hi need to have a wsidom tooth out as it is growing in to a molar, so may need that removed to. Is there any suggestions on how to get this done without taking out a loan ha ha ?
Need to Have Wisdom Tooth Removed What Is The Cheapest Way without Insurance

ha ha :-)
ouch - wisdom tooth is very different from a kids tooth.
rather than taking out a loan, why not put an amount aside every week and save up, that way there is no interest.
I hear ya monty. Sometimes making people laugh is like pulling teeth.
Go to your closest Dental Hospital?
Not sure why this has been negged. Dental hospitals do provide free treatment. It is the cheapest way, though not necessarily the best, due to waiting times. I waited for about a month paying $$$ in private hospital with oral maxillofacial surgeon. Nerve location was the issue. They have days allocated to their surgery in certain hospitals.
Anyway, for FREE in Melbourne:
https://www.dhsv.org.au/patients-and-public/who-is-eligibleFree treatment from dental students with shorter wait times:
https://www.dhsv.org.au/public-dental-services/free-care-by-…You might need to search for the equivalent local service to you.
I don't think it is that expensive, is it?
I had my top two removed for about $360.
The bottom ones are going to be closer to $600 though.
I'm holding off a little bit, its close to the nerves so I'm weighing up the odds of having no feeling in my face if shit hits the fan.
So, do I want no feeling in my face, or eeffed up teeth?I've heard of them, although for reasons completely unrelated to dentistry.
Yeh i'm with them, I believe you save a bit of money
Most dentites have a payment plan now days so can pay monthly instead of a lump sum.
A hammer from bunnings?
so has anyone joined smile.com.au to save on dental costs?
Maybe have a Google for reviews of them while you wait for others to reply here too :)
https://www.facebook.com/smile.com.au (might be worth browsing through the Posts To This Page for any negative posts or complaints and how Smile has dealt with them? or any positive posts? be mindful that Smile can always filter negative posts and only allow positive posts to be public, so Facebook isn't always the best example for consumer feedback)
thanks I really am mostly seeing positive reviews, just a bit of a sceptic there must be a catch or maybe…
from what I gather smile charges more than the ADA rates, so the savings are made from there prices. I guess that means you shop around and maybe save without signing up if the prices are less.
Look around if any insurance companies have a deal with waived waiting periods for dental. Also I think the dental waiting period is 2 months?
2 months for 'General dental' e.g. scale & clean, fillings. 12 months for 'Major dental' e.g. root canal & 'surgical removal of wisdom teeth'.
take out good major dental extras, wait the 12months, claim
hif have good extras only insurance with 50 back plus if you use referral you can get more backLike a holiday in South America… its a standard procedure and will cost $100 over there..
I just want to clarify, does it need to be removed because you are in pain?
I was told about 25 years ago that I needed all four wisdom teeth removed. I had one removed that was causing me pain. The other three stayed put, and they've never caused any pain or damage. They've actually pushed partway through the gum and it's like having an extra set of molars at the very back.
Getting a wisdom tooth removed is very much pot luck. Some come out easy, and others, usually when the root has a hook on it, literally need to be chipped or smashed out. That's why many people who aren't financially tapped get them done in hospital under a general.
I had mine done in the chair with laughing gas, and believe me - there was no laughing involved. First time I ever experienced a room spinning, and it was not pleasant. The hole it created took about six weeks to heal. I was spitting blood for days. I'm not trying to scare you - however all those jokes people make about wisdom teeth being painful to remove aren't fairytales. Only visit I ever heard my dentist swear, and he did it more than once.
Good luck.
If you happen to have a Health Care Card, you will get free dental service from the community dental clinic where you live. The Dental Hospital, had to bring a friend once to gauge the feasibility of braces, waiting time to get into appointment after referral from the local community dentist was 2 years. But things may have changed. When we got there, every chair from as far as the eye could see was filled with migrant refugees. No problem with that since they must have appalling teeth conditions. The dentist let me in onto the fact that they get first priority for dental work above all else, which is why others have to wait longer. The system may be much improved now for all we know. Don't neg me just because I am just stating what I was told as I figure some members may be offended by my statement.
If you live in Melbourne.
You can ring Oral & Maxillofacial Surgicentres on 1300 654 456.
Years ago my daughter took her Wisdom Tooth from here.
Good luck
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