offer opinions and advice based on that, without fear of either yourself of the forum owners being sued.