There was recently a hot topic here debating on welfare management (
And this came out today -…
I'm gutted. So I am that hardworking guy who works his arse off and get the same amount of disposable income as the blob next door who does nothing but reproduce and smoke weed.
You talk a lot about managing risk with insurance. Fair enough. The Australian welfare system is a kind of insurance. You pay "premiums" with your taxes and if you suffer an unemployment, loss-of-spouse, disability, cancer event etc then you get "paid out" in the form of treatment or some cash to support you through the event.
Did you know that in the early days, fire brigades were private, and they were run by insurance companies? If your house/business caught fire, they would only help put it out if you had the right badge displayed. Over time we all realised it was actually more efficient if the government provided fire brigade services to everybody, and they would be paid for in taxes. Do you want to go back to private fire brigades?
You'll always have some criminals who try to defraud insurance by burning their own houses down. You'll always have a few people who get lazy because they have rich parents or welfare payments are too easy to get.
But let's not pretend that every person who needs help has only themselves to blame.