What Does "No WOVR Record" Actually Mean in QLD

If a car has no WOVR record or WOVR N/A, does this mean I don't have to get acquire a WOVI? (In Queensland).
Also does this mean I can get a RWC and drive it without a blue slip (NSW needs a blue slip)? (After I fix the issue of course, it's only missing a tail light)



  • +1

    It means it hasn't been on the written off vehicle register in Qld. This is for damaged cars (basically). You need a rwc every time the vehicle changes owners or if you are registering an unregistered vehicle. The seller has to provide the rwc to advertise the car for sale (legally). If they are not providing the rwc, it usually means there's something wrong with the car that they don't want to fix. The rwc acts as a sort of guarantee for certain things.

  • +2

    I typed the title of your post into Google and it gave me the answer immediately:


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