• expired

$15 off $150 at Woolworths Online

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Insert code to get discount. Minimum spend $150 for $15 discount.

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  • +2

    I was just looking at my mountain of cans of baked beans, salmon and tuna- I go to stuff like that when I can't figure out any way to get to a Woolies target- wondering if I will ever finish them all.

    • +1

      i get the catalogue and go through that. or hope that some kind person has worked out some glitch in the system. i have so much toilet paper now.

  • "Cashback is not applicable to any sales made using Groupon credit or any other form of third party promotion."

    Rules me out until I go through another grands' worth!

  • Code worked fine. Thanks for posting.

  • +1

    Woolies has been quiet of late with their coupons. I think they're still recovering from the last ozb onslaught lol

  • +6

    I never thought I'd be one of "those" people but I've found the new Woolies website design so terrible I've actually switched to Coles for my online shopping. I cannot navigate that new website of Woolies for the life of me, I hope I'm not the only one? Also items seem to be missing now. I can't even find celery or zucchini in the search function. Wtf?

    • me Neither - its horrible and hard to navigate

    • I'm the opposite I found the coles site difficult. But that was a long time ago since i last used Coles website

    • Type "honey". The first 50 items are not honey.

  • do we know the expiry date?

    • yep it is in the post :) 24th May

  • I feel badly for woolies share holders. Someone needs to be sacked. Thousands of online customers lost daily id say.

  • If someone from woolies reads this.. Turn around and smack your own bum! naughty naughty woolies!

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