Bought Tickets to Vivid Cruise but Couldn't Find The Place is there a way to get a refund

Hi Guys,

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place or if anything can be done about it but I just feel like I've wasted a bunch of money ($90) for an awful night and maybe just vent a little.
So I purchased tickets from groupon ( I think?) to one of the vivid cruises - got two tickets. So we arrive at the location probably an hour and a half early to make sure we are in the right place - but there is nothing to be seen so we ask around to make sure we are in the right place cause sydney is somewhat foreign to me and there is A LOT of wharf's ? (Melbourne is so much simpler!!)anyway finally someone tells us that we are in the wrong place and that the company we're after has a pick up location usually next to the aquarium. I start panicking cause we are on the other side and will take at least half hour to walk and it is packed with people. So I check online to see if there is any info there - there is a number on the site but they REFUSE to pick up. So I dig a little and see that yep the pick up location is listed as darling harbor next to the aquarium wharf so we try and walk to the other side - but get lost a little then realise we might not make it in time so catch a taxi. Worst idea ever as for some reason as soon as we got on the taxi all roads decide to be blocked - the taxi is moving slower than we can walk ! ( at this point I'm convinced this cruise is just not meant to happen) anyway we get there finally with a huge chunk of taxi cost to top it up. and start looking for the place but nope still can't find it. We looked/visited all the piers and there was no signs no nothing and no one even knew what we were talking about. there were alot of different cruises happening at same time but it wasn't what we were after. My friend got pretty frustrated at me as I had booked everything and I was the one who didn't even know where to go. I feel like a complete failure but I don't know what else could of been done. I made sure to be there really early to locate the place but the information given on groupon is very limited plus the company site contradicts its pick up location and they have no number that can be reached.
Is there anyway I can complain my way out of this ? or is this a lost cause ? I'm not sure if I can get a refund what do you guys think ? should I bother fighting with the company for a refund or just let it go.

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  • +1

    Do you have a link to the Groupon or the name of the company offering the cruise?

    • The one I purchased is no longer on the groupon site but the company is "Good Time harbour Cruises"

      • +1

        This one?:

        Redeem at Man O War Steps, East Wharf, Opera House

        This company

        • yes but how did you get that address ? when I tried searching this come up


          We were initially at opera house then second guessed ourselves after asking around and seeing this link

        • @zine21:

          The Groupon lists the address.
          The cruise company lists on their front page:

          Tickets on Sale now for the 2015 Vivid Festival Harbour Cruises. There are 3 cruises daily starting at 5:45pm, 7:45pm and 9:45pm. Each cruise is for 1.5 hours beginning at the heart of the festivities "the opera house".

          At the top of the page is events where they have a Vivid Festival page. I'm guessing different events leave from different places.

          It would be hard to argue the point as it's listed on both sites however I would contact the cruise company and tell them what happened. Maybe they can schedule you for another day.

          If not, I suppose you can try Groupon.

  • You can try emailing groupon first about the issue , best case scenario they give you refund through groupon credit ?

  • Also groupon don't put many details about it but once yoi actually book you should be able to receive the booking details page and even keep a copy of it by email usually highlighting how to get there, terms and conditions,….

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