This was posted 9 years 9 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater Nintendo 3DS $43.88 + Free P&H [20 only, 24hrs] @ SellingOutSoon


Hi fellow Ozbargainers :) As part of our introduction to the Ozbargain community we would like to offer 20 units of Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater game for the Nintendo 3DS console at a special price.

  • Deal (must use coupon code) saves $15 off already discounted $58.88 price, so you pay a total of $43.88
  • Postage is usually $4.90 for orders under $50, but this deal provides free standard shipping
  • Works on any PAL version Nintendo 3DS, XL, 2DS and n3DS console

(See deal for full product information)

  • Total price $43.88 (using coupon code)
  • Brand new stock (Rating MA15+, PAL UK version, made in Japan CTR P AMGP, assembled in Europe TSA-CTR-AMGP-UKV, barcode 4012927084649)
  • Officially-distributed, Australia uses UKV for this title
  • Free standard shipping to any Australian address. We also offer Australia Post Priority including extra packaging + shipping insurance + signature at a reasonable price, see checkout for details…
  • Valid until Saturday 9th May 2015 (unless sold out prior)
  • Limited to 20 units, one per customer
  • reserves the right to end this promotion early, for any reason, with no prior notice

To help with competitive pricing information, this is what we found including cheapest shipping to Australia, total in $AU, current at time of writing:

Amazon UK $74.42
Amazon USA $67.81
EBGames (no stock)
GameSeek $69.34
PlayAsia $71.90
MightyApe (no stock)
OZGameshop (no stock)
Dungeoncrwal (no stock)
CheapGames (no stock)
JBHiFi (no stock)
The Nile $89.14 $43.88 (with code)

Major retail seems to have sold out of this title, and varied last time we checked, best alternative pricing is online as per above.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the Ozbargain community.

Please subscribe to hear about our new deals first….and guys, if you don't agree with something, or don't like the product for any reason, please don't be harsh, just tell us and we'll help. Remember we don't make the items. We're just doing our best to provide the best value out there for you guys. We hope you get something positive out of our deals :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Australian version original RRP $79.95….really?

    • -2

      Yes, we don't make those, the licence holder sets it, but quite often retailers sell items for less (or more). As we say: "Of course, no self-respecting Ozbargainer pays RRP…this just for informational purposes :) Major retail seems to have sold out of this title, and varied last time we checked, best alternative pricing is online as per above)" Cheers :)

      • +2

        Every 3ds game pretty much retails for $60 some less. The exception I think was monster hunter 3 at $70. I think metal gear may have been $70 for a bit before changed but no 3ds game has been $80 from my knowledge. I follow these things pretty close so would be interested to see where you got that from. Also the game is $26 on the eshop. Guess its good if you want the retail version maybe?

        • -2

          Yes it is hard to compete with a download. We're selling the real deal full physical product of course, which can be resold later. I think a lot of the people who bought Rorona Plus from us will attempt to resell. What percentage of OzBargainers do this…or is it just Broden?!

  • +1

    i seen this game at several targets dont think it was so expensive

    • -2

      Yes that is true of most (but not all) retailers. The price definitely changes on nearly everything over time. But that's not the RRP. Which is pretty much why Ozbargainers ignore RRP :)

  • +1

    its a pretty crap deal mate i've seen this on special for 15-30 quite frequently.

    To ad to it it's also well known to be the worst port of this game.

    Get the PSVITA version that has it and mgs2 for 20-30 at jbhifi….

    • -2

      We sell rather than play, so I can't comment on gameplay, sorry. Not arguing…but people are buying it on ebay for $60. Wait…are you the guy who wanted Samurai Warriors 4 Anime Pack for PS4 for $25?

      • nope just the game and I got it for 20, no interest in anime whatsoever.

        You guys seem to be stuck in the mindset of less than RRP = amazing savings.

        Not a lot of places in Aus charge the 'rrp', and if the publisher / supplier is feeding you a line of hey we dictate price or claiming that larger retailers are getting the product cheaper than you because of buying power it's not necessarily true, they do feed you lines.

        How do I know this? guess who I worked with for a while…

        Glad to be outta there.

  • +3

    I've see you post the same thing at Ecogamer, and to be honest, I don't think this is a 'deal' at all.

    You even listed the deal there with an expirary of "4/5/15".

    On that site, you listed the RRP as $90.

    I respect the fact that you're trying to market your website to consumers, but why be borderline dishonest about the price?
    A reply to your post even stated that the game has never retailed for that much before.

    You've lost me as prospective customer. If you're prices aren't realistic, how much further away would that be from ability to deliver the product to me as a whole?

    Fellow Ozbargainers, you buy this game cheaper if you try hard enough. Furthermore, the Nintendo E-Shop sells it for much lower price.

    Reference to the user's post on Ecogamer-

    • -1

      No, it was a different price at ecogamer.

      • +4

        It's $48 there, and you listed the game as being worth $90 rrp.

        • Yes, isn't it $43.88 here? Thanks for the heads-up about the RRP issue. This should be corrected shortly. Again though, please just ignore whatever RRP is, we have no control over it. Neither do retailers. About our ability to deliver, why don't you ask actual buyers on Ozbargain how their delivery went?
          ( "Game arrived, very happy with this service! Thanks!!" - OzBargain member: Raif )

        • +4


          Again though, please just ignore whatever RRP is, we have no control over it.

          Then why do you keep referring to the RRP at every opportunity? Hard to ignore it when you refer to it in almost every comment.

          Do you realise the ACCC consider the practice of inflating discounts by displaying RRP/Was/Before prices without having previously sold a product for that price MISLEADING?

          If you haven't sold it at RRP, then stop talking about it. Who cares who sets it? Don't use it unless you've sold it for that price.

        • @IceCreamBandit: To be honest we use a template, and that was on the bottom, have changed it now. Sorry! But let's keep things friendly please, because we're sincerely trying to slash a product's price to give people value. Hope we can help somebody get what they want at a lower price than retailers :)

        • +4


          have changed it now.

          Looking at the link now, you still have a strike through price showing RRP of $79.95. When have you sold it for $79.95?

          If you don't want to read my link to the ACCC, here is a bit you'll want to read:

          Misleading prices may include:

          a ‘before’, ‘was’ or ‘strike through’ price that is not the price those items were sold for in a reasonable period immediately before the sale period started

          I don't believe I'm being harsh or unfriendly. I just don't like reps who try to mislead customers. Feel free to prove me wrong here though. If you have sold it for $79.95, let us know. Otherwise, stop advertising the RRP.

          It just seems you're trying to get rid of not so popular games that have been found for much cheaper in bargain bins at average prices.

        • -1

          @IceCreamBandit: I hear you, but I don't believe this game is a bargain bin dweller, there weren't that many brought into Australia to begin with. And the franchise has a strong following, most would agree on that. As far as whether this is a better or worse game than another, check reviews although I'd imagine most people here are very well versed in most games' attributes and have read reviews etc before they buy. As far as RRP, the licence holder (and/or manufacturer) sets it, and the wholesale price is based from that, which is why you'll hear retailers refer to it more often than not. We don't set it. The ACCC "before" price would possibly be alluding to items that have no "official RRP". I didn't have time for a database check, but know we sold it for at least $62 in the last few months, probably went for more earlier. But please remember, this is an international franchise, and the manufacturer or licencee usually produces suggested retail prices. Our advice: see them for what they are, and get the best deal you can on an properly distributed item. Thanks for reading this.

        • +4


          As far as RRP, the licence holder (and/or manufacturer) sets it, and the wholesale price is based from that, which is why you'll hear retailers refer to it more often than not.

          Time for a record change, you've said this enough times. It still doesn't change your obligations as a retailer which I will reiterate below.

          but know we sold it for at least $62 in the last few months

          So you've never sold it for your claimed RRP? Thanks for the clarification.

          Our advice: see them for what they are

          I see you are doing a strike through price on an RRP on a page where you are advertising a product on sale.

          ACCC says:

          Misleading prices may include:

          • a ‘before’, ‘was’ or ‘strike through’ price that is not the price those items were sold for in a reasonable period immediately before the sale period started
          • ‘savings’ or ‘discount’ statements when compared to the recommended retail price (RRP), but the goods have never been sold at the RRP or the RRP does not reflect a current market price.

          I am feeling misled here by your constant use of the RRP even though you've never sold it at the RRP and am contemplating making a complaint to the ACCC. Seeing as we've discussed this and you still refuse to see what you're doing as misleading, I consider this a major issue with retailer and will neg this deal. Thanks for reading.

        • @IceCreamBandit: >So you've never sold it for your claimed RRP? Thanks for the clarification.

          No, I said: "I didn't have time for a database check, but know we sold it for at least $62 in the last few months, probably went for more earlier. But please remember, this is an international franchise, and the manufacturer or licencee usually produces suggested retail prices."

          We may have indeed sold it for more, but we try to keep our prices competitive. Although to be fair, it seems many of these retailers have sold, or are currently selling it for more than us, and at least one that we could find was $89.14:

          Amazon UK $74.42
          Amazon USA $67.81
          EBGames (no stock)
          GameSeek $69.34
          PlayAsia $71.90
          MightyApe (no stock)
          OZGameshop (no stock)
          Dungeoncrwal (no stock)
          CheapGames (no stock)
          JBHiFi (no stock)
          The Nile $89.14
          Unnamed ebay seller in UK for around $116

        • +4


          but know we sold it for at least $62 in the last few months

          Then your link should not have a strike-through RRP of $79.95. You can have a "Was $62" but currently you are misleading consumers by inflating the actual discount you are offering.

          A ‘strike through’ price that is not the price those items were sold for in a reasonable period immediately before the sale period started is considered misleading.

          But please remember, this is an international franchise, and the manufacturer or licencee usually produces suggested retail prices."

          Thanks for once again saying something that is irrelevant. Yes they set RRP or SRP, but you cannot refer to them like you currently are without actually having recently sold them at that price.

        • +1

          @IceCreamBandit: > "or the RRP does not reflect a current market price."

          I respect other people's right to their opinion. This is not an argument in any way, just a healthy discussion in my opinion. But let's be fair.

          Amazon UK $74.42
          Amazon USA $67.81
          GameSeek $69.34
          PlayAsia $71.90
          The Nile $89.14
          Unnamed ebay seller in UK for around $116

          I'm really not wanting to get into a mathematical debate here (!)…however, for the sake of an average, (I know the mathematical complexity of this is beyond the scope of this discussion) if we take the above retailers to be operating in the market, as they are, and to thereby be a part of what will determine the "market price", then assuming all things are equal (yes, difficult to determine) the average of the above retailers prices is $81.44. I'm not making a value judgement on what they're selling for, or why, just reflecting what the internet shows everybody who has access, what other competitors are saying the market price really is. Again, I'm not arguing with you :) this is in no way personal, I don't know you, you don't know me, we're just people doing our job, or reading our phone, or having dinner, or whatever. But since you put me on the spot, I felt clarifying what you're claiming the ACCC is saying in your previous statement in terms of the actual verifiable data was possibly more important than my opinion. I hope this helps someone, somewhere :)

        • +2


          This is not an argument in any way, just a healthy discussion in my opinion.

          It would be healthier if you addressed my concern.

          You chose to quote the second half of a statement separated by the word "or". The full statement being:

          Misleading prices may include ‘savings’ or ‘discount’ statements when compared to the recommended retail price (RRP), but the goods have never been sold at the RRP or the RRP does not reflect a current market price.

          Yes your price is comparable to current market prices, but those businesses are shipping from UK/US/Europe so shipping fees are greatly heightened so there's no huge surprise being cheaper than someone who has to ship the product half way around the world.

          What you've chosen to ignore is the first half of the statement before the "or".

          You are misleading by including a strike-through RRP price on your page, "discount" statement if you will, which shows a price that you have not sold the product at before. You have only previously sold it for $62

          The "or" in the ACCC statement is of huge importance here and you are still misleading consumers under the guidelines of the ACCC.

          For example, the Nintendo 3DS (since that's the console this deal is for) has a warranty statement that states:

          This warranty does not cover defects in the Product that are caused by accidental damage, your and/or any third party’s negligence, unreasonable use, modification, use with products not supplied, licensed or authorised for use with the Product by Nintendo (including, but not limited to, non-licensed game enhancements, copier devices…

          The warranty won't cover you if any of the "or" conditions have been fulfilled, just like how you've chosen to mislead consumers by the misuse of an RRP.

          It no longer matters that your price is comparable to market prices, as you are still misleading customers. It is astounding that you refuse to acknowledge this.

  • +4

    Terrible, yet again from this guy

    • Maybe I should start working for one of the competitors!

      • maybe you should….would kill their business.

  • +2

    this game came out in 2012… no deal

    • Not the newest, true. Not something we can change :) without having it re-manufactured! May I ask though: would you prefer something newer, or is something older at a lower price better?

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