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Eneloop Family Battery Pack for $41 + $7.95 Shipping at Groupon

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Eneloop battery deals by Dicksmith on Groupon. Not the best price if you can click & collect at DS store but is a good price for delivery to your doorstep.

$41 for an ENELOOP Family Battery Pack (Don’t pay $79.98)

  • Model #: K-KJ51MC64TA
  • Six AA batteries
  • Four AAA batteries
  • Warranty: 2.7 years
  • Overnight charger with auto voltage AC100-240V; two LED indicators and auto off timer control
  • Two C adapters
  • Two D adapters
  • Package weight: 625g
  • Warranty: One year

Other Eneloop deals include

  • $17 for Four AA Batteries with Overnight Charger
  • $22 for Eight AA Rechargeable NiMH LSD Batteries Tones 'Rouge'
  • $18 for Eight AA Tropical Web Batteries
  • $18 for Eight AA Chocolat Web Batteries
  • $18 for Eight AAA Chocolat Web Batteries

Shipping $7.95 extra

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closed Comments

  • +1

    2.7 yr warranty??

  • If you are looking for a charger, Aldi have a Professional Battery Charger $14.99 on sale Saturday 23rd - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/194234

    • -2

      I wouldn't trust that with my eneloops. Cheap charges run fixed voltage, fixed time, and can/will damage your batteries if they're only partly discharged when you put them in

      • +2

        But it doesn't do that, please read Mcfly's comment - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/194234#comment-2751138

        • in that case I stand corrected. My sincere apologies, and credit to Mcfly for doing the research.

          Automatic detection of end charging
          The device operates separately charging times for batteries
          NiCd and NiMH. This control is based on the procedure "Minus-Delta-U".

          i.e. it detects that the voltage drops despite pumping more charge in.
          Ideally there would also be a temperature sensor, but for $15 that is not a bad deal.

  • +2

    Is this a good starter kit for a newbie like me who wanted to get my foot in Eneloop collection business?

    • +2

      I bought a few packs previously and haven't touched them at all lol. If you want to put them in the wine cabinet, make sure get the chocolate to match colour

      • Is your chocolate still made in Japan?

        • China Mainland man. Very hard to get Japanese stuff these days

        • @tuanphaus: Yup, seems only Eneloop Pro nowadays.

  • interested in the $17 charger with battery, but shipping kills the deal

    • +2

      Fast charging will reduce the lifespan of the batteries.

        • +1

          Actually, if you look after them, they will return the effort with higher capacity for longer.
          It is worth the effort.

        • +1

          Why are responding like that? I am just answering your question.
          Was my answer wrong?

      • This slow charger will do far worse to your batteries.
        Fast chargers like the Eneloop quick chargers (not this one) do not charge so fast they cause damage.

    • If you have four batteries you can charge two while you use two in your headphones/xbox controller etc.

      • But you're assuming that the 2 batteries that you're about to charge have both been discharged to the same level, otherwise one will end up being charged more than the other as the overnight chargers charge at the same rate and have no peak voltage cut off!

  • $18 for eight ENELOOP AA Chocolat batteries (Don’t pay $54.98)

    Thanks, I wouldn't, and no self respecting person would either!!!
    These deals are even worse than Dick's… and that's saying something!

  • Cheaper at dick today and you can click & collect.

  • so is it safe to say if I wanna start using Eneloop, there're better deals out there as before?

  • the family pack seem quite cheap…but is it?

    • Not really. The charger is worthelss IMO, why is explained in plenty of other posts and deals already.

      • But DS is selling the family pack for $79 though..i do need both AA and AAA, so thought this will be the best way to go

        Why is it useless? I meant I don't mind leave it to charge overnight though….

        So you could get way better deal with just batteries alone?

        • +1

          Time isnt the factor, and Im seriously sick of typing why these chargers are duds. Not your fault, Ive done it at least a dozen times, as have a number of other people. DSE has also offered this charger a number of times. And it comes up why people should opt for the smart quick charger when its on offer for a bit more than this chargers deals, so its been typed a lot already.

          Time it takes to charge is not the problem. I own an Eneloop smart charger (its also quick charger not that that matters as mentioned but they dont make a smart slow charger), smart is the key here. Id buy a Nitecore D4, not the I4… or an XTAR VC4, but not the VC2… or an Opus BC3100 v2.1 or newer. And then check DSE for Fujitsu battery packs, or Eneloops that are made in Japan (another discussion re: Chine made Eneloops, and Japanese), the Rouge ones, and the UOMO at DSE are Japanese, everything else is Chinese. Fujitsu were $5 for 2 packs recently and Japanese and made in same place as Eneloops. The Eneloop smart quick charger is rarely on sale but well worth it if it is. Chinese AA Eneloops are often under $10 at DSE for an 8 pack, which is what appears to be on offer here.

          As I said, part of this deal for the family pack is for the charger, and its a dud. The charger has a set time it runs for, if your batteries only need half of that, too bad, they have to dissipate the extra charge as heat, which is bad for them.

          Lets say your batteries need more or recharge slower due to increases in their resistance over time, they will never be fully charged. Not bad for them, but not good for you either.

          You want a charger than knows when to stop charging, based on the battery it is charging. AKA, a smart charger with -dv/dt. Just read the specs, if -dv/dt is not mentioned, then its unlikely to have it as thats a selling point and would be listed.

        • @Tuba: You're legend! Thanks for the explanation..I'll pass on this deal then. Guess the Eneloop bargain hunt continues for me then..

        • If you can't wait for an Eneloop deal then just get a 4 pack of the Aldi LSD batteries for $6.99, they are pretty much the same thing just not as pretty.

        • @luke73: too bad WA won't have an Aldi till 2018?

        • Bugger, did you want me to post you some?

        • @luke73:
          Oh wait, look… another eneloop deal today!
          Like it wasn't going to happen!

        • Yeah but no stock of Tropicals & Chocolat isn't click & collect. Delivery costs more than a 4 pack from Aldi.

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