Best Business Credit Card for Earning FF Points or Airmiles

Hi Everyone :)

I know personal credit cards are a big forum topic however I am looking for a Business Credit Card that has the most reward points earnings for flights (any airline reward program really) and I was wondering whether any of you guys are reaping great benefits from your business spending with the highest airline points conversions.

I currently have an ANZ Business One Visa… but Im not that happy with the points earnings when you convert to QFF or Velocity.

1 Reward Point = $1 spend
e.g. 2 Reward Points for 1 Qantas Frequent Flyer point
e.g.2,250 Reward Points for 1,000 Velocity Frequent Flyer Points.

I don't really care about the interest rate or interest free days as the credit card will be paid on time monthly. Also, not too concerned about the annual fee if the points conversion is decent.

Mods: I did a search of business credit cards in forums but I couldn't quite find a post that addressed what I needed, but if there is, sorry in advance!



  • -8

    Please support your local business owner and economy and pay by cash or money transfer. Stop making those banks more richer and making those local business lose potential profit by sharing it with banks. Would you be happy if everyone paid by cash or money transfer? Or you are more happy to give the banks 1% or 2% or even 5% of your profit because someone decided to pay by credit card.

  • -5

    Why you need business credit card ? get a personal credit card under your name, and you can use it for business purposes.

    • +1

      Business will be responsible for the credit card instead of the cardholder personally, or easier for record keeping to keep business and personal transactions on different cards

  • +1

    Westpac Altitude Business is better if you can push some spend to Amex, since that earns 1.5 points per $1, but you'll only get the same 0.5 points per $1 on the Visa.…

    • Thanks so much!!! Looking into that now!

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