• expired

95% off Deponia PC Game (Steam) - $1 USD


Normal price: $20
Sale price: $1

gamespot review 8/10
metacritic review (metascore) 74/100, (user) 8.3/10

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  • Price in title please.

    • +1


      • It's USD 0.99 actually.

  • +1

    Has cards too which could further offset the price. Good find OP.

    • +4

      Does anyone actually bother selling those cards?
      They are worth like less than ten cents most of the time, i'm all for the ozbargain spirit, but at some point your time is more valuable than the money…

      • I have a massive stream library and don't even know what trading cards are. Why? "Trading cards" sounds like a nuisance and I'm convinced my life is better off ignoring them.

        Another attempt at market differenciation that needs to die?

        On a similar note I think that steam achievements are 95% pointless too. The odd good one like the gnome in half life 2, sure. But achievements for naturally progressing through a game, 50 kills with a certain weapon… Who cares.

        I'm waiting with some sadness to see what the next soul destroying, waste of time mechanism to be implemented on steam will be

        • If you don't want them I'll take them :-D

          That said they are pretty useless. If you collect sets for enough games you can jazz up your Steam profile or have more Steam friends slots.

          If you aren't interested you can dump them on the market. This tool can give you an idea of what your cards are worth: http://steam.tools/cards/ If you've got a massive library you could enough from them for a few more games at the next Steam sale

  • +1

    SOLD! Cheers OP

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +2

    It was 49c on GOG a few months ago. May return to that price at some point.

  • +2

    As though i needed any more damn games, Steam library 527 games and rising steadily…

  • The most disappointing game EVER…
    Played the trilogy for many, many hours. It was great fun, but then in the end regretted every moment of it..
    You have been warned!

    • Bad ending for Goodbye Deponia?

      • Yeah, painfully so… The game is great in the sense that it emotionally attaches you to the story and characters, but the ending is nothing short of extremely stupid and meaningless

  • this is my first post, thanks for the kind words guys, i will keep my eyes out for great deal to post.

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