Son and girlfriend want to see Avengers and said I would should but wonder if it is worth getting a gold ticket seat, They only have a choice of Events or United cinemas
Gold Tickets for Movie Is There a Way to Get a Good Deal

yes I think it is rather pricey that is why I wondered if I was missing something thanks
My OZBargain rules for going to Gold Class:
1- Only on Tuesdays when it's $25 at my local (or sometimes midweek before 4/5/6pm at some cinemas)
2- Use a discounted gift card (these are offered only 1 or 2 times a year, $40 card for $30.
3a- For online booking use Masterpass to pay the last dollar - at the moment you get a free small popcorn and drink (obs not meant for gold class, save for later)
3b- OR Book in person in advance to avoid ~$3 booking fee online
5- Use Cinebuzz membership to get extra points towards a free movie
6- Bring previous 3D glasses for 3D films.If you are an NRMA member, they have off-peak gold class tickets but you have to buy 4 for $100. I think off-peak means there are only limited times you can use them. Saturdays are excluded, as are Thur/Fri?sun after 5pm, but please double check this.
Not really worth it personally >.< tried once, never again considering the expensive cost (you all 3 can go for the price of one gold class :D, watch 3 movies instead)