How to Setup Mi Band?


I got my Mi Band's from Allbuy today and opening it up, all the instructions are in Chinese. Can someone help point me to English instructions.

I downloaded an app from and have found some instructions at; but they tell me that I must have a Xiaomi Mi phone with MIUI.

I've got two phones at the moment - a THL T6S and a Huawei Y550. How do I get the bands working either both of these.


Update: Got it working with the Y550. Still can't get it to work with the T6S. Might have to go down the path of setting up an Android VirtualBox and running the app of the PC. :( :(


  • It works with most Bluetooth android phones. Better with Bluetooth 4.0.
    It was pretty straightforward once you have the app installed. Do you actually have it installed yet? Open the downloaded apk (may need to disable security)
    If you don't need notifications you could also just download it from the google play store.
    It pairs within the app, doing it outside does nothing I think.
    Pretty sure you have to make an account first. After that it will help you pair the band. If it doesn't, go to the menu (3 dots top right) then 'my devices'.

  • OK. I got the APK installed and have got an account set up with Xiaomi. However, I can't seem to pair it from within the app. Can pair it fine from the Bluetooth settings - but within the app, just does not find the band.

    • Mine didn't pair either. A bit of research shows it could be a fake. I gave up on it.

      • I had a look at a couple of sites that talked about how to tell a fake from a real Mi Band. Everything points to me having a real Mi Band, so that's not the issue.

        • I had to try to pair it twice before it worked
          working all fine now

  • I'm using it with an iPhone, no prob.
    It found the band, been using it and it seems fairly accurate.

    • doenst want to pair on an iphone 4.. but on a newish android with the hacked app it worked fine..
      On the iphone BT could not find it…
      Its nifty (once working) for the price..

  • What's the difference between the official Play Store app and the one 'tweaked' ones?

    • The tweaked one exposes a number of other capabilities.

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