This was posted 9 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Zone of the Enders HD Collection Game PS3, $28 + Free P&H [AU, Stock/time limit] @SellingOutSoon


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Hi fellow Ozbargainers :) As part of our introduction to the Ozbargain community we would like to offer 20 units of Zone of the Enders HD Collection (AU) game for the Sony PlayStation 3 console at a rather good price for the official Australian version of the game, brand new, with free delivery. Many of our deals sell out in a few hours, so please be quick, and share if you like it - thanks guys!

  • Deal (must use coupon code) saves $16.88 off our already discounted $44.88 price, so you pay nearly half price, a total of just $28 including postage
  • Postage is usually $4.90 for orders under $50, but this deal provides free standard shipping

(See deal for full product information)

  • Deal ships from Sydney to Australian addresses only
  • Total price $28 (using coupon code) saves $16.88
  • Official Australian Edition (may be valuable to collectors, because many sellers provide import version only)
  • EDIT: Limited time left (unless sold out prior)
  • EDIT: Now extremely limited stock
  • Maximum one per customer
  • Free off-peak shipping to any Australian address. We also offer Priority shipping including extra packaging + shipping insurance at a very reasonable price, which is also much faster. See checkout for to see all packaging and shipping options.
  • Brand new stock
  • reserves the right to change or end this promotion early, for any reason, with no prior notice.

Comparative Pricing

To help with competitive pricing information, this is what we found including cheapest shipping to Australia, total in $AU, current at time of writing:

PlayAsia $81.03 (UK Import version, not Australian version)
Ozgameshop $30.98 (UK Import version, not Australian version)
GameSeek $39.23 (UK Import version, not Australian version)
EBgames $42.45 (no stock)
Amazon US $21.63 (US version only, not the Australian version shipping from us in Sydney now)
Amazon UK $46.52 (UK Import version, not Australian version)
MightyApe $44.98 (UK Import version, not Australian version) $44.88, now $28 with coupon code (Official Australian Edition)

Australian version current RRP $69.95 (Of course, no self-respecting Ozbargainer pays RRP…this just for informational purposes :) Major retail is finding this title hard to supply, best alternative pricing is online as per above, with some stores selling for nearly triple the total price for this deal)

IGN Community: 8.4 “Great” (out of 130 ratings)
IGN: 7.0 “Good”
Metacritic: 7.7 user score (out of 33 ratings)
Amazon: 4.5 out of 5 stars (out of 108 reviews)

See deal at for full game overview

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the Ozbargain community.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Hi guys :) Some people are having trouble with the code…Is the code working for everyone else?

    • Fixed! Everything is working perfectly now, thanks to the buyers who allowed customer service to co-browse to identify and fix the issue.

  • +2

    It's unfortunate that the company did not release the patch for the Australian release like they did with the UK/US versions. :(

    I highly recommend people to avoid the AU version and get either the UK or US release:…

    Non Patched release (AU) vs Patched Release (US/UK):…

    Side by side comparison (Read user comments about the AU Version):

    • -1

      Interesting. I just did a quick archive search, and we've never had a buyer mention it even once. Someone on the forum in your post said: "I suggest you start up ZoE2 and see if the Hexadrive logo pops up. I have the AU digital release and have had the patch for a while now. Maybe they prepatched the game?". I cannot verify this easily, but it may be the reason why nobody has complained about the Aussie version from us, or other sellers we supply to.

      • The digital version is different compared to this physical release that you are offering.

        I own both the UK and AU physical releases on the PS3 and can confirm that the AU version does not get the patch nor does it contain the on disc Metal Gear Rising demo like it's UK/US counterparts.

        • If you're interested in MGR, did you see our wicked deal for the Aussie version of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, new and sealed, for $7.99 delivered?

        • @sellingoutsoon:

          Not interested as I already purchased it years ago from Harvey Norman for $10. Thanks for the offer though. :)

        • @Hirokuro: Yes, I think it was $9 (pickup) from memory, they didn't have very many though, you must have been pretty quick to get one :)

    • +1

      Darn. And considering I tried so hard recently to find an EB with it. Thankfully it was $16 or $23 or something, but still, a waste of money.

      • +2

        If you're still looking to buy this game, I'd highly recommend that you get either the UK or US release.

        The cheapest I could find is from Dungeon Crawl for $24.91 with Free Shipping:…

        • +3

          If you don't care about physical, the digital version drops to under $15 AUD on the PSN store during a sale.

        • Dungeobcrawl version seems to be just an activation code for digital.

        • @carlscott1982:

          It should be the physical version. I'll give Dungeon Crawl a call tomorrow to make sure and will post a reply here once I do.

          If you cannot wait, Zoohouse on eBay has it for a dollar more:


        • @carlscott1982:

          Dungeon crawl is selling the physical copy:


          Thanks for your email.

          This one is a physical item which will be posted.

          If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

          Kind Regards,
          Customer Service

    • Off topic: I'm sure this got released on Xbox 360. Any comments/feedback against the patched PS3 version?

      • +1

        The Xbox 360 version did not receive a patch either.

        • Thanks for that.

          Seeing you own both the AU and UK version, will the UK version automatically get patched with my AU PSN account?

        • @Donatello:

          No problems. Yes, the UK version will automatically get patched with your AU PSN account.

  • -1

    Want to avoid missing out on our deals before everybody OzBargains them? Then please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button, because then you'll get in early :)

  • Aus version,and the fact it is different to the UK and US version is what makes it collectable to some, especially those who only like to collect the PAL Aus version and not the UK. But thx for the above info very interesting. I would still be recommending that for collectors this is a great buy. Thx sellingoutsoon

    • +1

      Yes, true. And thank you for saying that. I thought of the same thing before we eve posted this deal, but it's better coming from a customer than from me :) and you're completely right. Frankly I was thinking of buying some of these for myself, not to play of course, but to keep for a rainy day. The only reason I didn't is because the deal is for OzBargainers, not as a perk for staff! But collecting is, I think, an acquired taste to be valued even above playing. May not feel like it though, until you have over 1000 games or so, and then you can swim in them, like a madman. Do it for your country. It's also nice to have a truly limited release, and wise collectors realise this, quite often making good money on the back end, another great reason to get into collecting.

      • This game (particularly the AU release) is no rule of rose and therefore isn't worth much on the secondhand market.

        At most you could expect ~$5 after shipping, eBay and PayPal fees, possibly even less.

        Unless you strictly want the cover jacket with the AUS rating logo instead of the UK PEGI logo there is no other reason to buy the AU version.

        • I think you've just correctly pointed out the nature of what some of the fussier collectors find valuable. The price is less accurate/relevant (because recently, many used ones have sold for quadruple what you've said, not just on ebay of course) but collecting is a long term strategy. Collectors know this. That's part of what made the Aussie Star Ocean on PSP (day one release only, of course) such an interesting piece.

        • +1


          recently, many used ones have sold for quadruple what you've said

          I'd like to know where you got this info from…

  • +3

    FYI this game is borderline unplayable without the patch.

    • -4

      I do respect your comment as a player (and I always appreciate the same courtesy back) however not everyone has the same experience. Quite often (and I'm not arguing with you) it's the differences that make the game interesting, and/or valuable to a true collector. Not the gameplay ones, as much as other attributes such as slick, homologation, rarity etc. I should know…I've been dealing with these guys for 20 years :) and they usually buy more for collectability than gameplay. But we're here to serve, so whatever you're into (mostly) that's cool :)

      • +4

        not everyone has the same experience.

        The original unpatched version plays at 720p and drops down to 20fps in fight scenes. The patched version plays at 1080p and runs at a steady 60fps.

        Comparison video:

        it's the differences that make the game interesting

        Slowdowns, laggy gameplay and reduced resolution aren't exactly 'interesting'.

        • -3

          Hello Orpheus :) I may have mentioned this earlier, our archives show nobody even mentioning it, from either our direct customers, or buyers from our wholesale customers. And I'm not arguing. I generally don't get involved in questions of gameplay, because it doesn't have much to do with what I am involved with. But most importantly, I actually wasn't talking about gameplay:

          it's the differences that make the game interesting, and/or valuable to a true collector. Not the gameplay ones, as much as other attributes such as slick, homologation, rarity etc. I should know…I've been dealing with these guys for 20 years :) and they usually buy more for collectability than gameplay. But we're here to serve, so whatever you're into (mostly) that's cool :)

        • Wow the difference is beyond belief. By the end of the video they were out of sync by a fair amount just due to the slow-downs occurring on the un-patched version.

          Given the digital availability of this game, I would seriously doubt this will ever fetch more than about $50 AUD, given that game-play oddities are far less important than physical differences in versions (covers/steelbook etc).

        • -3

          @Telios: If you're right, you'll only more than double your money, whether you play the game or not… and if you're not then it's all upside :)

    • +1

      I was a bit upset by it, dusted off my PS2 to check if I simply had fond memories. Ran better on ps2 :(
      There's no way to get the patch with a us account is there?
      Good price though, excellent to have in the collection :)

      • There's no way to get the patch with a us account is there?

        Unfortunately not. :(

  • -3


    Good price though, excellent to have in the collection :)

    Yes, that's easy to agree with.

  • -4

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