This was posted 9 years 9 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panamax 100pcs 500mg Paracetamol Tablets $2 @Blooms The Chemist, St Ives NSW


Looking around in the St Ives Shopping Village and found this bargain.

$2 for 100 pcs of 500mg Paracetamol, use by Nov 2017.

I believe this is amazing, because it's usually around a dollar for 10pcs for those cheap cheap supermarket brands.

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Blooms The Chemist
Blooms The Chemist

closed Comments

  • +11

    Always $1.89 at Chemist Warehouse. Often under $1 during promos.

  • +3

    Sorry to burst your bubble dude but Chemist Warehouse sells it for $1.89 sometimes even cheaper on catalog.

  • +1

    Seen cheaper

  • +1

    You guys are true OzBargainer…
    admin can remove this deal if appropriate :)

    • +7

      True OzBargainers would certainly need the Panamax after paying $2 for a box.

    • +1

      True Ozbargainers would already know that this always goes for under $2.

  • +1

    It's amazing when they do 79 cents for a box of 100 tablet Panamax, though from memory I haven't seen that for about a year now. And that was at a Chemist Warehouse shop.

  • +1

    Even Terry White Chemist has it going for $1.89 and also Discount Drug Stores same price.

  • +1

    Sandoz Paracetamol (100) is $1.49 every day at Chemist Warehouse too.

  • Like the banner down the bottom in the pic just under the Panamax packets which says Guaranteed Low Price. No sorry Blooms The Chemist you don't have the lowest price on this. A lot of the other pharmacies have it going for $1.89.

  • +1

    Note: most of the under $2 ones are made in India.

    • +1

      I thought they were all made in India?.

      • Well all the ones I have seen were, but I said most just in case there are others (China?)

        • +3

          If they were I wouldn't take tablets made in China.

        • +1

          I think a lot of people would prefer made in Australia ones, but not $2 I suppose.

        • +2

          Used to be UK, but don't think anymore. Has been Indian since 2011 according to their website.

        • +1

          Went to UK last year.
          Made in India/made in UK rapidly becoming the same thing :p

  • When it comes on catalogue at My Chemist/Chemist Warehouse (essentially the same thing nowadays…) it can be bought for $0.69 or $0.99 depending on the sale. But otherwise $1.99 is the regular price at My Chemist.

  • +1
    Going through what has been posted, I can see it being $0.39 for at least 3 times…

    Though I seem to recall seeing them at $0.19

  • -1

    When you look at chemists warehouse prices, it makes you realise how much the other pharmacies are ripping you off :p.

    • +2

      wrong, i manage 2 pharmacies for my boss. however certain items' cost price from our wholesalers are more expensive than chemistwarehouse retail.

      chemist warehouse has big buying power compare to us, so we don't get as good discount even though we order from the same wholesaler. it is like coles/woolworths price compare to local shops, we try to compete on friendly service and advices rather than pure price discount.

  • A fellow Ozbargainer in St Ives :D

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