With many people increasingly using VPN services for various trending reasons, will there be a change in policy to allow posting?
Even when logged in and using an Australian exit I am blocked from commenting or posting.
With many people increasingly using VPN services for various trending reasons, will there be a change in policy to allow posting?
Even when logged in and using an Australian exit I am blocked from commenting or posting.
I have to +1 LoopyLou for that question.
I am finding it increasingly annoying to enjoy my daily OzBargain hit, when I'm constantly having to disable my VPN to do so.
Times have changed and thanks to idiots in the powers that be, I find we are increasingly required to use such tools to protect our privacy on-line.
If you want to prevent foreign logins for whatever reason, I get it, but basing on Geo-Location adds to the current problem we already have with some on-line services, it certainly doesn't make any proactive attempt to come up with a better solution.
I think the cons of geo-blocking far outweigh the pros now for genuine users of OzBargain, and would officially like to add my voice to others that would like the geo-blocking stopped.
I'm not sure for what reason geo-blocking was decided in favour of in the first place (you're not protecting distribution rights here, and even then that's already highly controversial), but the degraded experience for genuine users surely cannot be worth it?
how do you know it's geoblocking?
It might be just blocking vpn exit points as these are typically used to hide source addresses and often blacklisted.
I don't know. Thanks for clarifying. But I stand by the fact it's annoying and archaic for genuine users of the site who happen to use a VPN, whatever the intended reason. Once I have a valid OB account why should they block my comments whether I'm on VPN? I may be on open wireless or logging in from another country. Why is that something that just be blocked?
Give me a reason where the pros out weight the cons.
We are blocking some IP ranges belong to hosting & VPN companies. Rather than blaming whoever is in government, the root of issue is that VPN has also been abused by spammers and bots.
My point is you're also blocking legitimate users. I could be at McDonalds on open wireless, I could be in another country.
I would prefer maybe that account holders have to verify their identity more stringently but should not be punished for coming from a VPN.
I'm just saying in my opinion if spammers are a genuine problem, blanket blocking of legitimate users is not the way to fight that.
Look I accept it but I hate it as it affects me but should not as you can see my history speaks for itself. I'm not evil. I will continue to use OB and be annoyed every time I have to disable my VPN and accept my packets may get sniffed at hot spots around Perth. I think it's stupid my security needs to be compromised just to use OB.
If you put yourself in my shoes this would also upset you.
Other than that love the site great job.
Yes we are blocking legitimate users that access this website via channels that we deem too risky. Really sorry for the inconvenience, but that saves us a lot more of our own inconveniences verifying users, investigating on spammers, etc so there is no plan at the moment to lessen the restriction that might affect a small minority of our users.
Maybe the policy will change in the future — when a significant number of our users are using VPN, or when majority of spammers start using Hola (which uses other users' residential IP range), or when we move to IPv6 when the overhead becomes too big.
Curious what you're permanently using a VPN for? If you're only downloading the easiest way is to create a separate VM on your machine.
this is spot on. Don't understand the big deal about not allowing to post using VPN. Connecting and disconnecting VPN to allow to post is not an issue for me. This or using a VM are perfect solutions for using Ozbargain without issues,
Are you really suggesting when I'm having my morning coffee or lunch at an open Wifi hotspot I DO NOT use a VPN? You cannot be serious.
VM is great if you're running a decently pumped up laptop.
Guys, all I'm doing is browsing the OB web site on an open hot spot using an Android tablet. Please stop assuming whatever it is you are assuming. My usage case is not only legitimate, it's actually best practice for an open WiFi hotspot. Correct me if I'm wrong.
And just stop and listen to yourself for a split second. You're suggesting I build a VM just to be able to post to a web site. A feature that I should have but has been banned from OB because of their policy.
Now, again. I accept and abide, and I will go to my settings, VPN, click a few buttons, go back to OB web site, make a post, then go back to settings, VPN and turn it all back on, but seriously guys, yes it IS a damn inconvenience. You cannot disagree with that.
Look, I've made a suggestion that you legitimize customer's accounts more stringently (drivers license, passport I don't EVEN care). Find some smart code that bans accounts when they spam or whatever, I stand by the fact blocking VPN connections is a silly measure.
I'm not going to argue this point any more because I will always believe it is a silly measure, because I'm unavoidably affected and I believe the way to "fix" the spamming problem by blocking VPN is a lazy one. Sorry to say it.
Again, I will abide because I want to be part of the community. Just wanted my voice heard. I am a "small minority of users" maybe I get it, but I guarantee smart people will flock to VPN when this mandatory retention crap goes through. Let's see how much of a minority I am then. Just be prepared please to find a better way in the future.
Thank you all for your comments.
And just stop and listen to yourself for a split second. You're suggesting I build a VM just to be able to post to a web site. A feature that I should have but has been banned from OB because of their policy.
No I was suggesting that if you were only downloading I would just use a VM.
I agree that it is certainly inconvenient to constantly enable and disable a VPN however OzBargain is running on HTTPS - if you are paranoid enough to be using a free wifi hotspot with a VPN in lieu of HTTPS I wouldn't be using a free wifi hotspot at all.
If you're adamant on using a VPN - do you have unlimited internet at your home? You could always set up a VPN from your house - this would work fine for browsing sites locally and actually be the safer option than a paid VPN.
OB is not the only site i browse. Just the only one i can't post on.
VPN at home is actually decent suggestion if i wasn't on Adsl1 with only 25kbps or so upload speed. Appreciate that one. Thanks.
How about disabling the IP blocking for logged-in user with a long-standing account, eg: more than 2 years old, received badges, lots of posts, comments, or PMs, etc ?
IP checking is actually done before any session data is loaded on all POST requests. Thus request blocked with 403 without even knowing whether it's a long-standing account or guest user. We do that to minimise impact from abusive IP ranges. Yes I know it's just technical issue and can potentially be fixed, just not as trivial as "click a checkbox here".
It's very annoying.
Just found this thread which explains why I was getting error messages. I understand the motivation but the error message certainly isn't helpful when trying to work out what's wrong. Whirlpool also blocks IP ranges but offers a more helpful error message (something to do with "this IP address is blocked due to abuse"), perhaps that's a small thing that could be done? Certainly would have saved me a lot of time.
We have been blocking IP ranges for years so if you can't comment/post then that is the reason. Just start a TWAM thread and we will sort you out.