Looking for Job

Hi, I am a first year uni student and im trying look for any job possible (just not fast food). I've applied everywhere and im sick of going to interviews and wasting my time. Can someone help on how i can get a job with no competition or have a high chance of getting it?
Thank you


  • +9

    What is wrong with a job in fast food? Beggars can't be choosers.

    A foot in the door is better than one slammed in your face.

    It's what you can get out of any job that you can take to the next.

    Think soft skills like time management, communication skills etc.

  • +1

    Do you have any experience? Tbh even fast food may be a reach if you don't have any, as they'd have to pay you much more than a school kid.

    That you're getting interviews at all is a good sign; if you had a terrible resume you wouldn't even be getting those. Even unsuccessful interviews aren't a waste of time; use it as an opportunity to practice your interview technique and reflect on what you could've done differently.

    Your best bet is try to get some unpaid experience/ internship in your area of study, and use it to improve your chances of landing a degree related job at the end of uni.

    Supermarkets / department stores are great uni jobs, but you need experience for those (or at least been involved with volunteer work etc to demonstrate some initiative and differentiate yourself).

    The only way to a guaranteed job is through a connection into an unadvertised job within a business (eg owner / executive, HR, department manager) which it doesn't like you have otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.

  • Call centres can be good, the pizza hut call centre is usually easy to get into. Telemarketing/Customer Service is also easy to get into as well as face to face sales/charity fundraising. There's also online groups like Airtasker and Odesk that have paying work. Jobs that are easy to get usually aren't that good though. Another option would be to look for jobs at your actual uni. They usually have staff dedicated to help with this. Any job will take away time from your studies, it's best to avoid working IMO unless you have to or want work experience.

  • +9

    Interviews a waste of time?
    You also want a job with no competition…

    Might be your attitude that is the issue. Have you thought about that?

  • Supermarket shelf stacking?

    I worked at a video hire place during uni, but those don't exist anymore…

  • Suggestions:
    Do barista course, then present yourself in person to every coffee shop in your vicinity.
    Dress fairly conservatively in jeans and nice shirt, put on positive attitude, print out loads of basic resume, and present yourself in person to all retail outlets in your vicinity.

    There is a theme here, I truly believe from experience that putting yourself in front on people will land you a casual job. It's what I did when I was at uni, and eventually I landed awesome casual jobs in cool places to work. Granted, I did do a stint in low end food service first which was hideous, I'll admit, and I couldn't escape that fast enough. It's OK to do something crappy while still looking for that "dream" job. It may even make you appreciate where you do work when you eventually find something "better".

  • +1

    The reality is that people who are hiring are also hiring on attitude. What will demonstrate a constant commitment?

    Find places that you want to work and have some possibility of hiring and go there every single week with your resume. They will get to know you and will inevitably be on their minds. Getting to know the names of their administration staff helps a lot as well.

    Do any type of work or volunteer work you can in the mean time. Sell it that while looking for work you need to be busy. That illustrates a good attitude.

    It works. Problem is that it's a lot of effort.

  • +5

    I've applied everywhere and im sick of going to interviews and wasting my time.

    This is the wrong attitude to have. When you have no job, your job is to apply for jobs. That is your personal goal. To reach that goal you need to put in effort.

    Jobs don't just fall into your lap! You need to up your game and be super competitive. Show that you really want the job, otherwise somebody else will take it from you.

    Every resume you write, every interview you fail, is actually a learning experience. You get better after each encounter

    It is not a waste of time.

  • Never say "I can learn, Im a quick learner". Say "I've done that", "I did that at my last job". Your mind frame at interview has to be that you can do the job already.

    • This is a great idea for stuff that any idea can do, like sweeping, but for most stuff they'll actually ask you about, this is a terrible lie to tell and will get you into a lot of trouble.

      • +1

        Sorry I don't mean it as a lie. I mean it as confidence. you should not be applying for a job you can't step into on day 1 and be able to do. Your other competitors are saying it. Sadly its about landing the job, not doing it.

  • Good luck with your job hunting - you will get a job soon.

  • What everyone else said.

    Can someone help on how i can get a job with no competition or have a high chance of getting it?

    Also, do something nooooo one else wants to do: pick up poop. No joke, knew someone offered to pick up the doggy poops weekly for $7 a week from each household in the area or something. Hard part is the sell but depends on the area and ones own ability I guess.

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