Does anyone know where I can get a new set cheap?
The cheapest I can find, is at JB's for $76.78.
Does anyone know where I can get a new set cheap?
The cheapest I can find, is at JB's for $76.78.
Yeah, I thought the same…. but, searching through old bargains, it was cheaper.
just a warning
this boxset, the box is terrible!…
mines pretty much broken, the plastic cd holders is pretty much half a cd case (no cover) stuck together with a bit of tape, which comes off easy
awesome show though@!
hehe mine is the same
Hmm had mine for 4 years and watched it about 5 times through and is fine
Not sure if this is an alternative but Hulu just bought the rights to the entire series for about $200m. It should be available within the next couple of months. I believe this is the only streaming service that has Seinfeld.
A true tight arse would just record them off the tele.
It's always on at least once a day, yada yada yada.
Gumtree? eBay? (I'm thinking about people selling their own copies of the box set which they no longer want)
I can see one on Gumtree at the moment in Victoria, for $50 negotiable. Brand new.
With a little more searching I'm sure you could find one for cheaper?
Giddy up!
Two weeks ago i bought the 32 dvd set off gumtree for $40. I ripped it, then sold for $50 a week ago. Recording it off tv was taking up too much space!
Recording it off tv
Plus you don't get all the bonut bonus features. DVD ftw.
Yeah how silly of me, forgot about the bonus features.
People this stupid shouldn't be allowed to live.
$76 is pretty good for 32 DVDs though.