My eldest son will turn 21 next week and I am wondering what would be a birthday present that may hold its value? Any suggestions but unfortunately I do not have 1000's to spend, thanks
What to Get a 21 Year Old as a Birthday Present That Will at Least Hold Its Value?

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Please do not buy signed sports memorabilia from those "signed sports memorabilia" places. In fact, please do not buy anything signed that doesn't carry some verifiable provenance. A certificate authenticity is not actually a verification of authenticity.
Thank you I will look for a watch although he just purchased one and was given his decease grandfathers one so not sure, but thanks. And Signed sports memorabilia where should I look to purchase that?
Is he a big fan of a particular sports team or person?
Not too sure where to look sorry.
If you have time maybe make a plea to the club/team he likes and say that your son is turning 21 and would really love something signed. Or be bold and go down to the team headquarters or training facility and ask to get something signed. His favorite person could even write "happy 21st" on it.
Otherwise search ebay and Gumtree? An antique dealer or pawn shop?
get him a silver age {1960s}comic book, a decent book will give you decent returns, key spidermen, xmen, batman and superman books will give you excellent returns over many years, every time a film comes out they jump a few percent, and they will always be reminded of the giver whenever a new film comes out
i think it would be a cool gift :)
A $100 note
But cash doesn't hold value due to inflation.
promissory note?
You can afford 1000's then :)
21 CBA Shares
Try one of these, they have a promotion ATM
I'm not sure the OP's son would have much use for an ATM.
(unless it was full of cash)
still overvalued after the recent sell off
a gold key pendant….
Make sure it's a Cree… wait, wut?
can recommend
Yuck. At least the fleshlight isn't trying to look real.
ok 21 CBA shares is an idea I like but I have never purchased shares, how will I do that please? And yes a gold pendant is a good idea to, any advise on where to look? and Foodology I do not think so :-)
Try one of these, they have a promotion ATM - I am not an employee or agent for either of these
21 CBA shares is about $1750.
Had a friend suggest Coins from his birth year as well? what do you think of getting 1994 coins and is there a good place to buy these? thanks
You can buy them from the mint in each city :) Perth Mint has them in nice gift boxes!
If you buy from a mint, avoid Macquarie mint at all cost, they are dodgy as. Use Perth mint or the royal Australian mint.
Yeah, only thing Macquarie mint sale is coins from tiny island countries that no one sure they even exist.
A memorable adult experience with a skilled escort/parlour worker. It will be etched on his memory forever and it will be your greatest gift to him as you would be teaching him that all the good things in life cost a fortune. After learning this valuable lesson from you, he will be so motivated in making money and one day he could become one of the richest person in Australia.
His arms aren't broken and this ain't reddit.
Fair enough!
Only the most liberal parents will do this however… Others are just 'liberal'.
Hot Toys. Example:…
You could get a character that he is a fan of and they generally keep their value or go up in value over time.
I sell, and own a few, Hot Toys figures. They generally do not appreciate in value.
I also but, sell and own a few. From my experience I can usually sell them for more than I paid and at least get back what I paid for them.
I have that one, and mms129, mms136, dx10, dx13… And against all odds am married!
They are spectacular and from what I have seen, certain onea do go up in value given enough time.
A family trip for memory. Or something like making wine together so your son can have it with your grandson 21 years from now or something.
Tools.. Drill/Hammer/Screwdrivers and safety gear (Eye protection/Earmuffs/face mask)
As a parent, buying the Safety Gear would be my preference.. as it's the sort of stuff that might get skimped on in the future when he goes out to buy his own tools.
It's not going to hold financial value, but it will hold value in its usefulness.
What if he isn't a tradie? 39 years from now, they'll be rotten anyways.
Edit - he is a tradie so good suggestion.
Everyone needs a drill, hammer and set of screwdrivers and corresponding safety gear to wear whilst using the tools…
You don't need to be a tradie, just a human.I'd have to agree with this
Im not a tradie but use my drill nearly every week. One of the best presents I ever received.
I'd buy him a defensive driver course- cost you $300- $500 approx.
Do AAMI still offer under 25's free defensive driving courses if you (Parent) are insured?
I did mine with them years ago and it was good - big thumbs up and would happily pay for my kids to do a defensive driving course.Yup. They still have it.
For the unawares:…
Do not get him this, please.
Please do this for him… But whatever you do, do not get it for his 21st birthday.
Pair this with an experience gift of driving a super/sports car around a track. You can get those at redbubble and other places I imagine. First the super fast car ride then the safety course :-)
Depends where he's at in life. I got a luggage set - in support of my desire to travel the world.
A return ticket to somewhere he's always wanted to go? (don't buy it beforehand - give him a 'gift voucher' and then book it with him once you've worked out the dates etc).
I got a return ticket to London when I was 18. Best present ever. The value from that trip isn't tangible but it was incredibly valuable to my life.Tool set/linen (decent quality) or anything else good for setting up home if he's accumulating stuff like that. Some people would appreciate something like that, some wouldn't - just depends on their situation.
Money towards a goal he has.
$1000 into a managed fund to get him started in investing.
Something he would never buy himself but would love - different depending on his interests. A collectible etc.
I'd have to say +1 to encouraging him to take a trip somewhere that will expand his mind. He may have some ideas of where he'd like to go (Bali/Thailand/Insert party here) perhaps, but even still it's going to open his eyes incredibly (party or not) and he will grow and never forget it.
Playstation 3 + Mario Kart 8
I'm guessing probably also a Wii U to play Mario Kart 8 as well? :)
Education. Pay for him getting a degree or qualification.
OP does not have $30K.
Qualifications other than degrees don't cost thousands. For example, TAFE stuff or licenses such as forklift license etc. With that the son can actually make money, so such investment more than holds its value.
I'd like to help, but I think we need to know more about your son to give more sensible advice. What does he like? All kinds of things come to mind:
- good bike
- set of good power tools / workbench
- a promise to pay for X amount of air travel miles
- a quality item in an area of your son's interest
- new bedroom stuff (e.g. new desk, bed, paint etc)
- good pair of headphones
Pinchies that is true. So my son works as a shed builder at the moment, but spent most of his teen years playing golf and aspiring to be a professional. He lives with a few of his mates in a very old home we own on our 5 acrea property. Until recently he had a motor bike but has lost interest in this sport. He still loves to play golf but does not do it often due to work or finances. He likes nice clothing and keeps himself looking nice he is not tatooed nor does he have any piercings. He has not worked out what career that he wants to do for life, and doesn't spend all his free time partying. He has never had a holiday over seas or even interstate.
I'd probably get him into travel of some kind, maybe start off with a trip to NZ as its very easy to travel to (ski trip??), beautiful country and easy to get around. Flights are fairly cheap generally if you can get them on special. Perhaps you can tee up with one or two of his mates so they can travel together as its always a bit cheaper doing it that way. Or even a trip to Tassie as that sort of feels a bit like an overseas holiday in some ways (unless you already live there?).
Edit: Factor in cost of passport for NZ trip.
As above, give him a travel experience. You say he's never been interstate. You could front for a motorhome rental or something and send him on his way with his mates.
Don't have to give him something he cant use (ie that will sit on a wall), or cant even see (shares/stocks), whereas a few weeks to a month away with mates, seeing the country, is bound to be something he remembers before he settles down.
I reckon a trip away with his Dad would be a great "coming of age" gift/experience. Phillip Island bike race maybe? Or whatever you think would fit the bill. Even a road trip would be good, as it gives you two plenty of time to talk etc.
21yro is the age when your relationship develops and changes to be more one of equals. It might give him some ideas on stuff like life plans too.OS travel for sure.
NZ is probably by far the easiest choice and should be fairly affordable.
Singapore is a nice easy intro to Asia. Cheap flights to Singapore aren't that common but this deal may still be available has never had a holiday over seas or even interstate.
Really? Never been interstate?
Alright well I'd suggest a father/son bonding overseas trip to the U.S possibly?
I'd suggest a father/son bonding overseas trip to the U.S possibly
you missed
"unfortunately I do not have 1000's to spend"No I didn't miss it I mis-interpreted it.
Also after posting the above comment I saw your one about spending $200-500
if you can get me to the US and back with 1 offspring ,for less than "thousands" - you're my travel agent !
@effgee: Well define what "Thousands" means
When myself and a couple of mates went this year I think it would've cost us all in total about $4,000 including flights
Nowhere did I say you had to pay for everything.
Anyway if you look at my comments below there are some cheaper options
Nowhere did I say you had to pay for everything
who else is going to pay for it ?
Well define what "Thousands" means
anything more than $2000 is definitely 'thousands'
A good experience is likely to hold it's value, as people have suggested.
Any item which there would be no plan to sell has no value. The value only exists when it is sold, so consider that when choosing a gift.
battler is that to drink or keep? will it become more valuable?
Either drink or keep. Best rum ever, truly appreciated by a connoisseur.
Certainly won't depreciate.
DONT give it to your son at the party. His friends on the more bogan side will grab it and guzzle it.
$1000 worth of condoms.
that way he'll always think of how lucky he is to have you as a father everytime he unwraps a fresh one.
OP may also want to add the line "Don't let what happen to me 21 yrs ago happen to you…" with it… Most memorable thing you can possibly get
Wouldn't you want to purchase some kind of condom subscription? Otherwise, I don't know, 2 years and 9 months after his 21st, he may very well be cursing dads name…
yeh a travel voucher is a good idea.
Contribute $x to his super. In 45+ years he'll thank you.
if you're still around :P
Tax on super will prob be 60% in 45 years :)
I am still here and checking back every 10 mins or so MemE
I think he meant if you're still around in 45 years.
australia post annual collection of issued stamps, but you'll have to wait till the end of the year or some RM williams boots
I agree with some travel experience.My daughter went to Vietnam two years ago with school and the experience has made a huge impact on her life.She hasn't stopped talking about the wonderful people that she met and realised how fortunate she was.She hopes to go back again one day when shes not too busy studying and has saved up.I'm sure your son would love something like that.
I have been to Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam, and out of all the places I've been Vietnam is a pretty swell place to holiday in.
Not sure about what It'd be like to work in, but if you just want some cheap thrills and sightseeing, Vietnam is great.
However your experiences will be mixed depending on who you travel with, what package you chose and what is in your itinery. Tourism is heavily commercialised and they will take you to a lot of places to buy overpriced crap, mainly because whoever is arranging the tour gets commissions from sales.
My parents got my a gold necklace that I've worn since I was in my teens. That's probably held its value.
I too got a gold necklace for my 18th birthday from my mom which I am wearing for last 18 years. That definitely held it's value and it has rather gone up in value for sure.
It's bloody mum. Not mom.
I like the sound of mom much better than mum.
Guys, apologies for the spelling mistake. In my first language I don't call my mother as mum/mom.
nice pair of socks
I think thats all we get :/
Hey, shouldn't your response be, 'a nice mechanical keyboard'?
thanks everyone I have appreciated your ideas :-)
Fleshlight, the gift which keeps giving.
5 hours too late to be funny
I vote for OS travel too. Somewhere like Japan is pretty safe and suitably unfamiliar. So he should stretch his comfort zone but come back in one piece.
At 21 if you have not travelled interstate I think your "world view" would be pretty local. Might be nice to get some OS experiences :)
Bitcoin nah, no kidding maybe air ticket to overseas somewhere nice
Rather than a generic gift, why not something that caters to his particular interests?
Airticket is great. Just not to Bali…
Speaking of which, does he surf? You could buy a custom board perhaps (terrible idea if he doesn't surf though!)
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A vintage or antique watch that's collectable?
Signed sports memorabilia?