This was posted 9 years 9 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sorcery Saga Curse of the Great Curry God PS Vita $19 + Free P&H [AU/Ltd/24hrs] @ SellingOutSoon


Hi fellow Ozbargainers :) As part of our introduction to the Ozbargain community we would like to offer 20 units of Sorcery Saga Curse of the Great Curry God for the PlayStation Vita console at a rather special price. Last deal sold out in 29 minutes, so please be quick, and share if you like it - thanks guys!

  • Deal (must use coupon code) saves $35.88 off our already discounted price, as listed in detail below, so you pay a total of just $19
  • Postage is usually $4.90 for orders under $50, but this deal provides free standard shipping

(See deal for full product information)

  • Deal shipped from Sydney to Australian addresses only
  • Official Australian Edition (may be valuable to collectors, because some sellers provide import version only)
  • Total price $19 (using coupon code)
  • Free off-peak shipping to any Australian address. We also offer Priority shipping including extra packaging + shipping insurance at a reasonable price, which is faster. See item for full details.
  • Valid until Wednesday 20th May 2015 (unless sold out prior)
  • Limited to 20 units, one per customer
  • Brand new
  • reserves the right to end this promotion early, for any reason, with no prior notice

To help with competitive pricing information, this is what we found including cheapest shipping to Australia, total in $AU, current at time of writing:

Amazon UK $54.36
Amazon US $41.69
EBGames $42.45
GameSeek $60.56
PlayAsia $39.67
MightyApe $74.98
OZGameshop $47.48
Dungeoncrwal (no stock)
CheapGames $63.45
JBHiFi $55.97
BIG W (no stock)
The Nile $73.36 $54.88 (now $19 with coupon code)

Notes on pricing: Australian RRP is $59.95 (Of course, no self-respecting Ozbargainer pays RRP…this just for informational purposes :) Major retail is very close to RRP for this title, best alternative pricing is online as per above, with 4 online shops selling the imported product for significantly more than our official Australian one)

Metacritic - 7.6 (User score) 3.5/5 stars
See deal at for full game overview

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the Ozbargain community.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Good price. When are you posting out the Orochi PS4 games from your previous deal?

    • Already done! Priority always goes first, and if there is excess capacity at warehouse level, we ship as close as possible to the same day as Priority.

  • Be prepared for one of the most brutal dungeon crawler game. Death will wipe your inventory including equipped items. Once I spent 12 hours farming my equipment to +10 and died accidentally at merchant shop because game was bugged and I couldn't pay.

    • Hello :) I'm glad people know about this one. It has been touted as possibly the strangest game ever made. We kinda like that!

    • Nah this is one of the easier rogue-like dungeon crawlers, but of course there are no easy rogue-like games.

  • +2

    Got one! Thanks OP
    If you could do a deal on Persona 4 Golden, I would love you forever!

    • Well, while it is nice to be loved forever….we don't have that one at present, but if you subscribe to our deals, you'll find out what we're doing before everyone else…sound like a plan?

  • +1

    +1 for Good Deal for a physical copy.. Bought mine on PSN for the same price..

    Expecting more vita/3DS deals from you @sellingoutsoon…

    • Cool, we'll do our best…please subscribe and then clicking on the little subscribe button :)

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Ordered one :)

    • Nice, thank you :) and please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: remember to click on the little subscribe button :) and then you'll get the deals first!

  • already sold out :( any chance of a redux?

    • That might be an error…I'll send a message through…give us 2 mins! EDIT: updated and code works again…go!

      • Everyone's codes working?

        • I missed out anyway because i didnt get this message. That makes me sad

        • @kotmfu: Sorry about that, If you want to avoid missing out on our best deals before everybody OzBargains them… please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button :)

  • +1

    Another great deal.
    Thanks Op.
    Keep them coming :-)

    • Awesome…glad you like our work! And if you subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button …you'll get the deals first :)

  • +1

    Lovin' these Vita deals.

    • Thank you!

  • +1

    Great deal, the code is working.

    • Nice one :) If you want to avoid missing out on our best deals before everybody OzBargains them… please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button. Thank you!

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Just purchased one, First time customer but have eyed some of your other deals before. Always been just too late.

    • No worries :) here's how not to miss out…And sorry if this sounds like a broken record, but If you want to avoid missing out on our best deals before everybody OzBargains them… please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button :) — thank you!

      • …because then you'll be first to see our deals!

        • +1

          Much appreciated! Looking forward to more deals in the future! Keep up the great work :D

        • +1

          @FFsSponge: Thank you :) We do work our arses off. That's why I have no arse. Or, as I've said before, I'm having an arse-free experience! Hmmm…is it low blood sugar, or madness?

  • +1

    goodone, no psVita

    • Which systems do you play?

      • PS3 :)

        how's the polling system for special going on? (sleeping with the fishes or a boxing kangaroo ?)

        • Cool, which of our current items on our site do you think we should do a bulk deal on? Maybe we could start a poll to see what everyone thinks?

    • +2

      funny enough I bought this one before I owned a vita. Paid $24 for it used.

  • -7

    Expired already… must have sold out….
    Couldn't complete purchase

    • +2

      So you neg just because you missed out?

      • +1

        Pretty much what I was thinking…but couldn't think of a nice way to say it…but it's not expired…possibly an issue with the guy's browser?

  • +2

    How does your store work? You seem to find AU stock of weird games. Can you find Danganronpa (the first one) for Vita?

    • +1

      Well, to start, we're pretty weird. Apparently that helps. We have an affection for monkeys that may not be entirely normal. However, monkeys are awesome. Ask one :) but to answer your question, we have developed some long-standing relationships at various levels of the industry, and seek above all else to fulfil our mandate: Selling Out Soon is a little zoo of worthwhile yet endangered games, hand-picked and offered for one last moment, before they stop existing forever. Thanks for asking, you pretty much nailed it as to why we exist :)

  • +1

    Still works, just bought one. Thanks OP.

  • Are these factory sealed or new but unsealed?
    Assuming sealed since stock photo.

    • +1

      Sorry couldn't reply earlier, this is presently unconfirmed by the factory. Product is at the very least brand new as per description.

      • At the factory, so that means your getting these made up then. Thats pretty cool that you can order them.
        Although to be honest for future listings I'd personally appreciate it if you had all the details for the item before selling it. I'm buying this one for a collection so was hoping it was sealed like in the photo you had. I won't complain cause it wasn't listed but if your targeting collectors and know what they want you should wait till you have that info.

        • +1

          Yes, thanks for your input. Actually, no we didn't get these made up. The quantities required to do so are far larger than what we're doing here. When I say factory, I often mean warehouse, old habits die hard… And yes we have been dealing with collectors for a long time so we know what you mean. In this case, when the deal was written we hadn't had that detail confirmed, and the price was so low that we knew that it would sell out within hours either way, so we thought we'd give those who didn't care the opportunity to not have to wait. In the end, every single one was supplied factory-sealed…I know…amazing for that price.

  • +1

    picked up a copy. hopfully shipping is not too long?

    • Thank you :) Availability says:
      Paid shipping (dispatches 1-3 business days, sent Priority), Free Shipping (dispatches 3 to 7 business days, sent Off-Peak)

  • That's Wacist!

    • Ahhh….which bit is wacist, sorry?!

  • +2

    Good stuff. Keep the deals coming :)

    • Thank you :) please share and subscribe (remember to click the little subscribe button…) and then you'll get our new deals first!

  • Thanks for all the orders OzBargainers! Nearly sold out…please tell your friends if they want it they'll need to be quick…

  • +1

    bought one, heard its like mysterious dungeon. More deals on psv,ps3 and 3ds please

  • +1

    Meh keeps saying code has been used on mine. Won't worry. + for the deal anyway

    • Anyone else confirm expired?

    • Hi @brendanAUS > Can you try the code now?

  • I wished you had the pal version of ultimate maverl vs Capcom 3

    • Yes, I hear you. Please go to, and make a request through the contact us page, we take all such requests quite seriously, and if enough people want a bulk deal, and we can work one out, then we will :)

      • Count me in. Hopefully below $20 :)

  • Rep is there any left? i am also getting deal is expired and cant be used.

    • Hi @rakerr - if you haven't gotten it already…can you try the code now?

  • Is code working?

    • "The coupon code you entered has already expired so it can't be used." in checkout

      • Will tell them now and ask for confirmation of status

        • Feel free to unexpire the deal if the code is active again. Thanks

        • @hamza23: OK, sorry still waiting…!

        • @sellingoutsoon: Hi guys… Can you try the code now?

        • +1


          Just bought it. Code worked fine for me.

        • @Rodgort: Thank you for your order :) Please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button …because then you'll find out about our new deals first! Sound like a good idea?

        • @sellingoutsoon:

          Is it a substitute, or a supplement to your newsletter?

        • @Rodgort: Good question! It is totally different. The newsletter really is a rare event. Subscribing to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain is for deals on OzBargain only. And they go pretty fast. Last deal sold out in 29 minutes…

  • +1

    good price and free shipping too! Thanks OP and keep the Vita deals coming.

  • Code not working it says:

    The coupon code you entered has already expired so it can't be used.

    • Still waiting on reply. I think management may be wondering how many more people still want the deal…I could be wrong, but I think they're likely to be weighing up whether it's worth losing more money on this rather sought-after item, that's probably it, I'd say. But I'll let you all know the moment I hear back…

    • Can you try the code now?

  • +5

    Now this is how you make your OzBargain introduction! Good work. (I am aware of your other deals, which have a great amount of + votes)

    :EDIT: Whelp, this is awkward. I accidentally hit the neg button and I can't undo it for some reason. Will send a request to the mods.

    • Thanks @Dagmar ! You might win comment of the day :)

  • Any updates on if we can use the code again?

    • +2

      OK…good news….it seems there were some overseas orders that have been invalidated…so there may be up to 8 more codes up for grabs…so….first in best dressed…. Go!

      • +1

        Thanks! Got one! Love my vita RPG's.

  • +1

    Got one too. Awesome deal :D

    • Thank you for your order :) Please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button …because then you'll find out about our new deals first!

  • +1

    Thanks, I was planning on buying this game as soon as I had finished playing Moe Chronicle

    • Nice one! Please also subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain so you'll get in first for our next deal…

    • Don't suppose you'd be looking to sell moe chronicle after finishing it would you?

  • +1

    Got one. Thanks for the deal!

    • Hope you like the game! If you want to avoid missing out on our best deals before everybody OzBargains them… please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button :)

  • +3 would like to say a BIG thank you to all of you fellow OzBargainers for supporting our deal! And once again …before today's deal ends… If you want to avoid missing out on our best deals before everybody OzBargains them… please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button (you'll see sellingoutsoon under your subscriptions). Cheers and have a good one :)

  • Sigh came back to buy it and it's gone again. gg

    • Sorry about that. We kept it open for as long as possible, but people must have beaten you to it. If you want to avoid missing out on our best deals before everybody OzBargains them… please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: and then click on the little subscribe button :) and that way you'll get in first!

  • Hi rep, just wondering when the game will be shipped out?

  • +1

    received my order today. brand new, sealed. Good deal. Hope OP does well with his business venture.

    • Awesome and thank you for your kind words! We have a new deal which just started about 20 minutes ago! And please subscribe to sellingoutsoon on OzBargain: remember to click on the little subscribe button :) and then you'll get the deals first!

  • Haven't received mine yet :/?

    Says it shipped on Monday and I live in Sydney

    • Hi Cheezburger :) Did you buy tracking or did you get the free off-peak shipping which is untracked and takes (in our experience, quite a bit, but it varies) longer?

      • Free off peak. Just checked the shipping section on the website and it says it takes 3-7 days for delivery. Guess I still have a little bit to wait, I'm just a little too used to receiving things within 1 or 2 days when it ships from within Sydney.

        • I think it says dispatch. Delivery is additional, although some people get things extraordinarily fast. One of our deals recently, a buyer reported getting an item within 20 minutes of ordering.

          I magically received delivery of my copy within 20 minutes of buying online.
          Sealed as well. :)

          It does vary greatly, for lots of reasons, but maybe contact your local post office to see if it's waiting for you there; it happens that way too. We always heartily recommend choosing a tracked option with insurance and signatures at both ends, for your added safety.

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