• expired

Dick Smith: "Almost Everything is on Sale" - MEGA LIST - 2000 Items - 31 May 2015


Here we go again!

Price comparison from 30th May to 31st May

Hope you find some bargains.

Meep Tablet Accessories $4.25 (Was $59.95)
Dick Smith 5m Cat 6 Network Cable $3.50 (Was $37.98)
Move Silicone Cases for iPhone 5 $2.75 (Was $24.98)

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +1

    "You little trimmer" - Been listening to old Mo Rene

    • +86

      i posted 2000 bargains :O

        • +47

          I for once agree with jv.

          OP has edited his/her post to include a few bargains now though.
          Might take a look through the 2,000+ junk items myself later to find a few more actual bargains.

        • +14

          @dyl: It wasn't even OP who edited it, it was one of the mods.

        • +5

          @Kados: wasn't aware of that, +1 to the mods then!

        • +11

          I suspect OzBargain has been overtaken commercially by fake accounts. If you look into these 'discounts' you generally find other sources cheaper even after the 'discount'. For example, got this printer for $16 last week at Hardly Normal (http://goo.gl/m4RKTu) where as in this dick smith 'deal' it is $59 reduced to $43 - 20% off, but almost 3 times as much as a different seller's normal price. I can't see bargains here worth upping this 'deal' nor why someone would down-vote what jv said, hence why I really wonder what's happened to OzBargain.

        • -1

          Look through the list yourself and contribute a few good ones for the rest of us instead of complaining about him not doing enough. He's still doing more than you, just compiling that list. I don't know how he does it.

        • +11

          @lostn: I would make my own post if I found a bargain, that's how OzBargain works. The idea of a thread is to discuss it so don't tell me not to. Compiling a list is not a bargain.

        • +2

          @lostn: OP has put advertisements on his search page as well. Looks like he is also trying to making money through OZbargain, so not that much of a contribution. Its business :)

        • -7

          Sigh. Look at all those jv fans swarming at him upvoting him for a stupid comment.

          No different to your downvoting

        • +6

          @Letrico Stop trolling, people up or down vote on more than just a person

        • +1


          This one is up unwinnable jv, move on.

        • +4

          @Letrico: So far you've amassed more neg votes than jv. Pretty ironic really. Let's hope you get the hint and just stop posting.

        • +7

          Sigh. Look at all those jv fans swarming at him upvoting him for a stupid comment.

          A little respect please…

      • +21

        You just posted ads to generate revenue for your greedy self from a spam 'bargain'.

        • +9

          Yeah agree with you here, poor form OP. Is this not against the rules?

        • +4

          @snoo: Thanks for doing nothing to rectify it. Posting guidelines say you should:

          Declare upfront if you will benefit from the posting

          Not to detract from your effort OP, genuinely, but I see no justification as to why you should profit for some sneaky coding, while others that genuinely go digging for deals don't. My 2c.

        • -1

          @jackary: Somebody has to pay for hosting though…

        • -5


          Thanks! The 7c from banner ads (plus your 2c) covers the tea bag I used (twice) to drink while coding the back end.
          Can you suggest a free way of posting the information that allows for a bit of requested customization ?

        • +1

          @snoo: 7c from 11,000 clicks? I call bs. Your question is of no relevance to my original comment.

          There are many users here that make as much effort as you, yet go unrewarded for it.

          @Jakiejake: There are many free hosts available, and if they were to be the ones serving ads that would be fine.

        • @jackary: this is the same as other people post wws and Coles specials weekly.
          But the difference is this one post the special for us but at the same time is making money for the ads on his page? (Pay by clicks?)

        • +5

          Wow, lots of ungrateful people in this thread…

        • @jackary: I don't see a problem here!

        • @coolndeep: Great, thanks.

        • @watson4884: Please see previous comment. The fundamental distinction is who is being rewarded by the served ads.

          Clearly it's a subject worth debate, perhaps someone could start a forum topic specifically on this?

        • +3

          I feel there's a lot of effort, that's awesome, but it needs to stay in a forum until actual specials have been found. The list is useless until you read through the user comments and find actual bargains. Plus, we know it's Dick Smith, who usually reduce prices without creating a bargain. We can't trust DS whatsoever.

    • -2

      You can tell people care about what you think by the number of downvotes you received

    • +16

      Have to agree with jv, this is no different from providing a link to a websites 'clearance' page. +1 for effort though.

      • +1

        True.. I totally agree.. but the "was" price is accurate & not invented for the sale.
        How many DS deals have been posted that had people whinging their "was" prices inflated just before a sale.
        Now you know exactly how much & when.
        Sorry to those who don't like the post.

  • Thanks for the description :-)

    Got some items last time.
    Toll priority came for delivery during the day, wasn't home, so the packages are now in limbo :-(

    • +4

      Indeed. (profanity) Toll

    • Ring the number on the slip left in your letterbox and organize another delivery date.

      • +2

        Be warned people in SA or other states where Toll has only one depot site.(In SA it is near Waterloo corner).
        You can't go and pick it up so easily (too far away), else they will come sometime during the day.

        • +6

          Here (North Qld) the drivers (not just Toll) have all the Missed Delivery Cards filled out for residential deliveries before they leave the depot. If they are running late or just lazy they don't even come to the front door to see if you are home. I can't tell you how many times they have put a card in my mail box when I was home. I can hear a moderate knock from anywhere in my 2 bedroom ground floor unit.

    • -1

      You b should be able to pick up from newsagents locally with toll

      • Why can't they just leave it as the Post Office?

        • +1

          That'd be sleeping with the enemy.

      • Too true #bigpallooka#, they do same to me. No agreements with either LPO or closest newsagents, so it goes back on the long journey to the depot first! Toll should be called Troll.

  • Very helpful. Thanks.

  • thanks OP - any highlights here? doesn't look like external hard drives are on sale

    • no.. even their 6TB seagate NAS is cheaper at OW $579

  • +11

    We need a new sister site called DSEBargains.

    • Might as well, they have 3 sales a week these day.

    • +5


    • There'd be very little worth posting.

    • +13

      you just google it you know

      service used for removing the URL of the referring page; that referred to a given page.

      means DSE won't know the visitor came from the website hosting the list

      • Their rep might be around so they will know it anyway.

    • +1


    • +6

      removes the referrer so they won't know the traffic is from ozb.

      EDIT: slow typing speed

  • Must've taken you a long time to put this together, thanks :)

  • +++++ for the list

  • +34

    looks like a junk shop list, everything probably cheaper on ebay

    • +7

      Welcome to DIck Smith without Tandy competition and after Woolworths…

  • +2

    Make sure you check old sale prices as slowly things are going up like the 5m network cable, last time on Sale was $2.05 but now $3.50

  • +2

    For the programmer, can you do this list for Woolworths, Target, and BigW?

    • +1

      last time i saw 2 Web sites doing this but almost same time both of them gone. is it something liked legal or pressure been imposed by those retailers??? always wish to know the reason ……

      • +2

        Probably a lot of work for little return.

    • +2

      How does that justify a neg?

    • +2

      That adapter you will desperately need next thursday was there for $4.20 :-p

    • Age of entitlement much? "Nothing I want, so neg."

      • -3

        Nice try Tony Abbott

        • Much randomness Lol, OK, righto.

        • Tony isn't interested in DSE. He wants another sexpo discount. 20 million bumplugs for the citizens of Australia. So that were all doing the "right" thing.

  • No UE Boom. Missed out last time :(

  • No outright mobiles on the list.

  • Considering their eBay store has 3300 items, and wouldn't stock everything on the website. They're very generous in calling it "almost everything"

  • That is pretty comprehensive! Thanks!
    Though I must agree that some products can be found cheaper elsewhere.

    • Like they are going to cross ref everything on sale…….

  • +1

    Not a complaint, just an idea. Would be helpful if you make the list sortable by price, name,…. Guess this wouldn't be too much effort.

    • +3

      Copy it all into excel and create a table

    • +1


      1.) Opens List and presses the <CTRL> and the <A> keys at the same time.
      2.) Goes to menu and opens Libre Office Calc.
      3.) Selects a cell, any cell, and presses <Control> and <V> at the same time.
      4.) Views the "language" dialogue box, and accepts the default of Automatic.
      5.) If your "any cell" was A1, select columns A to D, then select <Format> -> <Merge Cells> -> <Split Cells>.
      6.) With columns A to D still highlighted, Select <Data>, <sort> then choose to sort on column C in ascending or descending order if you want price, column A if you want alphabetical order, column B if you want original price or column D if you want to get the biggest discount regardless of what crap you order.

      It's amazing what computers can do these days. These instructions should provide enough information to work the same magic in Excel, Open Office or Kingsoft office. It is probably also possible using a database, but then it won't be as easy to show what you did with a pretty graph.

      Have fun

      • Save the document as XML Spread Sheet
        Open the file with Notepad
        find replace the dereferer.org link to blank ( to save time by going directly to the DSE site)
        Open the file with Excel
        Save document in XLSX format if you want
        shop away

    • Why would sort by name be useful?

      • Because if i am looking for something i can scroll the list until i find it up or down. So there is for example "samsung" in ten different parts of the list

        • -1


        • +1

          thanks dosada, i'll look into it.

        • In chrome, click 'Find in page', enter Samsung, then you can click next to cycle through all the Samsung items, even ones with Samsung half way through the title, for example, 'Move Clear Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S4' Or you can click the yellow highlights on the right.

      • Why does it need to be useful? It's free, something needed to be done, this was something, I did it :-p

  • Here we go again!

  • UNIDEN DECT1015 Cordless Phone $17.18 -
    It's $28.00 @HN & Good Guys.

  • +1
    • There you go! Tightwad just wasn't looking hard enough.
      Now any of us can get a new friend with influence.

  • -2

    This will generate thousands in terms of affiliate referrals, Snoo deserves it :)

  • -1

    Far out, wasn't even a week this time. Mind you doesn't seem to be as cheap as a few days ago.


  • +1

    Prices don't seem to be changed on EBay, where they were even cheaper and there was 15% code before. Not as great a deal as the last one.

  • +3


  • +1

    Kambrook blitz2go blender $39… damnit thought it was an actual bargain rather than a discount on inflated prices.

  • +16

    Title should be "Dick Smith: "Almost Nothing Good on Sale" - MEGA LIST - 2000 Items - 31 May 2015"

  • Anybody know if this works with iPad Mini?


    Interface: Mini USB (for power only), iPad 30-pin connector

    Mini doesn't use the 30-pin connection.

    • Not compatible out of the box. From the support page:

      Is the iPad PhotoScanner compatible with the new iPad ?

      The iPad Photo Scanner is compatible with iPad 1, iPad 2 and the New iPad that has a 30 pin connector. If you are wanting to connect an iPad 4 that has an 8 pin connector, it’s recommended you purchase a 30 pin to 8 pin converter cable.


  • -2

    You do know that all these prices can be found on the dick smith website?

    • +1

      But not with the (actual) old price, and sorted by percentage saving.

  • +8

    Garbage sale?

  • I got the Logitech Z623 2.1 speakers @ $125… which is only slightly cheaper than MSY.com.au ($133) but still the cheapest I could find.

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