Do You Check Your Receipt?

Interesting read on The Age today, someone go charged $1,100 for a $2 item at IKEA.…

Do you always check your receipt?

Personally I don't if it is a few items and it adds up to what I had in my head, otherwise I'll check it before leaving the checkout.
Seems unreasonable to me to have such dire doubts, and to then throw away the receipt without even looking at it.

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  • 9
    Always, detailed
  • 29
    Always, glance
  • 10
  • 2
  • 2

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  • You have too…always check receipts and MasterCard statements.

  • +1

    Most likely i will check if the price was too high for what i bought. Eg; buying couple things from coles and end up paying $50. But i always make sure the heavily discounted item price match the advertised price.

  • It is a sign of the times when Bikies has replaced Candy as a voting choice. lol

    • +1

      Candy is for whirlpool. Bikies is for OzBargain. OzB can't use candy or the users will think they're giving away free candy.

  • Yes.

  • Always take a glance, and in more detail if some items are special, e.g. seconds, discounted, because those are the ones most likely to be incorrect. There was even the time I was charged for last item of the previous customer, staff must have hit total before the last item was scanned or something like that.

  • I used to just place the Mastercard docket into my bag without looking. And then at end of month when the statement came was when I reconciled the dockets to the statement. But then something happened. I bought a $10 item from one of those booths they set up temporarily at the Westfield mall, and the person unintentionally keyed in an extra 0 which I signed $100 for. Since then I always glance at the total before putting the docket away. I got the payment reversed but it involved many phone calls and had to trace the shop owner as they had moved out of the mall and went elsewhere! BTW, supermarkets make mistakes when their scanner does not scan the advertised promo price. You can be shortchanged quite a sum. If they are the big 2 (Coles and Woolworths) they give you the product for free and all others of identical type at 1/2 price when you point out the error.

  • +1

    I check the receipt, then yell out "start the car" while running out the store

  • Saw this article and couldn't believe that 1) it made the news and that 2) the woman in question was still not satisfied after being refunded the incorrect amount and provided a voucher as compensation for the inconvenience. I wouldn't go to the length of checking each amount thoroughly but def a quick once over is in order for most purchases. Much better than the throw the receipt in the bin and then get really upset about how much you just spent strategy..?

    One thing I have found though and this is generally at the supermarket is that they always ask you if you would like the receipt - shouldn't this be standard practice? Although everything is going the way of quicker / faster / etc when it comes to your own money we should be able to spare a few seconds just to check everything is in order even for your own budgeting purposes. Its too easy to flash the plastic paywave card and be on your way these days…

  • +1

    If it was a few dollars different eg being charged $5 instead of $2, I can understand not noticing the error, but a grand diff… Really? Do people just pick things up without having any idea the approx amount total cost?

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