Hi, me and my friends just visited cambellfield kmart and saw these some of the wave 1 amiibo's in full stock!
If anyone is familiar with them, they sold out VERY quickly when they first came out. They now sell for about $50+ on ebay. They might be restocking them? I dont know, but I've been looking for these for ages!
Amiibo's i saw were
* villager
* little mac
* lucina
* robin
* captain falcon
* wii fit trainer
* ness
* megaman
* charmander
* plus a few others i forgot
They're $15 each. Kmart cambellfield is open 24hrs.
I dont think there's a limit because i bought a couple for my friends, but each one needed authorization on self checkout (dont know what that means!)
Yep these are restocks. Cheapest price out there! Thanks for the heads up.