Well, the good news is they have free shipping for orders over $150. INCLUDING BEER!!!!!
The bad news is that all Leffe varieties have increased $10 a carton :( Booo!
Well, the good news is they have free shipping for orders over $150. INCLUDING BEER!!!!!
The bad news is that all Leffe varieties have increased $10 a carton :( Booo!
Well you could get some cheapish Hoegs or Stella shipped. And $69.99 a carton for Leffe Brune (my personal fav) is still the best price you can find anywhere.
Plus some non-beer stuff not bad priced.
Free Shipping
Free shipping which unlike the others like Dan Murphy's ACTUALLY INCLUDE BEER!
Dan Murphy's though, man they really ticked me off. The stocktake say they just had, the email said free shipping for over $100 for ANYTHING in the sale. There was beer in the sale. Free shipping didn't work. So I emailed them, expecting tyhem to get back to me and say either a) Sorry that was a mistake, it doesn't include beer; or b)sorry, I'll fix that, you should get free shipping like the email says. But No. You know what they said? A carton of beer or RDTs weigh more than a carton of wine. A total frigging lie. Even excluding cans, the thickness and plasticised nature of beer bottles compared to wine is lighter. OIn average a carton of beer or rtd is significantly less than wine.
A carton of wine is 6 bottles and weighs very little, a carton of beer is 24 and weighs significantly more, I don't know where you are getting youR weights from.
Working in the transport industry has led me to believe that 6 is the most commonly sized carton wine is sent as.as, whilst I agree there are larger sized cartons, 6 is 10:1 the most common.
That is odd. Honestly I've just gone through all my wine online purchases and less than 1 in 10 of mine are 6 bottle cartons.
Irrespective though, kg/litre of content, wine cartons weigh more.
Then add to it the fact that nowdays, most beer is not even 375ml, now 330ml it isn't even a 2 beer bottles to 1 wine bottle anymore.
Only one if u spend over $150
If you know anywhere that does free shipping for beer, let us know.
I'm not being sarcastic here. Free shipping for beer and RDTs at any minimum price is just stupidly rare.
Only one if u spend over $150
Correct. So you do know what the bargain is after all.
Yeah..whoop whoop land buyers buying bulk. And anybody else blah blah blah….
Off course this bargain doesn't apply to everyone.
I'm just stirring since most are after product bargains not free shipping.
Yes, my sincere apologies for not making it clear enough in the title that is was "Free Shipping over $150", hence wasting your time, leading you to click on this thread numerous times and make numerous posts. I should have put "Free Shipping over $150" in the title.
You are forgiven. LoL. Are u super stirred yet?.. Put it to bed OK..cheers.
BTW Dan Murphys has the Leffe Blonde case with free delivery for $59.90 ATM.
Leffe blond here at a decent price (+ship)
Yeah that is a fantastic price for Leffe Blonde. $5.95 shipping on top it is still a great price.
Shame more people don't carry Leffe Brune though - that is my favourite of the bunch by a good margin. Fortunately I bought 3 cartons last time they had free shipping, when it was only $59.99.
I got their Fraser Briggs larger recently and was pleasantly surprised, especially at $31.99!
Wow, a NZ import at $32! Bronze medal winner too. You think there must be some catch.
catch is u need to buy 5 to get free shipping.
dont get me wrong i picked up a slab of hoegarden for 47$ when it was available in my local aldi store.
the point i wanna make is aldiliquor is moreso an online biz. most stock aint available at your local aldi. cheap if stocking up bulk.
but i can always pricematch aldis stock 5min away from my local first liquor.
Yeah well when you live in backwards states like I do, there is no local aldi liquor. There is no buying liquor from Woolworths online along with your groceries. If I want Leffe Brune I have to buy online, along with a lot more I buy. So when I can get it with free shipping, it is a godsend. All my local liquor stores are rubbish.
@Mobe1969: Moving to QLD from England I have never understood why you can't get booze in the supermarket or other places. Backwards indeed. The damn supermarks own all the bottle shops anyway
@hen dawg:
This might be a long post.
My family was from Qld, but in the 70s we moved to Melbourne for work when I was a baby. My parents were right wing religious nuts, and they yearned to go back home. Eventually in 1980 we moved back to Brisbane, as Queensland was a puritanical right wing religious state, and my parents had had enough of the all the sexual depravity all around us in the southern states. The state motto in Queensland I think back then was "What Would Jesus Do?". It was a bit like a fundamentalist nation, like one of the stricter middle eastern countries, without the stonings, beheadings, and government sanctioned sexual assaulting I guess. Back then nothing was open on The Lord's Day, or Sunday as the Pagans refer to it. Except petrol stations, which opened on a rotating roster, so if you needed petrol, you had to know when servo would be open. And all pubs shut at about 10pm.
Things are a bit better now, and around Expo 88 things started loosening up, so we didn't look too foolish when under global scrutiny. But we are still stuck with a lot of the stupid laws from that era. Hence the stupid bottle shop laws. Hell, for a long time (maybe into the 90's) we actually had a whole separate censorship board on top of the federal censorship, so that the state govt could then ban material those depraved southerners would allow. I am not kidding.
I'm only partially joking here, but not really. Some of it may be just time plus childhood distortion. But it wasn't really that long ago. My parents were wowsers, and I think that episode of The New Statesman really sums up what they were really like though.
@Mobe1969: Great post! As a southerner (NSW), we were often told that a lot of QLD's predicament was down to Joh Bjelke-Peterson's iron rule. Easy to make light of in hindsight, but by all accounts was a difficult existence in QLD if you fell outside the norms in Joh's era.
I have a treasured teatowel from the 1970's which has a map of queensland, and a large portrait of Sir Joh smiling beatifically down upon it. Messed up and hilarious!
LOL yeah I think he was the prime force behind it. My parents were great fans of his, and I even got brainwashed into sending him a fan letter when I was an impressionable child trying to please the folks. Before I woke up. I got a letter back from him I recall.
I still laugh thinking of that Kraft cheese limited Bjelke Blue cheese which was basically coon cheese with peanuts in it. WTF.
This thread is now awaking too many unpleasant memories of the past. LOL.
So where's the bargain?