This was posted 9 years 9 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pizza Hut - Any 3 Pizzas + 3 Sides Delivered for $31.95 ($21.95 with Visa Checkout)


Take a break from Delivery Hero and order PIZZAHUT
ED33D1 – $31.95 for 3 pizzas and 3 sides DELIVERED.
Choose any Sides $4.95 Max - 1.2L Drink, Cheesy Garlic Bread, Oven Baked Large Chips, 6pk Chicken Bites
Choose any Pizzas from Favourite to Classic. Extra Charge for Stuffed crust and prawn

VISA checkout to $21.95. (Pay Online with Visa Checkout and get $10 off your delivery order)

$29.95 2 Loaded Classics, Garlic Bread, 1.25L drink – LSVMD29
$34.95 2 Loaded Classics, Triple Dippers, 1.25L drink – LSTMD34
$37.00 3 Any Pizzas excl. prawn, 3 Sides – LS33D37
Any 3 Large Pizzas, 2 Garlic Breads & 1.25L drink for $29.95 delivered. -EDFBD9

Credit to Shreav, karl_w_w

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Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut

closed Comments

  • +4

    Just ordered a ridiculous amount of artery clogging goodness. Thanks OP!

  • +3

    no worries. take a rest from deliveryhero lol

  • Great deal.. voted.

  • should i add pizzas in sequence?

    • Sure. Y not?

      • just realize that there are exclusions.

        can only order pizza at price lower than 14.

        But still good deal. thanks mickey.

  • Great deal, though I don't think you can get it down to $21.95 as the minimum charge is $23.90 per the Ts & Cs

    "Minimum delivery charge of $23.90 inclusive of $7.95 delivery fee still applies"

    • But, Have you try it? I ordered and paid $21.95.

      • I should have! I even thought I should try but it would take me longer haha.

        Wow they must have meant the order before discount must be that. I had already voted this deal and would again if I could!

  • No pizza Hut store close to Camden Park SA for delivery. That sucks.

    • Oh no…

    • +2

      What about the one at Marion shopping centre ? dont they deliver ?

      • I haven't asked but when I puty postcode for delivery order, website said it couldn't find a store for me.

      • Shopping centre/food court PH stores are usually "express" stores - no delivery.

  • +2

    Great post, got me keen for pizza. Unfortunately, how is it I live in Melbourne city and cannot get Pizza Hut delivered. I have never felt isolated until now. Might as well be considered regional Australia while being 10 minute walk to Melbourne Town Hall….

    • I use to live opposite Flinders Street station a few years back at Unilodge and was only ever able to get Dominos delivered.

    • +1

      Trust me, you're not missing out on much.

    • +1

      is this because delivery drivers refuse to drive around melbourne city or what?

  • Order my pizzas delivered at 7pm but arriving late at 7.23pm. Must be oz bargained lol. Enjoying my pizza now. Cya

  • Thanks OP. Great price with Visa Checkout.

  • +5

    Good deal but does anyone else think Dominos pizza is better than Pizza Hut?

    • -2

      Nope Dominos is popular and bigger chain only because they're cheap. And Aussies are cheap. The end

    • Dominos have been dominating in their advertising over the others. Although you cannot beat pizza hut thick pan base.

  • Have all of you guys received your pizza?

    I ordered my at 6.20.

    Email says it will come at 6.55.

    but i have not yet received my pizza by now.

    Btw, i ordered at dickson store in ACT.

  • cooking dinner for myself tonight, do I go with some roast chicken and veggies or do I order 3 pizzas for myself? Decisions, decisions…

  • Really wanted to try the Four N'Twenty crust but they're all $14.95 so excluded

    • +2

      You're lucky you didn't. They're really bad

  • Hopefully this is running tomorrow night. Already had dinner for tonight!

    • +3

      Just make an order now for tomorrow, I did mine for Wednesday.

      • Ah, didn't even think about that. Although realise I'm heading out tomorrow night.. Might have to make it for Tuesday or Wednesday :-P

  • Cheers OP, ordered :) I was able to get the 9pk cookie shots too, worth like $6.95 :)

    • To follow up, the chocolate raspberry ones taste bad lol like a jam donut

      • Glad then that I just stuck with the caramels. I originally added it but then restarted the order then I couldn't add the 9 pack the 2nd time.

        • Yeah Mrs loved the caramel, it tastes like a sticky date pudding lol

  • This is a godly deal. $22 for 3 pizzas + 3 sides delivered. Insane

  • Any 3 Pizzas + Garlic Bread and 1.25L Drink Delivered for $29.95 - BD35Q10B

    Should come down to $19.95 with the Visa Checkout - expires 07/06/2015

    • Not sure why you would use this over "Any 3 Large Pizzas, 2 Garlic Breads & 1.25L drink for $29.95 delivered. -EDFBD9"

      Though when I used the above, it went up to $31.95 when you use the $11.95 pizzas

      • this one seems to work with Favourites pizzas but not Classics? (and possibly not others, havent tried everything), if you add a classic it just still says 'needs to add 2nd large pizza, needs to add 3rd large pizza' etc. Ah yep so now, when u add three Favourites and the other things, it puts it together in a 'Footy' meal in the checkout, however saying 33.95 - and the other pizzas, the classics I tried to use in it, are listed seperately and charged for. It's an annoying system..

  • +1

    Can't believe this deal has been around since 5th May, yet no one posted it.

  • Good deal

  • These pizzas keep getting smaller and smaller, but bigger than dominos and a good deal.

  • Thanks for this deal - bargain. Had them last night though and two of the three pizzas we'd ordered tasted a bit crook. I think the meat on them was cheap and it showed. The veggie one we got was fine, as were the sides. I was allowed to get tendies because I traded in my good boy points.

  • which pizza is better?

    Dominos or pizza hut?

    • +2

      Depends if you prefer the taste of Styrofoam or Cardboard

  • Looks like dinner is sorted tonight, thanks OP!

  • Tried to order twice and just as it's about to confirm the order and take payment it goes back to the default order commencement screen. Anyone else getting this? GRR!

    • +1

      Have you tried using a different browser? Works fine on chrome for me.

    • Does using app helps?

    • Any chance you're hitting edit beside the address? I made that error before

  • Thanks. Dinner sorted!

  • It's a deal, it's pizza time!

  • Don't know if this was a bargain since I ordered 3 pizzas just for myself! but I guess lunch is sorted for tomorrow too. thanks

  • Damn! Hersheys cookies are gone :(

  • As a pizzahut Delivery, good to see ppl ordering pizza from us!

  • Thanks, that's dinner sorted.

  • they have changed pizza taste all right now . thanks

  • thanks for the deal, its excellent!

    How are the four and twenty pizzas? can they be orderd with the 37$ deal? or totally not worth it?

  • Thanks for posting OP!

    On another note guys, if Visa Checkout is looking to unseat Paypal, will Mastercard release its own thing too soon?

    • since you can use your mastercard with visa checkout anyway, who cares? :D

  • Cheap dinner. Thanks heaps.

  • Had a break fr the D Hero. Value here with this one tonight was phenomenonal.

  • thanks for the 3 pizzas and 18 chicken bites OP

  • Told me invalid code so I guess my store is dumb

  • In which step will we see the $10 off?

    'Continue to Pizza Hut to complete your purchase' Should I click the continue button? But the price is still without the $10 off .So I am afraid if I clicked the continue button it would charge the full amount…

    • +1

      You need to be registered with Visa Checkout, then come back on that page, click 'Pay with Visa Checkout'.
      Or you could just click Visa Checkout and sign up on the spot.

      • Thank you for your help:) Can I ask how many times can we get $10 off?

        • +1

          There is a time limit I believe (not sure until when though) but no order limit. Have got this deal twice so far using the extra 10 dollars off.

  • Bump at my own post!

  • Thanks very much, orders 3 pizzas, 2 large chips and a garlic bread for $21.95 delivered!

  • Yep, deal still works, got three pizzas and three sides for $22 :D

  • just ordered!

  • YAY still works food for me and my son is done :)

  • +1

    This is still working (Holiday Monday 8 June 2015) in Sydney

    They have a public holiday surcharge so all up it is costing about $24.50 for 3 pizzas and 3 sides. Still a pretty good deal…

  • O
    Visa Checkout is a 1 time deal though

    • +1

      Yes can confirm this. Was about to preorder last Wednesday night's $22; $32, is all that came up [too dear now]. Same will cover~<2x DH instead.

      • "too dear now" LOL yes we all luv a deal ;-p

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