Hi Guys,
I am with Virgin Mobile $30 Plan which gives me call credit of $200. I have used all my call credit ($200) + rollover ($35) = $235 within first 9days of my monthly cycles. Im in situation where I will need more call creadit for international number (India). I just spoke to virgin mobile rep who gave me option of to upgrade to $40 plan or $50 plan for this month.
with $40 plan : $377 call credit ( offource the current usage of $235 will be deducted)
with $50 plan : $412 call credit
So should I get the temp sim card from other provider or upgrade to $40 or $50 for the remaining time of this month? Which is cheaper and better option here? Any recommendation for temp sim for calling to India?
why not just go skype, or use an international calling card?