Need Suggestions What Is Future after Becoming a Restaurant Manager ?

hi all working at franchise store as manager been 2.5 years now if i wanted to move on to make more money where else i can apply worked at fastfood restaurant all my life. with franchises buainesses no option after u reached to manager level as only becoming owner is last option. guidance needed. thanks


  • +3

    Do you have tertiary (uni level or TAFE) level education? For better prospects you may wish to attain a degree in business management and major in hospitality or tourism. You can also apply for advanced standing; seeing as you have work experience, you can attain a Bachelor degree in as little as 2 years if full time or 4 years as part time.

    Hospitality is extremely broad and you can work in a lot of places as a manager. Hotels, resorts, airlines, clubs, casinos et cetera. A manager, with extensive experience in a particular industry, can become an area manager and be in charge of multiple businesses within the same franchise.

  • +1

    Can we have a little more info? For example, is it safe to assume you're managing a maccas or KFC, or something like that? If so, I suppose you could try and become the manager of a more prestigious restaurant (likely have to begin a rung down; assistant manager/2IC); which would = more money. Also maybe consider some of the bigger hotels; i.e. applying to manage their kitchens/meals-services. Or thinking slightly more abstractly, you could apply to manage the kitchen/meals services at a large school/boarding school etc. I suppose what I'm getting at is that if you're currently at maccas or KFC then anything different might be quite a bit more mentally stimulating/educational/interesting, at least for a while. I think the fact that you've been retained as a manager for 2.5 years by the same company will be looked upon very favourably by any potential new employer (it's to your credit/ demonstrates reliability/ responsibility etc.), so yes, by all means start putting yourself out there.

    Another option may be to devote one (or more) of your days off per week to acquiring a potentially marketable knew skill/knowledge/qualification. You already have proven management skills, so if you acquire knowledge in a field other than food (possibly something related like hospitality, but not necessarily; another option might be "HR"), then you may find that your prior experience as a manager is looked upon very favourably in your new field, by potential employers. "Management skills" are quite "horizontally transferable".

    Anyways, that's a couple of things that occurred to me off the top of my head… I was also wondering, can you supply a bit more info/detail? Do you happen to already have some other skills/ knowledge/ interests that you might be able to fuse with your already proven management skills, and start applying for jobs in a different field on that basis?

  • -1

    yes its a pizza shop i am thinking to do something after 6 months but wanted to plan from now as career wise or financially as my family also coming over so can help me too because i even have enough time for study after work or at work but inquired that graduate diploma from abm uni distance learning is almost 6500$ i already have dip in business. what i actually found is stusying anything at tafe is not going to gv u practical but what i have learned at wrk different skills is more important i mean practical environment ia very necessary so wrk at anywhere is good and boss as owners is so good that has helped me to learn everything by me like how and why all about business .which at other stores might not give chance to gain as they have all seprate management roles and duties. so thankful to it.

    • +4

      Teaching punctuation, maybe?

      • -1

        using my mobile keypad so common typing mistakes. sorry

    • +1

      Wow that was difficult to read. I laughed when you said that studying at Tafe is not going to give you practical …. thats just a given. Study is not about showing you how to do a job, its demonstrating to employers that you have the mental capacity to understand and learn in the chosen field to perform a job.
      There is no money working for franchises, only owning them. Id also question the owner has taught you everything about business, running a franchise in like painting by number compared to starting and running your own business successfully.
      I see you have 2 options if you want more money:
      1) Start your own business, pending your actual understand and savings this is probably not a high percentage play but maybe the most rewarding or
      2) Make a career change and leave the food industry, never to late to learn a trade or get new skills.

  • +1

    A graduate diploma in Hotel Management? You could get into that profession anywhere around the world, even if you start from bottom. May lead to endless opportunities. Or Human Resource management/counselling since you have experience with staff. HR supervisory/management roles are always needed.

    • i will inqiry about this if i can manage with job and study part time or distance learning programme available then i can do it..thanks

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