Long time lurker first time poster. Free sample size pack of oats,plus a pack of oat seeds so you can grow your own. 31500 samples.Go crazy people and sow your wild oats!!!
Free Uncle Tobys Oats Sachet Sample and Oats Seed Pack

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Last sample i got was 34 grams.enough for a bowl at breakfast.
I use 1.5 cups…
Does the oats seed pack let you sow wild oats?
yup yup.You can also enter a comp were u share a pic of your oat plants.
One pack is instant oats that are ready for a brekkie. The other one is oat seeds to grow and enter the competition. Don't eat the latter or they'll grow in your tummy.
Sounds like a time-saving initiative. Why eat food when you can grow it where it needs to be?
No thanks! A giant tree in the groin area is frustrating enough.
These go well with squats.
This will go great with the durex condom deal
Do tell…
"sow your wild oats"
I need some new fertile pieces of land though. My previous was full of weeds and cost me lots of money to maintain.
Bota bag?
best thing since sliced bread - i have me rolled oats 7 days a week for brekkie - with sultanas and honey - never tire of it - can't go wrong - cheap - give it a go and throw all of those overpriced sugar infested cereal packets where they duly belong
Ironically you're making this post in a thread regarding oats that some may regard as being overpriced :D
and full of sugar :D
They ask so many questions like personal phone numbers, etc. Didnt bother signing up as I hate giving out too much info…
Just write made up information
This is creepy..why are they asking for the names of my children?
and notice the option of ticking the box that you are over 15+ AND have to sign up for their spam emails? No option to elect out of it.
I didn't tick the box and it worked.
Also mailinator.com
oh right. i used a fake email anyways, but assumed it was a mandatory tick.
Got so many of these samples I had to ask the wife to eat them all and she damn near exploded!
You betcha! Too much seeds for her?
Gotta love uncle Toby's, Australia's best oats!
Why are they better than Home Brand oats?
2577 clicks already :)
I understand Facebook and Twitter integration, but Instagram? I honestly thought that website was a joke when I first saw it.
Nah, now they're hoping Instagram is gonna be the next big thing.
How big is a "sample size"?