Australian Financial Review- Online Subscription

Every now and then I see deals from various newspapers ie. The Age, Sydney Morning Heard offering discounted subscription but I never came across an Australian Financial Review subscription deal. Why is that? Are they in so much demand that they don't need to run promotions?

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The Australian Financial Review
The Australian Financial Review


  • We signed up to a six month digital subscription for new subscribers for half price in January this year.

  • used to get special offers while @ uni for this all the time

  • Basically yes, the financial review is fairfaxes only paper that people still buy. Since there's still a market for its content, then why discount it? Their other tabloids, on the other hand, are probably now just loss leaders or something. It's hard to tell how they're going to stay relevant with the papers having gone downhill so rapidly over the last couple of years.

  • Anyone know how to get a deal on their WEEKEND PAPER DELIVERY Premium Weekend subscription?

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