And here it is!…
Not sure about the cost but for some people/companies cost is not an issue…
10TB HDs Soon Available

HDDs are still cheapest for archival
What do use instead?
Where do you buy 10 TB SSDs?
Or even 4 TB? At what price?
Are you commenting just for the sake of it?
Do you have a point to make?Ahh i see wot u meen now, I have one ssd for OS and music collection and hdds for media and pvr. No real point with ssd for the latter two for the cost
@cristtos: Yeah, why not? Why post something if you don't want people to comment on it.
Yes you can get 4TB SSD and soon to be 6TB however at a huge expense obviously.
No point needed, Lighten up.@dylanando:
No problems.
SSDs have their place (most of us use them) but it will be some time before HDs become obsolete.
Particularly in surveillance system (and, oh boy, we have plenty of that!)SSDs are great for data centres because they save on power, and you can take full advantage of the added performance with less drives. That's makes them economic.
For someone who doesn't need performance, and isn't running it all the time, HDDs will have the best $/GB ratio
Isn't helium super expensive? These helium filled drives won't be cheap.
I just had helium for an event, I paid about $1 for helium to fill a party balloon.
I remember having a 10 Megabyte on my Atari 1040STE. It sure beat using a data cassette on a Yamaha CX5M PC.
here is a +1 for nostalgia :)
Well, looks like SSD's aren't far behind when it comes to size.
6TB probably by end of July…And I think Sandisk is gunning for 8TB by next year.
but the price, oh, the price!!!
people still use hdd's?